Topic: Religion of Evolutionism? What? | |
I stumbled on this site and read the article, and thought since when did evolution become a religion? And what's up with dinosaurs on Noah's arc? Having gone to catholic school of course I never heard of dinosaurs on Noah's arc, how the heck could anyone fit dinosaurs on an arc, forget the idea that two of every thing on earth went also, which seems highly ridiculous. Though I must say the whole idea of Noah's arc seemed pretty bizarre to me even as a kid. If creation science began in 1986, why do they think their idea is more powerful then science? I am so confused by all this new stuff happening while I was busy getting away from religion. Wasn't there a whole stretch of time that Christians didn't believe in dinosaurs? Is creation science a Baptist thing. It seems that the Baptists get into all kinds of things, or are other's involved? |
| I stumbled on this site and read the article, and thought since when did evolution become a religion? And what's up with dinosaurs on Noah's arc? Having gone to catholic school of course I never heard of dinosaurs on Noah's arc, how the heck could anyone fit dinosaurs on an arc, forget the idea that two of every thing on earth went also, which seems highly ridiculous. Though I must say the whole idea of Noah's arc seemed pretty bizarre to me even as a kid. If creation science began in 1986, why do they think their idea is more powerful then science? I am so confused by all this new stuff happening while I was busy getting away from religion. Wasn't there a whole stretch of time that Christians didn't believe in dinosaurs? Is creation science a Baptist thing. It seems that the Baptists get into all kinds of things, or are other's involved? Evolution is not a religion. Religious would like to call it so but it is not. I believe when faced with the questions that science brings into play the religious had to form some kind of explanation. It still will not fit with the picture of the book they want to pass off as fact but they will believe anyway. |
I think its funny that the religious would try to disparage something by saying it is like . . . . . them.
Never understood this line of reasoning, probably because its idiotic. |
Edited by
Wed 02/11/09 07:12 AM
| I stumbled on this site and read the article, and thought since when did evolution become a religion? And what's up with dinosaurs on Noah's arc? Having gone to catholic school of course I never heard of dinosaurs on Noah's arc, how the heck could anyone fit dinosaurs on an arc, forget the idea that two of every thing on earth went also, which seems highly ridiculous. Though I must say the whole idea of Noah's arc seemed pretty bizarre to me even as a kid. If creation science began in 1986, why do they think their idea is more powerful then science? I am so confused by all this new stuff happening while I was busy getting away from religion. Wasn't there a whole stretch of time that Christians didn't believe in dinosaurs? Is creation science a Baptist thing. It seems that the Baptists get into all kinds of things, or are other's involved? Mainly Baptist, and the overall evangelical pockets, it is nothing other than a Fundamentalistic PROTEST and RESISTANCE phenomenon within the PROTESTANT church, against industrial age modernism. It gave birth in the late 19th beginning of 20th, in the US and GB, to 'Fundamentalist Evangelicalism'. EXCERPT FROM 'WIKKI' : Fundamentalist Christianity, also known as Christian Fundamentalism or Fundamentalist Evangelicalism, is a movement that arose mainly within British and American Protestantism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries among conservative evangelical Christians, who, in a reaction to modernism, actively affirmed a fundamental set of Christian beliefs: the inerrancy of the Bible, Sola Scriptura, the virgin birth of Christ, the doctrine of substitutionary atonement, the bodily resurrection of Jesus, and the imminent personal return of Jesus Christ. Some who hold these beliefs reject the label of "fundamentalism," seeing it as a pejorative term for historic Christian doctrine[1] while to others it has become a banner of pride. Such Christians prefer to use the term fundamental as opposed to fundamentalist (i.e. Independent Fundamental Baptist, Independent Fundamental Baptist Association of Michigan, and Independent Fundamental Churches of America. (read the rest and lots more on fundamentalism) The reality 'Boo2u', is that this pocket of resistance against reality, represents roughly 0,00262% of the known christian population of the world, and is concentrated in 'fly-over' states in the US. How is it that they occupy so much of the center floor, you might ask??? 1) They are extremely well funded; ... yes, some religious fundamentalist fanatics have been known to have taken advantage of the financial winfalls of 'modernism' in spite of their beliefs, 2) They represent a 'monolithic' group of votes through their cool-aid like, 'bible-inerrancy' mantra, and Reagan was the first President of 'modern times' to identify and exploit the political opportunity that this cool-aid group represented: throw in 'pro-life', 'pro-family', 'Pro-creation', 'Pro-guns', 'Pro-bible-god', and you get them all. Nothing else like it in teh fragmented political landscape of 'modern' US politics. You can imagine the political lottery on the one hand!!! ... but you wake on the other hand with a social monster which the man (Reagan) has helped create, and that the Republican party is now trying to 'detox' itself from. I was raised catholic also. Throughout my youth, I thought catholicism (or the only religion I knew) was retrograde. Faced today with this 'fundamentalist-bible-inerrant-apologetist' dogma, has altered my view of catholicism. Compared to the fundamentalists, catholics almost come across as 'enlightened' and 'open-minded'. To think that it could be conceivable in 2009, to live one's life according to the 'word-for-word' rules one 'interprets' out of a 2000+ year old book of paraboles, stories, and fables, is unthinkable, inconceivable and downright demoralizing!!! The only light through all this, is the extent of the freedoms our 'MODERN' Western, CHURCH STATE separated democracies affords all. Ironically, what the 'bible-inerrant-fundamentalists' are against: ... a social fabric, governed by a state that is completely separated from church or religious dogma, ... is the very construct that allows and affords them their religious DELUSIONAL freedom. But remember 'boo2u', lots of US centric noise, but only 0,00262% of the whole christian world population!!! That helps put the delusion in its right perspective. |
I think its funny that the religious would try to disparage something by saying it is like . . . . . them. Never understood this line of reasoning, probably because its idiotic. Truly. I have to laugh at religious people to try to make the argument that evolution is nothing more than 'faith-based'. ![]() If that's a good reason to denounce something than what's they say about religion? Also, if people are going to place their faith in something why would they want to place their faith in a story that claims that all of humanity (including them!) have turned against our creator and have been so horrible in our behavior that our creator had to have his son nailed to a pole and that only those who are willing to accept this 'gift' will be saved from eternal damnation? I mean, of all the things to want to place our faith in I think that would be the last thing on my list. Moreover, Christians actually act like they would be sad or disappointed to discover that the Bible is just man-made myths. But why? Why would ANYONE be disappointed to discover that it's all a lie that we fell from grace from our creator and he had to have his son nailed to a pole. It seems to me that even Christians would want to rejoice with euphoria to know that it was all a lie. Anyone who would be disappointed would need to be a seriously demented person. ![]() The recognition that the Biblical story is false was one of the greatest things I've ever experienced. I'm truly relieved to know that it's false, and not on a personal level either, but for all of humanity and even for God! If the Bible is true, that can only mean that God is truly pathetic. So let's all a faith that it's nothing more than a false dogma of men. That really should be EASY to believe in the face of how horrible God would need to be if it were true. As am ex-Christian I jump for joy in the knowledge that it was all false. |
Well, the part that had me laffing was:
One last Ark-related protest that, amazingly, I keep hearing (it truly boggles my mind how Evolutionism has made people this confused about Creation Science): "How could the T-rex be both on the Ark and fossilized in the Flood?" If you haven't already figured this out by now, the simple answer is that only two T-rex were taken on the Ark from a much larger pre-Flood population of T-rex. The wicked ones left behind were the ones fossilized. Guh? :::boggle::: Maybe only the "wicked ones" were carnivorous, while the vegetarian T-Rex's attended synogague every Sabbath and gave the little boys and girls Dino Rides? -Kerry O., "See, I told you if you weren't a good little T-rex you'd get fossilized!" |
| I stumbled on this site and read the article, and thought since when did evolution become a religion? And what's up with dinosaurs on Noah's arc? Having gone to catholic school of course I never heard of dinosaurs on Noah's arc, how the heck could anyone fit dinosaurs on an arc, forget the idea that two of every thing on earth went also, which seems highly ridiculous. Though I must say the whole idea of Noah's arc seemed pretty bizarre to me even as a kid. If creation science began in 1986, why do they think their idea is more powerful then science? I am so confused by all this new stuff happening while I was busy getting away from religion. Wasn't there a whole stretch of time that Christians didn't believe in dinosaurs? Is creation science a Baptist thing. It seems that the Baptists get into all kinds of things, or are other's involved? What makes you think "Creation Science" began in 1986? Do you think the idea of "creation" is a new one? Why couldn't two dinausaur eggs fit on the ark? Do you know why "dinausaurs" aren't in the bible? |
| I stumbled on this site and read the article, and thought since when did evolution become a religion? And what's up with dinosaurs on Noah's arc? Having gone to catholic school of course I never heard of dinosaurs on Noah's arc, how the heck could anyone fit dinosaurs on an arc, forget the idea that two of every thing on earth went also, which seems highly ridiculous. Though I must say the whole idea of Noah's arc seemed pretty bizarre to me even as a kid. If creation science began in 1986, why do they think their idea is more powerful then science? I am so confused by all this new stuff happening while I was busy getting away from religion. Wasn't there a whole stretch of time that Christians didn't believe in dinosaurs? Is creation science a Baptist thing. It seems that the Baptists get into all kinds of things, or are other's involved? Evolution is not a religion. Religious would like to call it so but it is not. I believe when faced with the questions that science brings into play the religious had to form some kind of explanation. It still will not fit with the picture of the book they want to pass off as fact but they will believe anyway. If evolution isn't a reliigon. What is "a religion"? |
| I stumbled on this site and read the article, and thought since when did evolution become a religion? And what's up with dinosaurs on Noah's arc? Having gone to catholic school of course I never heard of dinosaurs on Noah's arc, how the heck could anyone fit dinosaurs on an arc, forget the idea that two of every thing on earth went also, which seems highly ridiculous. Though I must say the whole idea of Noah's arc seemed pretty bizarre to me even as a kid. If creation science began in 1986, why do they think their idea is more powerful then science? I am so confused by all this new stuff happening while I was busy getting away from religion. Wasn't there a whole stretch of time that Christians didn't believe in dinosaurs? Is creation science a Baptist thing. It seems that the Baptists get into all kinds of things, or are other's involved? Evolution is not a religion. Religious would like to call it so but it is not. I believe when faced with the questions that science brings into play the religious had to form some kind of explanation. It still will not fit with the picture of the book they want to pass off as fact but they will believe anyway. If evolution isn't a reliigon. What is "a religion"? Evolution is the study of the change of biological creatures on this planet from time, environment and biological need. Religion is the belief in unprovable set of doctrine intertwined with a story designed by men for the purpose of controlling the masses. |
Why couldn't two dinausaur eggs fit on the ark?
You cant have dinosaurs on the ark. Which species? How about the Velociraptor ? Yeah you want to have the kind with 8 inch talons of course that were used as slashing weapons; its assumed that they cut and disemboweled their prey. Put that on the ark with a bunch of animals and human cargo. ![]() |
Why couldn't two dinausaur eggs fit on the ark?
You cant have dinosaurs on the ark. Which species? How about the Velociraptor ? Yeah you want to have the kind with 8 inch talons of course that were used as slashing weapons; its assumed that they cut and disemboweled their prey. Put that on the ark with a bunch of animals and human cargo. ![]() LOL, you would have guaranteed the only thing climbing off the ark when it hit land was the |
Edited by
Wed 02/11/09 03:56 PM
| I stumbled on this site and read the article, and thought since when did evolution become a religion? And what's up with dinosaurs on Noah's arc? Having gone to catholic school of course I never heard of dinosaurs on Noah's arc, how the heck could anyone fit dinosaurs on an arc, forget the idea that two of every thing on earth went also, which seems highly ridiculous. Though I must say the whole idea of Noah's arc seemed pretty bizarre to me even as a kid. If creation science began in 1986, why do they think their idea is more powerful then science? I am so confused by all this new stuff happening while I was busy getting away from religion. Wasn't there a whole stretch of time that Christians didn't believe in dinosaurs? Is creation science a Baptist thing. It seems that the Baptists get into all kinds of things, or are other's involved? What makes you think "Creation Science" began in 1986? Do you think the idea of "creation" is a new one? Why couldn't two dinausaur eggs fit on the ark? Do you know why "dinausaurs" aren't in the bible? Creation as you mean it 'Eljay', is a product of your faith in 'bible inerrancy', and by full extension, your 'word-for-word' belief in the 'STORY' of Genesis, which everyone can read as a story in the bible, but that you choose to beleive VERBATIM. You are either deceiving knowingly or unknowinfly, when you purposely mix-up ... 'creation science', which doesn't exist in any way shape or form, with ... the 'idea of creation' which in christian terms, is the product of the 'STORY' of Genesis, in the bible, a faith based book and story. I can write 'flying elephant' right here and right now 'Eljay'. That will not cause the elephant to grow wings and start flying anytime soon. My faith and my beliefs of supernatural nature, are not meant to interact directly with the natural world. And yet that is what a lot of humans are compulsively insisting FAITH SHOULD DO!!! That is a huge reduction act, and most unfair to universal FAITH. It is high noon for humanity to wake-up and evolve that distinction into existence. Faith-Fact paradox. |
| I stumbled on this site and read the article, and thought since when did evolution become a religion? And what's up with dinosaurs on Noah's arc? Having gone to catholic school of course I never heard of dinosaurs on Noah's arc, how the heck could anyone fit dinosaurs on an arc, forget the idea that two of every thing on earth went also, which seems highly ridiculous. Though I must say the whole idea of Noah's arc seemed pretty bizarre to me even as a kid. If creation science began in 1986, why do they think their idea is more powerful then science? I am so confused by all this new stuff happening while I was busy getting away from religion. Wasn't there a whole stretch of time that Christians didn't believe in dinosaurs? Is creation science a Baptist thing. It seems that the Baptists get into all kinds of things, or are other's involved? What makes you think "Creation Science" began in 1986? Do you think the idea of "creation" is a new one? Why couldn't two dinausaur eggs fit on the ark? Do you know why "dinausaurs" aren't in the bible? Even if you answered each of those questions, why would I believe you, and not the zillion other preachings online and off? Matters little when it started, the fact that the whole thing started after the bible seems to indicate that those who believe it want to discount all other beliefs. It's all a bit strange to me. So then which is it, eggs or the dinasaur on the arc? And why should I believe you if you say it was an egg so that I believe it would be more likely that way? Sorry but you christians created this insanity by having a zillion different stories. And each of you deny the other's version. I'll bit, why aren't dinasaurs in the bible? Your version of course. |
Why couldn't two dinausaur eggs fit on the ark?
You cant have dinosaurs on the ark. Which species? How about the Velociraptor ? Yeah you want to have the kind with 8 inch talons of course that were used as slashing weapons; its assumed that they cut and disemboweled their prey. Put that on the ark with a bunch of animals and human cargo. ![]() LOL, you would have guaranteed the only thing climbing off the ark when it hit land was the ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 02/11/09 04:23 PM
And say they did have eggs. Who would make a nest for them and keep them warm until they hatched? You aren’t proposing they had the mother on board the arc also are you? So you would have to have an adult female to care for the eggs in a nest. She would have to be fed also, although some species of dinosaurs would sit on the nest and not eat until the eggs hatched. Then what are you going to do with baby dinosaurs on the arc? And how long would the gestation period be vs. how long the arc was at sea adrift?
![]() |
What makes you think "Creation Science" began in 1986? Do you think the idea of "creation" is a new one? Why couldn't two dinausaur eggs fit on the ark? Do you know why "dinausaurs" aren't in the bible? Alot of what Xians say is old is actually fairly new, for example, the concept of Original Sin started with St. Augustine; Seed Faith started circa 1958 with Oral Roberts and Word of Faith beliefs started at the turn of the 1900s borrowing heavily off of Science of the Mind. |