Topic: Life in Obamaland... | |
a few words from the Right...and may I add...OUCH !!...thats gonna leave a " Marx "
Evidently Obama the Whiner can’t work his socialistic voodoo if Rush Limbaugh keeps free thinking and running his mouth off. Dammit, Rush, you’re ruining Obama’s ability to cast his spell! Barack’s aversion to Rush reminds me of how my brother never liked using the Ouija board when I was around because my presence always “grieved the spirits.” Yep, if Limbaugh unleashes his First Amendment rights, the President cannot make manifest his mucked-up machinations he learned as a pup sitting in Saul Alinsky’s literary lap (which means that Obamaland cannot be built). This would be too funny if it wasn’t so pathetically sad and a prophetically bad precursor of the mitigating muzzle Obama would like to strap on the conservative mouth. In contrast to Obama’s bleat last week, hearken back to days of yore when 43 was in office. Dubya got some “work done,” if I’m not mistaken, and he had everybody and their rabid dog railing against him 24/7 from every conceivable sector of the MSM. Please note: Bush didn’t whine about it and call on the carping clods to cease and desist their vitriol because he couldn’t “kill terrorists if Keith keeps complaining.” Matter of fact, when GW was attacked the most viciously and the reporters asked what he thought about the rancor, he routinely said that his enemies’ ability to spew their insanity on their ubiquitous, poorly-rated sucky “news” shows is exactly what makes America great, i.e. the freedom to be an ass if you insist. Bush, for all his foibles, played a true cool hand with his critics, laughed when shoes were thrown at him and reveled in this thing that is about to go on the endangered species list in our nation—namely our freedom. Socialists like Obama, however, cannot work in an environment in which leaders and citizens do not do-si-do when he says so. Geez, the press corps can’t even toss him a question during a meet and greet without Barack getting testy. Therefore, Limbaugh, and all dissenters like him, must bow and kiss the ring or suffer vilification and marginalization for not being “bipartisan and tolerant.” I would rather bikini wax a sensitive and livid grizzly sow than be a “tolerant bipartisan” toward the bloated government, pro-death, anti-free market, crap on traditional values, socialism squared, nanny state policies Obama has floated in the last few days. For Barack and his buddies to accomplish the creation of Obamaland, they must level critics, rewrite records, become judge and jury of all things everywhere, homogenize cultures, pimp style over substance and deify power while they prop up the “victims of the system” to run their Circus Maximus. In Obamaland where truth is dead, muscle power becomes the operative standard of speech. The results are cultic conformity and group bullying. The chief orgasmic goal of the elders of Obamaland is to create a rock-solid environment of political correctness—with the intended end being the cowing of people who might rustle their feathers by not parroting their already tried (and been found wanting) opinions. They can’t allow people to speak and think freely because the realist and the truth dealer would pee on their little party. That’s exactly what Rush is doing, and I’ll think I’ll join him. Howzabout you? |
I stopped reading that diatribe at paragraph 2. Sorry. I guess you just want more of the same...and some bread lines.
I actually WOULD like to see some rich crooked bastards plummeting headlong to their deaths from high-rise buildings. Kinda like the Republicans have done to our economy. Or, more correctly, George Bush. I'd like to see some of that power of speaking just talking about how they're ALL crooks. ESPECIALLY Emporer Bush and Lord Cheney. Or have someone explain how KBR, Cheneys company, that he still has 500,000 shares in, got the worlds largest no-bid government contract(s) in history. And why, for the first time in history, private contractors (KBR), have to feed and house, fuel and basically manage our military. While you're at it, explain why, when Iran is on the list of terrorist nations that US companies are forbidden to work for, KBR was. And still is, after moving their company and headquarters to a middle-eastern country (Bahrain) and no longer pay ANY US taxes. I personally think political correctness and liberals are not so great, But they can't do worse than we've had the last 8 years. The problem IS the parties, not the people. 100 years ago every single member of Congress would have been shot for treason for selling our country out. Im for THAT. |
Shouldn't this have been posted in 'Jokes and Funny Stories' where it belongs?
Edited by
Sat 02/07/09 10:19 AM
Shouldn't this have been posted in 'Jokes and Funny Stories' where it belongs?
See? You were right, Gio. For Barack and his buddies to accomplish the creation of Obamaland, they must level critics, rewrite records, become judge and jury of all things everywhere, homogenize cultures, pimp style over substance and deify power while they prop up the “victims of the system” to run their Circus Maximus.
Well, written Gio, but I'm afraid, as indiated in the first line of the first response, it will fall on deaf ears.. They're so busy hating Bush and toiling in their own misery to notice that the Obama Administration is busy buying up a permanently government-dependent democrat electorate. After all the "Tax cuts" get passed the percentage of people not paying taxes will exceed 50%. Bye bye Jeffersonian Republic.. It was a good 232 years... |
The way I see it:
Bush worked 8 years on destroying YOUR Country, and now you are all complaining that Obama isn't able to rebuild in 2 weeks? You should get real for a change. |
The way I see it: Bush worked 8 years on destroying YOUR Country, and now you are all complaining that Obama isn't able to rebuild in 2 weeks? You should get real for a change. Bush and liberal repubs and dems, doubled the debt from 5 trillion to 10 trillion in 8 years, at the rate obama and the dems are will only take them 2 years to match that fete.. |
Shouldn't this have been posted in 'Jokes and Funny Stories' where it belongs?
See? You were right, Gio. For Barack and his buddies to accomplish the creation of Obamaland, they must level critics, rewrite records, become judge and jury of all things everywhere, homogenize cultures, pimp style over substance and deify power while they prop up the “victims of the system” to run their Circus Maximus.
Well, written Gio, but I'm afraid, as indiated in the first line of the first response, it will fall on deaf ears.. They're so busy hating Bush and toiling in their own misery to notice that the Obama Administration is busy buying up a permanently government-dependent democrat electorate. After all the "Tax cuts" get passed the percentage of people not paying taxes will exceed 50%. Bye bye Jeffersonian Republic.. It was a good 232 years... to avoid any confusion...and...for clarification...Doug Chiles penned these magnificent and meaninful words...not I...but...I wish I had... ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 02/07/09 11:50 AM
The way I see it: Bush worked 8 years on destroying YOUR Country, and now you are all complaining that Obama isn't able to rebuild in 2 weeks? You should get real for a change. Bush and liberal repubs and dems, doubled the debt from 5 trillion to 10 trillion in 8 years, at the rate obama and the dems are will only take them 2 years to match that fete.. Actually, it's feat, as fete is a party or a feast. But then, tell me, what did Bush leave for Obama to work on? Obama can't pay depth back with nothing, and he needs something to put into economy as well. So, how do you propose he does it with the less then nothing he has to start with? Will you pay it out of your own pocket? It would be only fair if he took it off the ones who made the money in the past 8 years, like Mr. Cheney, Mr. Bush, and associates, wouldn't it? And then all hell would break lose, because it would be all against the poor right wingers who spent 8 years hoarding federal money, wouldn't it? |
The way I see it: Bush worked 8 years on destroying YOUR Country, and now you are all complaining that Obama isn't able to rebuild in 2 weeks? You should get real for a change. Bush and liberal repubs and dems, doubled the debt from 5 trillion to 10 trillion in 8 years, at the rate obama and the dems are will only take them 2 years to match that fete.. Actually, it's feat, as fete is a party or a feast. But then, tell me, what did Bush leave for Obama to work on? Obama can't pay depth back with nothing, and he needs something to put into economy as well. So, how do you propose he does it with the less then nothing he has to start with? Will you pay it out of your own pocket? It would be only fair if he took it off the ones who made the money in the past 8 years, like Mr. Cheney, Mr. Bush, and associates, wouldn't it? And then all hell would break lose, because it would be all against the poor right wingers who spent 8 years hoarding federal money, wouldn't it? Oh so I guess when in Rome act like the Romans huh..I do not defend the overpsending that went on before, but when the Messiah Obama proclaimed that he had a new way of doing politics and would change the way things are done in washington...he just meant that he would do those same things only bigger?? I see, I do not defend those that spent our money on stupid things during the bush years, but you think that giving a tax break to those that actually pay federal income tax would be a smart move...not giving $500 dollars to those that don't..I am tired of all those that like to spend my hard earned money on things that they think I should spend it on.. |
The way I see it: Bush worked 8 years on destroying YOUR Country, and now you are all complaining that Obama isn't able to rebuild in 2 weeks? You should get real for a change. Bush and liberal repubs and dems, doubled the debt from 5 trillion to 10 trillion in 8 years, at the rate obama and the dems are will only take them 2 years to match that fete.. Actually, it's feat, as fete is a party or a feast. But then, tell me, what did Bush leave for Obama to work on? Obama can't pay depth back with nothing, and he needs something to put into economy as well. So, how do you propose he does it with the less then nothing he has to start with? Will you pay it out of your own pocket? It would be only fair if he took it off the ones who made the money in the past 8 years, like Mr. Cheney, Mr. Bush, and associates, wouldn't it? And then all hell would break lose, because it would be all against the poor right wingers who spent 8 years hoarding federal money, wouldn't it? Oh so I guess when in Rome act like the Romans huh..I do not defend the overpsending that went on before, but when the Messiah Obama proclaimed that he had a new way of doing politics and would change the way things are done in washington...he just meant that he would do those same things only bigger?? I see, I do not defend those that spent our money on stupid things during the bush years, but you think that giving a tax break to those that actually pay federal income tax would be a smart move...not giving $500 dollars to those that don't..I am tired of all those that like to spend my hard earned money on things that they think I should spend it on.. Now, the way it was the past 8 years was, the rich got richer, the poor got even more poor. Didn't mean though that the rich spent all their money in the US, no, they most likely transferred it to places where it wouldn't be taxed as hard. Obama is trying to give money to those people who actually have to spend it in the US because they have no other choice, therefore putting it back into the economy. It will take years on end to get back to where you have been in previous times, but every little helps. |
The way I see it: Bush worked 8 years on destroying YOUR Country, and now you are all complaining that Obama isn't able to rebuild in 2 weeks? You should get real for a change. Bush and liberal repubs and dems, doubled the debt from 5 trillion to 10 trillion in 8 years, at the rate obama and the dems are will only take them 2 years to match that fete.. Actually, it's feat, as fete is a party or a feast. But then, tell me, what did Bush leave for Obama to work on? Obama can't pay depth back with nothing, and he needs something to put into economy as well. So, how do you propose he does it with the less then nothing he has to start with? Will you pay it out of your own pocket? It would be only fair if he took it off the ones who made the money in the past 8 years, like Mr. Cheney, Mr. Bush, and associates, wouldn't it? And then all hell would break lose, because it would be all against the poor right wingers who spent 8 years hoarding federal money, wouldn't it? Oh so I guess when in Rome act like the Romans huh..I do not defend the overpsending that went on before, but when the Messiah Obama proclaimed that he had a new way of doing politics and would change the way things are done in washington...he just meant that he would do those same things only bigger?? I see, I do not defend those that spent our money on stupid things during the bush years, but you think that giving a tax break to those that actually pay federal income tax would be a smart move...not giving $500 dollars to those that don't..I am tired of all those that like to spend my hard earned money on things that they think I should spend it on.. Now, the way it was the past 8 years was, the rich got richer, the poor got even more poor. Didn't mean though that the rich spent all their money in the US, no, they most likely transferred it to places where it wouldn't be taxed as hard. Obama is trying to give money to those people who actually have to spend it in the US because they have no other choice, therefore putting it back into the economy. It will take years on end to get back to where you have been in previous times, but every little helps. $500 dollars in peoples pockets will not put a dent or even a blemish in this issue. In the libs minds, the poor get richer when it is actually the rich get poorer..and the poor stay poor..what does it matter if they inflate your pay..when they turn around and take it and more from you in you think these spending plans are free??? If we had a resource like oil to spend, then we could provide for everyone like in the Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, but we don't have that we are the politicians source of money..and if you take enough from the rich..there will be no more money to go will not be able to sustain itself and like all other socialist countries..will crumble and go that what you want?? |
Boy oh boy, Obama is just killing you guys!
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Boy oh boy, Obama is just killing you guys! ![]() Yeah, I think they are planning on running Grover Norquist for president in 2012. -Kerry O. |
Boy oh boy, Obama is just killing you guys! ![]() Yeah, I think they are planning on running Grover Norquist for president in 2012. -Kerry O. ![]() |
Boy oh boy, Obama is just killing you guys! ![]() Yeah, I think they are planning on running Grover Norquist for president in 2012. -Kerry O. Oh boy! Now we get to listen to a Republicans play by play analysis of a Limbaugh radio show! Dont you just love these Republican Blog articles? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The way I see it: Bush worked 8 years on destroying YOUR Country, and now you are all complaining that Obama isn't able to rebuild in 2 weeks? You should get real for a change. Bush and liberal repubs and dems, doubled the debt from 5 trillion to 10 trillion in 8 years, at the rate obama and the dems are will only take them 2 years to match that fete.. Actually, it's feat, as fete is a party or a feast. But then, tell me, what did Bush leave for Obama to work on? Obama can't pay depth back with nothing, and he needs something to put into economy as well. So, how do you propose he does it with the less then nothing he has to start with? Will you pay it out of your own pocket? It would be only fair if he took it off the ones who made the money in the past 8 years, like Mr. Cheney, Mr. Bush, and associates, wouldn't it? And then all hell would break lose, because it would be all against the poor right wingers who spent 8 years hoarding federal money, wouldn't it? Oh so I guess when in Rome act like the Romans huh..I do not defend the overpsending that went on before, but when the Messiah Obama proclaimed that he had a new way of doing politics and would change the way things are done in washington...he just meant that he would do those same things only bigger?? I see, I do not defend those that spent our money on stupid things during the bush years, but you think that giving a tax break to those that actually pay federal income tax would be a smart move...not giving $500 dollars to those that don't..I am tired of all those that like to spend my hard earned money on things that they think I should spend it on.. Now, the way it was the past 8 years was, the rich got richer, the poor got even more poor. Didn't mean though that the rich spent all their money in the US, no, they most likely transferred it to places where it wouldn't be taxed as hard. Obama is trying to give money to those people who actually have to spend it in the US because they have no other choice, therefore putting it back into the economy. It will take years on end to get back to where you have been in previous times, but every little helps. Actually, the poor were given a chance to develop real wealth and guess what happened - they blew it by getting in to too big of a house and buying nice cars and electronics and other toys with all that equity. now where are they? *****ing and moaning about the big, mean ol' mortgage company that took advantage of them. i've said it before but let me repeat myself. the rich do not sit on money in a savings account. They're not that stupid. That swiss bank account crap is just a movie ploy. In the real world, they invest that money to make more money. You think Gates has all those billions stashed away somewhere? Trump swims in piles of Benjamins in a house somewhere? No. they have that money invested in things like stocks, commodities, and real estate so they can make more money. money sitting in an account somewhere makes very little return. stocks and real estate have huge potential. The poor have never gotten richer - otherwise they wouldn't be the poor. That's the catch-22. There's always going to be that bottom of the barrel group that makes less money. No matter what you do that will never change. It comes down to the fact that life is not fair. it's not easy. again, just because you exist does not mean you deserve anything but the right to live as you choose (and face the consequences). If you are physically able (i.e. not mentally ill, physically incapable, elderly, or too young) and that means you starve in the cold, that's not my problem. |
The way I see it: Bush worked 8 years on destroying YOUR Country, and now you are all complaining that Obama isn't able to rebuild in 2 weeks? You should get real for a change. Does that really surprise you? |
Edited by
Sat 02/07/09 08:16 PM
The funny part is, that all those who continuously bash what Obama does or doesn't, they don't have any alternative idea what to do.
It's like me complaining about how the chinese food sucks, but meanwhile I can't even cook to begin with and I'm unwilling to go to a different restaurant. /note for the lades: it was just an example, I know how to cook/ ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 02/07/09 08:19 PM
Shouldn't this have been posted in 'Jokes and Funny Stories' where it belongs?
See? You were right, Gio. For Barack and his buddies to accomplish the creation of Obamaland, they must level critics, rewrite records, become judge and jury of all things everywhere, homogenize cultures, pimp style over substance and deify power while they prop up the “victims of the system” to run their Circus Maximus.
Well, written Gio, but I'm afraid, as indiated in the first line of the first response, it will fall on deaf ears.. They're so busy hating Bush and toiling in their own misery to notice that the Obama Administration is busy buying up a permanently government-dependent democrat electorate. After all the "Tax cuts" get passed the percentage of people not paying taxes will exceed 50%. Bye bye Jeffersonian Republic.. It was a good 232 years... to avoid any confusion...and...for clarification...Doug Chiles penned these magnificent and meaninful words...not I...but...I wish I had... ![]() Gio, Then you need to include the author's name on the OP. |
The way I see it: Bush worked 8 years on destroying YOUR Country, and now you are all complaining that Obama isn't able to rebuild in 2 weeks? You should get real for a change. Bush and liberal repubs and dems, doubled the debt from 5 trillion to 10 trillion in 8 years, at the rate obama and the dems are will only take them 2 years to match that fete.. Actually, it's feat, as fete is a party or a feast. But then, tell me, what did Bush leave for Obama to work on? Obama can't pay depth back with nothing, and he needs something to put into economy as well. So, how do you propose he does it with the less then nothing he has to start with? Will you pay it out of your own pocket? It would be only fair if he took it off the ones who made the money in the past 8 years, like Mr. Cheney, Mr. Bush, and associates, wouldn't it? And then all hell would break lose, because it would be all against the poor right wingers who spent 8 years hoarding federal money, wouldn't it? Oh so I guess when in Rome act like the Romans huh..I do not defend the overpsending that went on before, but when the Messiah Obama proclaimed that he had a new way of doing politics and would change the way things are done in washington...he just meant that he would do those same things only bigger?? I see, I do not defend those that spent our money on stupid things during the bush years, but you think that giving a tax break to those that actually pay federal income tax would be a smart move...not giving $500 dollars to those that don't..I am tired of all those that like to spend my hard earned money on things that they think I should spend it on.. Now, the way it was the past 8 years was, the rich got richer, the poor got even more poor. Didn't mean though that the rich spent all their money in the US, no, they most likely transferred it to places where it wouldn't be taxed as hard. Obama is trying to give money to those people who actually have to spend it in the US because they have no other choice, therefore putting it back into the economy. It will take years on end to get back to where you have been in previous times, but every little helps. Actually, the poor were given a chance to develop real wealth and guess what happened - they blew it by getting in to too big of a house and buying nice cars and electronics and other toys with all that equity. now where are they? *****ing and moaning about the big, mean ol' mortgage company that took advantage of them. i've said it before but let me repeat myself. the rich do not sit on money in a savings account. They're not that stupid. That swiss bank account crap is just a movie ploy. In the real world, they invest that money to make more money. You think Gates has all those billions stashed away somewhere? Trump swims in piles of Benjamins in a house somewhere? No. they have that money invested in things like stocks, commodities, and real estate so they can make more money. money sitting in an account somewhere makes very little return. stocks and real estate have huge potential. The poor have never gotten richer - otherwise they wouldn't be the poor. That's the catch-22. There's always going to be that bottom of the barrel group that makes less money. No matter what you do that will never change. It comes down to the fact that life is not fair. it's not easy. again, just because you exist does not mean you deserve anything but the right to live as you choose (and face the consequences). If you are physically able (i.e. not mentally ill, physically incapable, elderly, or too young) and that means you starve in the cold, that's not my problem. One can tell a countries wealth not by the rich but by how well they take care of their poor, elderly and disabled. |