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Topic: Be myyyyyyyyyyyy VALENTINE
drew1on79's photo
Fri 02/13/09 08:48 AM
Hello guys and girls this is a hip place to talk about the guy^s or girl^s that are going to be with you on the big V-DAY so go on tell us what are your plan^s on the big day and for all those kats out there that don^t have no one feel free to join in and who knows maybe you will find true love on here if not maybe a brand new friend.

lilith401's photo
Fri 02/13/09 08:54 AM
Hip??? noway

no photo
Fri 02/13/09 08:55 AM
I've begun dating a fellow I met on here, and this will be the first V-day fellow I've had in 12 years.
I'm having him, his mom, my 13 y/o, my 22 y/o, her husband and their baby over for a pot roast dinner tomorrow night. Wooooo hoooooo!!! happy

drew1on79's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:00 AM
wooow sounds like alot of love there i hope that after all those years that this years v-day will be the best one ever for you

no photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:01 AM

wooow sounds like alot of love there i hope that after all those years that this years v-day will be the best one ever for you

Thanks!!! It's pretty weird!! I'm used to just getting kitty cat & brat kisses!!! smooched blushing bigsmile

no photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:03 AM
I will be spending the entire weekend with the loves of my grandchildrenbigsmile bigsmile :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:03 AM

drew1on79's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:05 AM
yes hip you know go out there and Shake a Tail Feather show or tell someone that i love you but go out there and have some fun dont be sad if you work tell someone at work i love you or if your planing to stay home tell someone online that i love you

buffry's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:07 AM
I'm spending Valentines with the love of my life...her name is Chloe and she is four! Can't get any better than that, hehe!flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:09 AM
Is it Sunday yet?

drew1on79's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:09 AM

tessa68's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:14 AM
well, i will spend my valentine's day online with the nice and happy go lucky guy i met here in love love

Seakolony's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:19 AM
I will be working!! :wink:

drew1on79's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:21 AM
who is this guy your talking about tessa

tessa68's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:23 AM
why you areshocked shocked shocked asking?

drew1on79's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:26 AM
just wondering no big deal if you tell me or not just be sure to tell him you love him

kojack's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:29 AM
I'll be working all weekend, but sent someone I just met a V-day giftbox of goodies

Fade2Black's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:30 AM
Wellllll I HAD a V-date love .. but seemed he confused which day we were gonna go out, sooooooooooo he wanted to do it Sunday.

Sorry. Not workin for me.

You snooze you lose. Already busy Sunday.

drinks drinks drinks drinks

I will spend the day with my kids .. we be rockin :banana: and baking for my son's bake sale to earn money for a missions trip he is doing this summer love

tessa68's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:31 AM

just wondering no big deal if you tell me or not just be sure to tell him you love him

love? I think so but too scared to let him know, coz I think its too early for us to be in that level....but we do get along well and so happy with each other without drama....he is really one of a kind!

drew1on79's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:32 AM

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