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Topic: Lets go topicless... - part 6
no photo
Wed 02/04/09 05:57 PM

Hi Taz
its about time you got here Music

horsegirl55's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:00 PM

Sure was good, with a bake potato. Now a beer.
laugh laugh now thats what I call mean

I did not see the other post till now, HG I will fix you one just drop by.

I can only look at ittears tears tears

I feel so very bad now. :cry:
Jeff are you teasing HG

No dear lady I was not. Just reporting my dinner.
Smiles good to see you tonight :)

I'm getting off of here now talk with everyone later Byewaving waving waving

Bye Tazz, I will take that steak this summerlaugh

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:11 PM
catch ya later, dinner is readydrool ya all have a grate night:smile:

horsegirl55's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:19 PM

catch ya later, dinner is readydrool ya all have a grate night:smile:

Good night Timwaving flowerforyou

carold's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:21 PM

Men that can cook :)

horsegirl55's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:22 PM

Men that can cook :)

drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool

summerlady's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:23 PM
Hi HG and Carol! How're ya doin' tonight?

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:25 PM

Men that can cook :)

drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool

You should see me in a apron :wink:

carold's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:35 PM

Men that can cook :)

drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool

You should see me in a apron :wink:
Smiles :)

carold's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:36 PM

Hi HG and Carol! How're ya doin' tonight?
Hey Summer :) what you to tonight :) I'm just watching Lost and on here :)

horsegirl55's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:38 PM

Men that can cook :)

drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool

You should see me in a apron :wink:

I bet you are cute in an apron:laughing:

horsegirl55's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:40 PM

Hi HG and Carol! How're ya doin' tonight?

Hey Summer,
I am just watching tv, listening music and visit on Mingle....multi-tasking:laughing:

summerlady's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:41 PM
Hi Carol, Just eating some supper and bouncing around through the threads.

carold's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:43 PM

Hi Carol, Just eating some supper and bouncing around through the threads.
I made Pot Roast :) yummy :)

horsegirl55's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:44 PM
This is the most food oriented thread!:laughing:

summerlady's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:45 PM
I have some leftover shrimp and pasta. Pot roast sounds great! I haven't had that in a long time!

Were you able to ride today, HG?

horsegirl55's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:47 PM

I have some leftover shrimp and pasta. Pot roast sounds great! I haven't had that in a long time!

Were you able to ride today, HG?

This weekend is looking good!!!!

carold's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:54 PM

I have some leftover shrimp and pasta. Pot roast sounds great! I haven't had that in a long time!

Were you able to ride today, HG?
Yeah I made chilli Sunday winter time food :)

summerlady's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:58 PM
To be honest, my husband does most of the cooking here. He gets home from work about 2 hours before I do, so he usually has everything ready.

horsegirl55's photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:02 PM

To be honest, my husband does most of the cooking here. He gets home from work about 2 hours before I do, so he usually has everything ready.

That is wonderful, has he got a brother?laugh

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