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Topic: What makes you tingle? What makes you pout?
ProteinGirl's photo
Mon 03/09/09 04:58 PM
Tingle: anticipation
Pout: stood up

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 03/09/09 06:49 PM

Tingle: anticipation
Pout: stood up

misstina2's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:07 PM
A kiss with tongue or a kiss without as long as are lips are touching bothsmooched

What makes you tingle? yousmitten

What makes you pout? not having what I want now:cry:

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:12 PM

A kiss with tongue or a kiss without as long as are lips are touching bothsmooched

What makes you tingle? yousmitten

What makes you pout? not having what I want now:cry:

no photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:13 PM

Without at first, then build up to with

Tingle- Long slow kisses


Pout - when the kiss stops and it's time to go.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:14 PM

Without at first, then build up to with

Tingle- Long slow kisses


Pout - when the kiss stops and it's time to go.

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