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Topic: evolution defined
Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/07/09 03:09 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 02/07/09 03:10 PM
laugh I use to have a display case in my living room with bones and people would really look shocked when they saw it.

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 03:24 PM

laugh I use to have a display case in my living room with bones and people would really look shocked when they saw it.

Were they human bones? scared

Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/07/09 03:56 PM
No. Some were models of human bones but the rest were animal bones that I had collected from the beach and a few different animal skulls that people had given me that knew I liked bones. I had a cat, dog, and raccoon. It just started to collect and a friend made me a display case for them. I sold all of it when I moved however. I wasn’t dragging a bunch of bones in an airplane. :tongue:

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 04:05 PM

No. Some were models of human bones but the rest were animal bones that I had collected from the beach and a few different animal skulls that people had given me that knew I liked bones. I had a cat, dog, and raccoon. It just started to collect and a friend made me a display case for them. I sold all of it when I moved however. I wasn’t dragging a bunch of bones in an airplane. :tongue:

Did anyone suspect you were one of those people who liked to torture small animals? laugh laugh

Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/07/09 04:07 PM
No. It was related to my studies. Ive always liked bones. Kind of drawn to them I guess. whoa

Amoscarine's photo
Thu 10/31/13 05:37 AM
Nice list, and I think that the statement about the last being the only real science has been duely remarked on. I would like to add one before the first point though. You can call it .5 if you share the ancient Greek fear of zero. It is not that matter and space forms first, as they do so in some manner, don't they? It is not just willy nilly here is some hunks and there is the possibility to put matter in (space), and it goes through time. That is saying that the behavior of bodies is known already, like an equation written in subtitles to #1 saying what must take place from atoms to the greater cosmos. I'm not doubting that if God wrote math that he'd be a champ at it, but rather that it seems less arbitrary to have something lead to this first step in our common scientific scheme, which is still highly influenced by Newton's method today. This raises the objection to laws that act as givens, and places instead a state of development of these characteristics of physical laws that are familiar. Some understanding of what is prefered in a law is required.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 10/31/13 06:10 AM

1)cosmic evolution: the origin of time space and matter,ie. the big bang

2)chemical evolution:the origin of higher elements from hydrogen

3)stellar and planetary evolution:origin of stars and planets.

4)organic evolution:origin of life

5)macro-evolution: changing from one kind to another

6)micro-evolution:varations within kinds


NONE of the others have ever been observed
the first 5 are purely religious you have to beleive in them because there is absolutly no proof what so ever!!!

they only give you examples of #6 to support this evolution theory.there is a huge difference in getting bigger,smaller,or other minor changes
than it is changing from one species to another.

Whoa,the Theory of Evolution only applies to living things here on Earth!
Hasn't got a thing to do with Cosmology,the Theory of the Origin of the Universe!It's the Theory of The Origin Of The Species!
They are separate,but always useful to jumble them together to create confusion,and to promote Creationism!

Amoscarine's photo
Thu 10/31/13 06:54 AM
Edited by Amoscarine on Thu 10/31/13 06:56 AM

1)cosmic evolution: the origin of time space and matter,ie. the big bang

2)chemical evolution:the origin of higher elements from hydrogen

3)stellar and planetary evolution:origin of stars and planets.

4)organic evolution:origin of life

5)macro-evolution: changing from one kind to another

6)micro-evolution:varations within kinds


NONE of the others have ever been observed
the first 5 are purely religious you have to beleive in them because there is absolutly no proof what so ever!!!

they only give you examples of #6 to support this evolution theory.there is a huge difference in getting bigger,smaller,or other minor changes
than it is changing from one species to another.

Whoa,the Theory of Evolution only applies to living things here on Earth!
Hasn't got a thing to do with Cosmology,the Theory of the Origin of the Universe!It's the Theory of The Origin Of The Species!
They are separate,but always useful to jumble them together to create confusion,and to promote Creationism!

Put it in a favorable light to any disproof. I see not a single reason why laws and how matter interacts cannot evolve over time with selction methods or other principles. Nor do I see it as having anything to do with Creationsim.

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