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Topic: another "in god we trust"
no photo
Thu 04/26/07 01:33 AM
who made whom walk
allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way
home with a flat tire yesterday!!!????????//

thank you very much!!!

D.A.= designated asshole...hmmm does the shoe fit??!! lolflowerforyou

as for exercise..... don't even get me goin....or i'll have everyone
checkin out your home page!!!!

Belushi's photo
Thu 04/26/07 01:37 AM
From memory ... I dont believe that a herd of rampaging elephants
wearing tu-tus singing "The hills are alive with the Sound of Music"
could MAKE you do anything you didnt want to.

As for me ... I would neither be brave nor foolhardy enough to ever
assume anything ...

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Thu 04/26/07 02:53 AM
catchme great post girl!drinker Living deep in the area this judge
was during this explosive time I stood and applauded him for refusing to
remove the ten commandments from his courtroom. Even here in my hometown
they were displayed and then we had to have them removed from the
courthouse. That to me was one of the saddest days being an american.
Just my honest OHHHpinion of course.

davinci1952's photo
Thu 04/26/07 05:22 AM
it amazes me that they (who? powers that be?) go to such lengths
to take away all the things that remind us of who we are...our
founders saw fit to remind us that their belief in God was important
at the time of our founding....just leave it alone...

it is a ploy of communism and fascists to remove religion from
the society at large...in russia the church went underground for
years...the same game is being played here...
we should all be concerned ...grumble

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