Topic: Why use religion if one knows common sense | |
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Wed 02/18/09 06:53 AM
Why use religion if one knows common sense?
"Don't do that what you don't want done to you". So in the end think about this. Don't hit someone if you don't like the pain yourself if someone hitted you. Don't steal something if you don't want your things to be stolen. Don't do anything that hurts you or makes you sick later. Don't wish anyone bad if you don't want anyone to wish bad of you. (I know unavoidable at times when someone wishes you bad - yet two wrongs doesn't make one right some say) Don't lie if you don't want to be lied to. Don't murder or kill if you don't want to be murdered or killed. Wouldn't this be common sense for most people? yet if it isn't common sense then perhaps I can understand why religion is important for some who had no rolemodels or guidance while growing up, even though some religions are really dangerous advice and controversial. yet one could just create the world's smallest book and put in "Don't do that what you don't want done to you." and presto finished that golden rule should help you understand how to live a pleasant life Whatever is negative shouldn't be practiced because you don't want them done to you. yet still we have over thousand page religious documents that tell the rights from wrongs and still we have billions of people studying it and taking in the information wholeheartingly believing this is how one should live. As a non-religious person for all of my life who was completely ignorant from any religion, primarily because I had other interests, I lived under one golden rule that had helped me have compassion, understanding, curiosity, and good will to do good in this world to the best of my ability. that rule "Don't do that what you don't want done to you." What religion or spiritual path does that phrase come from? No idea - yet I bet every religion in te world will claim that phrase but in the end It made me a good person and live a solid life thus far. so please by all means "Don't do things that you wouldn't want done to you." and live a good life by being helpful, kind, ensuring, cheerful, loving, and understanding to your fellow brother and sister of 6.6 billion people. |
I am a strict follower of "the golden rule". I also believe in karma, so this goes without saying.
Yep...common sense. We shouldnt need a book to tell us what is right and wrong. It's simply common sense. Don't take another life, don't steal, don't cheat, etc... Kinda interesting how abuse and rape are not mentioned in the ten commandments, and was so popular in biblical times. |
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Wed 02/18/09 07:38 AM
No religion can claim that phrase, nor any other like it.
Me being spiritual, and faithful to love and my better judgement, is what makes me follow that rule. Religion is wrong, and against God. They are all against one another, even the different denominations of the same religion. So obviously none of them are "right". Religion was a tool used by Satan to control mankind, and a tool used by the men in power to control the less fortunate people. Religion was created by Satan to drive mankind apart from one another. So, when mankind got ahold of it, they used it as a societal control system to scare people into obeying their goverments. Faith is the only true "religion", for lack of a better word. God is God, Eternal and never changing, like true faith is. Religions change, or a new one is created, these are not traits of God. They are traits of men. It is because of religion, or just plain lack of faith in God or oneself, that people do not uphold the golden rule. Instead of living by "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", religion and faithlessness tend to make people live by the **** brown rule, "Do unto others before they do unto you". God didn't allow Satan to create religion to confuse us, He allowed it so that we could discern for ourselves what He wants us to believe. It is mankind that uses religion against one another, to deceive those who are young or gullable, to corrupt them into doing the will of their teachers. I'd say that about 96% of "preachers", or religious leaders, only take the job to steal from, lie to, and gain a cult-like following of the people that foolishly think they have to goto a building to goto church. To me the best preachers are the crazy lookin bum's you see on the side of the street preaching to noone. Because a true minister of God does'nt make, nor need, money. God says, "Go ye into all the world and preach my gospel to every living creature", not "Go ye into this one little spot in the world and make a business called church and rob gullable people of their souls and money". Religion is by-far the worst thing to ever happen to God's Church. |
Although some believe religion is the greatest thing that has ever happened to them.
They lead great lives without hurting others. So perhaps religion has different effects on each individual in the long run I am sure at least for me that "Don't do that what you don't want done to you". is a effective golden rule to live by without having to follow any religous or spiritual organization. and may you live in peace and coexist in peace with every type of human being that lives on this planet as it is the most important mission that humans will ever have. |
common sense (along with common courtesy) isn't that common anymore. people are more and more looking out for #1 and not thinking at all about others.
i wish people would use there heads and hearts more. |
what is "religion" except a "mind" that first think there is a "rule" of good, and so FOLLOW it, which make self create it's one religion of one, or a few, or of many???
what be more the creation of any religious perception, except the fear that come from self preservation, that only do good because it "wish not" bad to come back to itself??? if the human brain does anything for the FEAR of a consequence, it show self only follow a belief to preserve itself, and this in itself will blind the naked eye to what has the ability to destroy itself??? if a man steal from one, and oneself has stolen, than a "law of forgiveness" will be "forced" upon self by the mind itself, only showing self still fear retribution from it's own current or former acts, which show it only seek good to avoid bad for itself, which is no pure motive at all??? the only pure thing that exist is what see it's own GREATEST motive at all times, AS THERE BE MANY MOTIVE OF SELF, BUT ONLY "ONE" THAT BUILD ALL THE OTHER'S??? what that is just does not wish for the consequences of it's own actions to come to itself??? if one stike down a neighbor, and does not LONG AND EMBRACE IT'S OWN CONSEQUENCES, it will most DEFEND OTHER'S THAT STIKE ANOTHER SOMEONE??? religion be only a religious perception, a mind that reside in GUILT of itself, which will make self run in fear from it's own SELF, so FORGIVES OTHER'S for this reason, not seeing doing this is ALLOWING AND PURPOSING MORE EVIL FROM OTHER'S TO DONE UNTO MANY MORE OTHER'S??? the parodox of what self cannot see it it seek to preserve itself, is as great as the infinite knowing of the universe??? the only true freedom is facing the wind, the terrible, the scary, the worst fear one has FOR ITSELF AND WELCOMING THEM, as such remove the fear of death and many things, that enslave to a perpetual sight of only seeing all things THRU TWO EYE'S ALONE??? to see thru the EYES OF MANY GIVE ONE THE HAPPINESS OF MANY??? the more EYE'S ONE SEE'S THRU, NOT FILTERING IT THRU WHAT "SELF WOULD BE" TO SAY SUCH, THE GREATER THE SEEING, EVEN UNTO INFINITE SIGHT IN SHORT TIME??? sight that see fear of ANYTHING IS SELF TELLING SELF WHAT TO LOOK "INTO" TO FIND FREEDOM, find freedom quickly??? what be "religion" except holding to any "thinking", so now a "belief", of ANYTHING for the purpose of making self good, or smart, or better, or safe, or protected, or wiser??? piece |
the thing about religion is that it helps for people to have something to believe in . the problem is some people use religion as a crutch . do onto otheres as you would have them do onto you is common sense because because it has bee taught by every religion not just christianity . without religion common sense would not exist . but we dont realize it because we have always been taught it . but it did start with religion.