Topic: WNY
synergized's photo
Sat 02/07/09 09:54 AM
Hi all!
I have to admit I went to sneak a peek at some forums before I stepped in here. Ohhhhh is that cheating? hahahaha.

johncarl's photo
Sat 02/07/09 09:58 AM
you will do fine it is fun to talk in the forums. welcomewaving

Twitch's photo
Sat 02/07/09 10:02 AM

hello and welcome waving

hi JohnCarl

synergized's photo
Sat 02/07/09 10:06 AM

you will do fine it is fun to talk in the forums. welcomewaving

Thanks, I already have!

Hi twitch, thanks for replying

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 10:16 AM
waving :thumbsup:

GLG2009's photo
Sat 02/07/09 10:22 AM

Welcome to Mingle!

michiganman3's photo
Sat 02/07/09 02:12 PM
Welcome and have fun.

synergized's photo
Sat 02/07/09 02:55 PM