no photo
Sun 01/25/09 04:11 PM
Alc makes you more dep zoloft sucks per a co worker who tried it try vitamin B therapy

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 04:18 PM
U got it why bother the woman that I know who tried it spent months in rubber rooms to learn she was allergic to zlft the stuff blows

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 04:20 PM
flowers so you give up drinking for awhile or you dry up some so whats the alternative for you? ask yourself whats more important and I hope you say your mental health.. its a matter of a simple choice.. do the right thing so you can look back on it and say wow I made it through that.. flowers

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 01/25/09 04:21 PM

That zoloft is a lot better than the stuff that used to be prescribed.

As for a drink or two...if you don't mind drool unnoticed and zero sex drive except for just laying there zoned out.

Plus, you need moisturizer, in that case, because it can dry you up--saliva and other fluid. That is one side-effect, even without a few drinks.

On the plus side, nothing really is a biggie while you are in the zone. Don't expect to get a lot of things done. Write down your To-Do list, rather than trying to recall things.

Good luck. It's some good stuff.

OMFG....THIS SOUNDS HORRID!!!!!!surprised

my last BF was on ZoLoft .. hit me up on yahoo darlin ..

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 01/25/09 04:24 PM

Ohhhhhhhhhh God....

It says decresed sexual desire!

F*ck...just kill me if that happens...


ya .. like I said .. I'll talk to you off of here

he did drink though, didn't seem to be much different except for the black outs smokin

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 04:24 PM
Yeah. You don't wanna be knockin' back the hooch when you're on Zoloft. There's no telling how nutty you can get.

Another anti-depression/anxiety/OCD drug out there is Pexeva, which is a newer medication. I dunno if the same alcohol warnings exist for that crap either, though.

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 01/25/09 04:25 PM

does anyone wanna buy some cheap "Zoloft?".laugh


Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 01/25/09 04:28 PM
There are a lot of antidepressents out there. Everyone has a different biochemistry. Sometimes you may have to try different ones until you find the one that helps you.flowerforyou

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 01/25/09 04:30 PM

There are a lot of antidepressents out there. Everyone has a different biochemistry. Sometimes you may have to try different ones until you find the one that helps you.flowerforyou

very true .. he ended up on a generic one that didn't do the same damage

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 01/25/09 04:32 PM
I got some "Zoloft", going for 75...

can I get a 75, 75, 75, ....

I got a 75...

can I get an 80, 80, 80,laugh

Will someone give me 80, 80, 80???laugh

jdcolvin's photo
Sun 01/25/09 04:38 PM
different reactions by different people..If 2 or more friends or family tell you you are not acting right then please get back to your doctor and carry one of them with to explain the changes they see...Any drug that affects the mood and brain chemestry can cause unwanted changes that the person taking it doesnt always realize

AngieH79's photo
Sun 01/25/09 04:53 PM
Edited by AngieH79 on Sun 01/25/09 04:54 PM
I didn't take Zoloft; it was a different anti-depressent, but here is my experience on it anyway:

Only you can tell how you are feeling, so for your doctor, it is pretty much a trial-and-error process to get the meds right. It might take a little bit of time to get things balanced correctly, but stick with it and you will feel so much better in the end. In my experience, a drink every once in a while didn't hurt, but I made sure that my body adjusted to everything before I attempted that.

My depression, while severe, was diagnosed as situational, so once the meds started working I was able to get a better sense of my life and the changes I needed to make, and after about 2 years, I was able to stop taking it. And yes, it was something that I discussed with my doctor before hand. I recommend seeing a therapist too, they can help you make informed descisions, and help you build your coping skills as well.

As for the sex drive:

Mine actually went up.

I think the improvement in my mood made a bigger difference than the side effect of the medication.

Now I just need to find someone to play with that will put up with my crazy a$$ self. laugh

Good luck! It's not an easy decision.

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 06:52 PM

My doctors have perscribed "Zoloft" for my depression.

Tell it to me straight Minglers!flowerforyou

Whats this chit all about.:wink:

And im getting conflicting reports about if I can have a cocktail or 2 while taking it.drinker

Virgin Margaritas might be a good idea. To be honest, and as alcohol and meth have similar properties in terms of how it manipulates dopamine receptors, I wouldn't really recomend that you drink at all. Realisticly, and as you've been open about your addiction, it would be wise to let the antidepressant do its work without interference from alcohol.

Winx's photo
Sun 01/25/09 06:56 PM

My doctors have perscribed "Zoloft" for my depression.

Tell it to me straight Minglers!flowerforyou

Whats this chit all about.:wink:

And im getting conflicting reports about if I can have a cocktail or 2 while taking it.drinker

Virgin Margaritas might be a good idea. To be honest, and as alcohol and meth have similar properties in terms of how it manipulates dopamine receptors, I wouldn't really recomend that you drink at all. Realisticly, and as you've been open about your addiction, it would be wise to let the antidepressant do its work without interference from alcohol.

Good point.

luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 01/26/09 09:15 AM
Your sooooooooo right about the alcohol...

and ive never been a serious drinker, and dont wanna become one either.

"THANK YOU" everyone for the input...tongue2

I really appreciate your love and concern.flowerforyou

Just remember...

depression is no match for luv2roknrollshades ...

im gonna kick its sissy @ss!:thumbsup::banana:

Drago01's photo
Mon 01/26/09 09:39 AM
Zoloft is the Valium of the 70s.
Run with it. Get happy hehe.
Hey, can you email me a few? drool

luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 01/26/09 09:42 AM

Zoloft is the Valium of the 70s.
Run with it. Get happy hehe.
Hey, can you email me a few? drool

No babe...

your fineness will have to come over and get them....heehee...naked.pitchfork laugh

KennyLingus's photo
Mon 01/26/09 09:44 AM
Really sad when you figure that smoking a little weed will do more for your depression than Zoloft without all those nasty side effects. But then the pharmaceutical companies wouldn't be able to get rich from selling all these over-priced snake oils.

catwoman96's photo
Mon 01/26/09 09:53 AM
idk...i think antidepressants are a last source for depression.
i think they are overprescribed...

i would personally exhaust all kinds of other things before taking a med. any med.

also I hate it when docs prescribe a little pill like zoloft and dont exactly address the root of the problem. sometimes depression is truly only situational....or a phase...or a way of your body telling you you need to do something different.'ve never seemed depressed when you post

luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:01 AM

idk...i think antidepressants are a last source for depression.
i think they are overprescribed...

i would personally exhaust all kinds of other things before taking a med. any med.

also I hate it when docs prescribe a little pill like zoloft and dont exactly address the root of the problem. sometimes depression is truly only situational....or a phase...or a way of your body telling you you need to do something different.'ve never seemed depressed when you post

Your right...

im not always depressed.

But I can easily work myself into being that way, by looking at my life,(or should I say whats left of it).I did meth for 25 years, and now, being clean, im focused on that sad fact, and it really sucks!I know I need to look at the future, and not stay in the past, but sometimes thats really hard to do....

and thats when I get depressed.


I think my depression is definitely situational.