Topic: Yeah You Care
rlynne's photo
Mon 02/02/09 06:45 PM
*rolls eyes*

don't ask for what you can't give

How many times have ya'll run into this problem?

ljcc1964's photo
Mon 02/02/09 06:50 PM

rlynne's photo
Mon 02/02/09 06:54 PM

In matters of affection/ emotions
Your SO or even an Ex SO gets upset with you for not caring or being present or available.. at the moment they want you to be available or care, but when YOU needed or wanted them they were absent and uncaring.

no photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:07 PM
I've run into this problem a couple of times in my life. It sucks, too.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:08 PM
they must be available to you and you must be ther for thm the same way this is the way it has always been and shall always be for love


if they are not there for you then...
something is seriously lacking...


ThomasJB's photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:32 PM


In matters of affection/ emotions
Your SO or even an Ex SO gets upset with you for not caring or being present or available.. at the moment they want you to be available or care, but when YOU needed or wanted them they were absent and uncaring.

And if you try to tell them how you feel about it, they throw it back in your face.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:33 PM
never make someone your priority when your there option

no photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:34 PM


In matters of affection/ emotions
Your SO or even an Ex SO gets upset with you for not caring or being present or available.. at the moment they want you to be available or care, but when YOU needed or wanted them they were absent and uncaring.

Fortunately, there's this new invention called divorce in a box. T-4 months 12 days. shades

rlynne's photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:43 PM


In matters of affection/ emotions
Your SO or even an Ex SO gets upset with you for not caring or being present or available.. at the moment they want you to be available or care, but when YOU needed or wanted them they were absent and uncaring.

Fortunately, there's this new invention called divorce in a box. T-4 months 12 days. shades

yeah but hows it work "with children" stupid freakin legal systems

always always red tape, waiting periods, we can't help you at this time...crap

no photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:58 PM


In matters of affection/ emotions
Your SO or even an Ex SO gets upset with you for not caring or being present or available.. at the moment they want you to be available or care, but when YOU needed or wanted them they were absent and uncaring.

Fortunately, there's this new invention called divorce in a box. T-4 months 12 days. shades

yeah but hows it work "with children" stupid freakin legal systems

always always red tape, waiting periods, we can't help you at this time...crap

Fortunately, there are no children in the equation. It's not like we didn't try, we read the manual. Another failure to launch, but at least she was kind enough to launch her hind quarters back to california back in June. "With children" is complicated with or without marriage. I'm not complaining and actually don't want it to take any less than 4 months and 12 days. It'll save me $12,000 if I wait patiently. :banana: :banana: :banana:

lnghntr's photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:59 PM
watch out for yourself first

rlynne's photo
Mon 02/02/09 08:01 PM
nope nope, I come second

hey its higher up than I have been in a long while

lnghntr's photo
Mon 02/02/09 08:03 PM
ok...let me first,,,then yourself

TimHauswirth's photo
Mon 02/02/09 11:59 PM
People like to say "What's good for the goose is good for the gander". Myself, I think that's a bunch of hooey.

Just because you do something for me doesn't necessarily mean I should do something for you. It can be a nice gesture, sure, but if you want me to do something I don't want to do just because you had no problem doing the same for me, it implies that there's a price tag attached to anything you do for me. Where's the love in that?

So what do I suggest you do it that situation? You certainly can't control the other person. And if you could coerce or manipulate them, that's just a sick way to conduct a relationship.

All you can really do is ask yourself- is this person important enough for me to just deal with, or not? If they're supposed to be with you, you shouldn't have to change them... not that you ever could.

rlynne's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:07 AM

People like to say "What's good for the goose is good for the gander". Myself, I think that's a bunch of hooey.

Just because you do something for me doesn't necessarily mean I should do something for you. It can be a nice gesture, sure, but if you want me to do something I don't want to do just because you had no problem doing the same for me, it implies that there's a price tag attached to anything you do for me. Where's the love in that?

So what do I suggest you do it that situation? You certainly can't control the other person. And if you could coerce or manipulate them, that's just a sick way to conduct a relationship.

All you can really do is ask yourself- is this person important enough for me to just deal with, or not? If they're supposed to be with you, you shouldn't have to change them... not that you ever could.

Oh wow, honey I never once tried to change him....but how selfish can one person be in a relationship and still have it work? all the times before I was there no matter how little it was returned and now I chose not to be there and I am automatically the bad guy. I can and will tolerate any number of undesirable behaviors(I have been repeatedly informed that I am too nice) But I cannot tolerate what split us up..because I put my children's safety and welfare before my own

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:24 AM

*rolls eyes*

don't ask for what you can't give

How many times have ya'll run into this problem?

Pretty much every time.