Topic: I wonder why... | |
I am wondering why people have a hard time conveying opposing opinions
in a productive and peaceful way.It is my goal, pro or con, no matter what... let us see ourselves as kind teachers to each other...let us learn to be taught,...and let us have our own indivuality and be able to express it in a positive and nurturing way.It is disheartening to see the attacks of a person simply because they believe differently than another.We all have the right to walk away with our dignity intact. |
we are human creative......and we do have off days some more than others ...........alas guilty as charged.... when people speak from the heart I have nothing bad to say. when it is non stop logic..... and lectures.........i ask what are they afraid of feeling that everything is analized to death??? just a thought |
cs -- I have spent some time in the religion forums, and I can tell you
the biggest problem there is that some people KNOW EVERYTHING AND ARE NEVER WRONG! I think the real obstacle to constructive disagreement is the way these people refuse to consider any other viewpoint than THEIRS! The guy who makes an endless stream of claims that "this is true and this is true and this other thing has been proven false" and refuses to discuss any sort of documentation for any of his statements. The guy who pulls "knowledge" out of his rectum rather than actually bother to do any research. These people generally all make the mistake of treating THEIR opinions (no matter how half-baked or baseless) as FACT, while everyone else's must necessarily be wrong. There is no option of further learning for the man who knows EVERYTHING! I find it amusing, to tell you the truth, that these people can be so CONVINCED that they are right, on subjects involving religion, politics, etc. -- you could find absolute proof tomorrow that they were wrong, show it to them, and they would never back down from their positions. It is the inability to learn, the inability to be flexible, the inability to treat others as individuals with a right to differing opinions, that causes the problem you speak of.... In my opinion....! |
I for one almost left here a couple of weeks ago because I offended
someone, but had a few of my friends talk me out of it, I Will speak from my heart on hear, I am not a mean person, and do not mean to offend but if it does so be it, I am going to be me, and will not change, to old for that. I have a lot of friends on here that know me for whomI am, and I guess that is who ya'll will get like it or not. Thats the wat I look at i anyways |
we have become polarized in this country..too many labels
thrown in our face...are you red state or blue....liberal or conservative...prolife...prochoice....progun..anti gun... you express yourself and its like people go thru their checklist to see which label fits...and they put you in that box... frustrating eh?.... |
no divinchi only some do that.........
i like to hear people speak from the heart not the text books......... |
Tulip, that was not directed at ANYONE in have been
kind to me, and made me feel welcome from early on. I just wish for people to open their eyes up to the idea that we are all entitled to believe what we do.Differences in people should be celebrated. I mean, one does not have to do anything, but I hold little value in a person's word, if that person makes habit of brow-beating a lesser skilled writer, kinda like a cyber-bully...compensating for something in themselves? I wish for all to be open-minded and kind.We can all learn from one another, let us do it with patience and virtue. I am by no means perfect...far from it, but I do try to create a better person inside of myself as time passes. Just as we all can learn...we all can teach. Sharing teaches without the class knowing...Live Laugh Love |
i didn't take it personal creative just answering the Q was all I like
your posts at least you speak from the heart. not blah blah blah and that person and this person..... love ur posts silly now can i use your sleeve to get the brown stuff off my nose.... |
You are always kind to me 'Tulip...
So much talent in this bestills me...truly bestills If we can all be so creative in our damning language, why can we not find it in our hearts to be so creative in our support of the right to believe whatever we choose? |
One man cannot argue with himself...
Creative - I knew I liked you! Kindred soul and thinker.
In my opinion....The short answer is EGO People looking for reasons to be offended. People having to be right. The clinging fast to the idea of separate and competition. I read once that the longest journey that a human will make is the 16 inches from their head to their heart. The ego lives in the head and is the "who we think we are" The 'who' of us lives in the heart. Yes we need both...but ideally without ego. Without ego, the rest of the world's problems go away. I am on a mission to dismantle mine. It is why I am grateful for the ones who push my buttons. They show me that the button exists so I can get rid of it. For so many though, the pushing of buttons sends them into a territorial stance and one of needing to be right. I love the open dialogue. My thought and perceptions are just that. Mine. If they resonate with someone they will pick pieces up. If they don't they can lay on the ground. It matters not. I am right ... for me. I don't expect to be right for you...nor do I feel the need to convince you. Each of us must decide that for ourselves. Our truth. Our perception. We are mirrors and teachers for one another. For that I say thank you to each of you who has crossed my path. You show me! |
Thank you Artsygurl... you already know that you have taught me, as has
most here.There is so much we can learn...if we choose to be a student. There is so much we can teach...even if we know not that we are teaching. |
I also agree with Davinci ... we are a culture that likes to label
things and people. We like to build boxes around them and don't like it when people don't conform to the labels we assign. Creative...a man may not be able to argue with himself but this woman sure can....maybe it is my pisces nature but I am of two minds about almost everything.... weeeeeeee welcome to the funhouse! Just imagine picking a movie to go see |
Artgurl you bestill my heart, couldn't have put it better myself, oh,
open your eyes so we can see them, eyes are the window to your soul, and we are looking closely lol. |
artgurl your so right.hugs
hus ya back Jax
well, I have to agree with to why someone needs to teach and
analyze so much...I think it is because what they are teaching is what they need to learn themselves. |
I simply speak the love that is stored up in my heart...
I respect and appreciate everyones input... |
I agree with much of what has been said. But i cant help but think of a
colleague of mine who is one of those this is the way it has always been done and you are wrong for wanting to try a new way. So i think a fear of change has something to do with it. And an inability for some to give up the me-monkey mentality and realize there are others in the world. Personally, i love to hear various opinions and respect them. I just ask for the same courtesy. |