Topic: how do you know...
outdoorsgriz's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:22 AM
Oswald Chambers once said "when in doubt, don't". Been good advice in my life.

franshade's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:22 AM

well this is sorta a new relationship...and I really don't wanna get all involved if it is not going any where...I had rather just walk away then get hurt..

Quick simple question, how are we supposed to be able to help you with this? If you are having concerns and doubts then I believe you should approach subject with him. No better person than the source itself. good luck

you are right..sorry for the silliness..just did not know how to approach someone with such an insecure feeling..and that is all it is..

I apologize if you thought I was making fun of you, didn't mean to sound nor make light of your position/situation - personally just feel that when I want answers I go right to the source - sorry if you misunderstood. Opinions and advice are fine, but I trust my gut and instincts. Good Luck flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:23 AM

Just figure it out according to what your instinct is telling you.

It ain't rocket surgery.

oh know he didn' guys are never say one thing and mean are harder to figure then trigonometry

How long did it take you to survey every guy on the planet and reach that conclusion....? If guys are "never truthful," then why are you wasting your time?

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:25 AM
I am not usually an insecure person..I really could care less one way or another most of the time...but for some reason this is way different...I am not use to feeling like a kid in school not knowing what to do..

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:26 AM

Just figure it out according to what your instinct is telling you.

It ain't rocket surgery.

oh know he didn' guys are never say one thing and mean are harder to figure then trigonometry

How long did it take you to survey every guy on the planet and reach that conclusion....? If guys are "never truthful," then why are you wasting your time?

hey sweetie I was really just harm intended..

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:28 AM

Just figure it out according to what your instinct is telling you.

It ain't rocket surgery.

oh know he didn' guys are never say one thing and mean are harder to figure then trigonometry

How long did it take you to survey every guy on the planet and reach that conclusion....? If guys are "never truthful," then why are you wasting your time?

hey sweetie I was really just harm intended..

I know -- just making a point -- I like to toss that line out whenever someone makes a blanket statement....! (Old habits and all that....)

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

uk1971's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:31 AM

when someone is really interested in you and not just for sex...

If someone is interested in you, and wants more than just sex, they may, in some cases,

Phone/text/message you on a daily basis
Send flowers
Buy presents
Surprise you with an unexpected visit
May also say they aren't interesated in sex until you are BOTH ready/comfortable, or agreeable to the idea.
If they don't even bring up the subject of sex.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Mr_Music's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:33 AM

when someone is really interested in you and not just for sex...

If someone is interested in you, and wants more than just sex, they may, in some cases,

Phone/text/message you on a daily basis
Send flowers
Buy presents
Surprise you with an unexpected visit
May also say they aren't interesated in sex until you are BOTH ready/comfortable, or agreeable to the idea.
If they don't even bring up the subject of sex.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

The other more commonly used name for that is called "stalking".

aLittleBird's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:42 AM

I am not usually an insecure person..I really could care less one way or another most of the time...but for some reason this is way different...I am not use to feeling like a kid in school not knowing what to do..

I know how you feel. I am in the same to

Here's my "blanket" statement....all guys want sex..that's what drives them.

Mr_Music's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:43 AM

I am not usually an insecure person..I really could care less one way or another most of the time...but for some reason this is way different...I am not use to feeling like a kid in school not knowing what to do..

I know how you feel. I am in the same to

Here's my "blanket" statement....all guys want sex..that's what drives them.

Your statement is obviously flawed. I was never asked.

aLittleBird's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:44 AM

when someone is really interested in you and not just for sex...

If someone is interested in you, and wants more than just sex, they may, in some cases,

Phone/text/message you on a daily basis
Send flowers
Buy presents
Surprise you with an unexpected visit
May also say they aren't interesated in sex until you are BOTH ready/comfortable, or agreeable to the idea.
If they don't even bring up the subject of sex.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

The other more commonly used name for that is called "stalking". do you treat someone you're interested in then? Ignore them? Just call them when you want sex? Let them call you when they want sex?

aLittleBird's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:45 AM

I am not usually an insecure person..I really could care less one way or another most of the time...but for some reason this is way different...I am not use to feeling like a kid in school not knowing what to do..

I know how you feel. I am in the same to

Here's my "blanket" statement....all guys want sex..that's what drives them.

Your statement is obviously flawed. I was never asked.

I didn't need to ask you...I've seen your other answers and thoughts on subjects. (see the stalking reference)

Mr_Music's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:46 AM do you treat someone you're interested in then? Ignore them? Just call them when you want sex? Let them call you when they want sex?

Valid questions....if I was interested in anybody.

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:46 AM

when someone is really interested in you and not just for sex...

If someone is interested in you, and wants more than just sex, they may, in some cases,

Phone/text/message you on a daily basis
Send flowers
Buy presents
Surprise you with an unexpected visit
May also say they aren't interesated in sex until you are BOTH ready/comfortable, or agreeable to the idea.
If they don't even bring up the subject of sex.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

The other more commonly used name for that is called "stalking". do you treat someone you're interested in then? Ignore them? Just call them when you want sex? Let them call you when they want sex?

I poke them till they notice me

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:50 AM

when someone is really interested in you and not just for sex...

If someone is interested in you, and wants more than just sex, they may, in some cases,

Phone/text/message you on a daily basis
Send flowers
Buy presents
Surprise you with an unexpected visit
May also say they aren't interesated in sex until you are BOTH ready/comfortable, or agreeable to the idea.
If they don't even bring up the subject of sex.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

The other more commonly used name for that is called "stalking". do you treat someone you're interested in then? Ignore them? Just call them when you want sex? Let them call you when they want sex?

I poke them till they notice me

the best answer I have heard all day...poke him till he notices

DragonFlyTat's photo
Wed 02/04/09 09:21 AM
He treats you with respect and doesn't bring up the topic of sex until you initiate it...he should be true gentleman JMO

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 09:26 AM

I am not usually an insecure person..I really could care less one way or another most of the time...but for some reason this is way different...I am not use to feeling like a kid in school not knowing what to do..

I know how you feel. I am in the same to

Here's my "blanket" statement....all guys want sex..that's what drives them.
NO NO NO MY CAR OR TRUCK DRIVES ME OR I DRIVE THEM AND A TRACTOR OR TWO..........:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Pink_lady's photo
Wed 02/04/09 09:28 AM

when someone is really interested in you and not just for sex...

Withold sex? see how they respond.

KennyLingus's photo
Wed 02/04/09 09:43 AM
When they'll drain a boil.ill

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 09:46 AM

When they'll drain a boil.ill

...or hold your hair back when you're sick...