Topic: 10,000 New American Jobs Announced in the State of...
Fanta46's photo
Fri 02/13/09 10:00 AM
It is our time. A new American president was sworn in today and has called on our nation to pull together to put the country back on track – now. Carbon Motors Corporation is doing its part by providing our first responders the proper equipment they so sorely need, planning to reduce the nation’s 1.5 billion gallons of fuel its law enforcement fleet consumes and 14 million tons of C02 it emits every year by up to 40%, and by being the high impact catalyst to create 10,000 new direct and indirect American jobs – all fitting squarely with the direction of the new Obama administration.

But where is this all going to happen? It has been a question that we have been tackling for a very long time….

There is some unwritten rule somewhere that says site location negotiations and discussions need to be held behind closed doors. We are in a new age of much needed transparency, though. The product that we are developing is for the good of our country, and specifically law enforcement. It affects everyone at the local, state, and federal levels, across every college campus, at every airport, at every border, and at every port. In order for all this to occur, a strong public/private partnership is required and it is your hard earned taxpayer monies at stake.

For these reasons we are bucking the trend and will share openly our progress with you over the next days, weeks, and (hopefully not too many) months. As a preview of what is ahead, we will share the challenges with Georgia, as well as the opportunities in Florida, South Carolina, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and North Carolina at the very least. It is important that all of us be held to account – elected, appointed, or otherwise in how we deal with our nation’s challenges. Perhaps nothing more than a bit of sunlight, transparency, and open collaboration will not cure.

We have been approached by many others, formally and informally, including but not limited to, Ohio, Arkansas, Kentucky, West Virginia, New Hampshire, and Missouri. We are trying to be careful on how we approach these, be respectful of the time communities spend in assessing the opportunity, and will continue the quest to get this major decision made in short order – the location of the Carbon Campus which will house the headquarters, research & development center, production center, showroom, service training, and vehicle evaluation track.

Over 1,000 law enforcement agencies have expressed an interest in purchasing the Carbon E7 and are waiting for us (i.e., want the car yesterday), we want and need to do our part in terms of job creation, and frankly the country needs some good news – we hope that we can be a part of the revitalization of the industrial sector in America. But we are looking for and need a welcoming and strong community that will a good partner, with solid business and technical merits, values the efforts being put forth, and wants to not read about history but be a key player in writing history during this transformational period in our country.

Stay tuned…

Good News!!!!drinker

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 02/13/09 10:06 AM

It is our time. A new American president was sworn in today and has called on our nation to pull together to put the country back on track – now. Carbon Motors Corporation is doing its part by providing our first responders the proper equipment they so sorely need, planning to reduce the nation’s 1.5 billion gallons of fuel its law enforcement fleet consumes and 14 million tons of C02 it emits every year by up to 40%, and by being the high impact catalyst to create 10,000 new direct and indirect American jobs – all fitting squarely with the direction of the new Obama administration.

But where is this all going to happen? It has been a question that we have been tackling for a very long time….

There is some unwritten rule somewhere that says site location negotiations and discussions need to be held behind closed doors. We are in a new age of much needed transparency, though. The product that we are developing is for the good of our country, and specifically law enforcement. It affects everyone at the local, state, and federal levels, across every college campus, at every airport, at every border, and at every port. In order for all this to occur, a strong public/private partnership is required and it is your hard earned taxpayer monies at stake.

For these reasons we are bucking the trend and will share openly our progress with you over the next days, weeks, and (hopefully not too many) months. As a preview of what is ahead, we will share the challenges with Georgia, as well as the opportunities in Florida, South Carolina, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and North Carolina at the very least. It is important that all of us be held to account – elected, appointed, or otherwise in how we deal with our nation’s challenges. Perhaps nothing more than a bit of sunlight, transparency, and open collaboration will not cure.

We have been approached by many others, formally and informally, including but not limited to, Ohio, Arkansas, Kentucky, West Virginia, New Hampshire, and Missouri. We are trying to be careful on how we approach these, be respectful of the time communities spend in assessing the opportunity, and will continue the quest to get this major decision made in short order – the location of the Carbon Campus which will house the headquarters, research & development center, production center, showroom, service training, and vehicle evaluation track.

Over 1,000 law enforcement agencies have expressed an interest in purchasing the Carbon E7 and are waiting for us (i.e., want the car yesterday), we want and need to do our part in terms of job creation, and frankly the country needs some good news – we hope that we can be a part of the revitalization of the industrial sector in America. But we are looking for and need a welcoming and strong community that will a good partner, with solid business and technical merits, values the efforts being put forth, and wants to not read about history but be a key player in writing history during this transformational period in our country.

Stay tuned…

Good News!!!!drinker

glasses interestingglasses

Fanta46's photo
Fri 02/13/09 10:08 PM
More green technologies to come!drinker smokin

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 09:01 AM
somehow, i would still expect for good old fashioned pork politics to figure into what state gets the jobs.