Topic: Change We Never Imagined | |
ohhhhhhhhhhh...for the 50's...
![]() Well, the high-sheen veneer and cult-of-personality euphoria surrounding America's new oratory endowed president looks to be dissolving rather quickly. While millions had hoped for a political "messiah," it's fast becoming evident that, instead, we've stuck ourselves with an extreme leftist ideologue whose brand of "change we can believe in" is, in fact, "change we never imagined." (Sorry to burst the Barack bandwagon bubble, but I say it like I see it.) The examples are piling up in terms of the radical pro-abortion polices he's planning to implement, the many-times-failed Marxist fiscal policies he's promised to test yet again, and – relative to his national security goals – the noxiously naive peacenik policies that have Mahmoud and Osama giggling themselves to sleep at night. But on issues involving marriage, family and sexual morality, Obama's been even more brazen than some of his most ardent detractors could have expected. Literally within minutes after he took the oath of office, the official White House webpage was updated – under the heading of "The Agenda: Civil Rights" – to detail his wholesale "support for the LGBT (homosexual activist) community." His stated plans include the following: Defeating all state and federal constitutional efforts to defend the millennia-old definition of natural marriage from attacks by "gay marriage" activists. Repealing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996. This is the only line of defense keeping all 50 states from being forced to recognize so-called "same-sex marriages" from extremely liberal states like Massachusetts and Connecticut. Repealing the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy despite the fact that the vast majority of military commanders and personnel say it will dangerously disrupt unit cohesion and troop morale. Passing constitutionally dubious and discriminatory "hate crimes" legislation, granting homosexuals and cross-dressers exclusive rights – denied other Americans – based on sexual behaviors that are deviant, changeable, and widely regarded both here and around the world as immoral. Passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which would force business owners (religious and otherwise) to abandon traditional values relative to sexual morality under penalty of law. Creating intentionally motherless and fatherless homes and sexually confusing untold thousands of children by expanding "gay adoption." The gravity of this situation cannot be overstated. Right out of the chute, Obama has told the world that he is signing off, without exception, on every demand of the extremist homosexual and transsexual lobbies. The radical homosexual agenda and religious/free-speech liberties cannot occupy the same space. It's a zero-sum game. When 1-2 percent of the population is granted exclusive rights based on the aforementioned deviant sexual proclivities and changeable sexual behaviors – to the detriment of everyone else – that's called tyranny of the minority. Obama recently said, "I don't want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be President of the United States of America." Well, Mr. President, remember that whole “actions versus words” cliché? Your words ring hollow and your actions speak volumes. Every policy you promise to implement does exactly what you've denounced. Both your actions and your words very much pit Red America against Blue America. For all the talk of "hope," "change," and "coming together," it's becoming abundantly clear that Barack Obama's administration will be the most leftist, divisive and discriminatory in recent memory. I suspect the immediate, stark and in-your-face revisions he's made to the White House website are a metaphor for what we can expect, in terms of broader policy, from his administration. Obama said in an August 19, 2008 speech: "Change doesn't come from Washington. Change comes to Washington." Well, radical change in the form of Barack Obama has certainly come to Washington. Not just in terms of the man's skin color – which is historic and most encouraging – but in terms of his exceptionally extreme and demonstrably dangerous liberal policies (not so encouraging). So it would seem that change does in fact "come from Washington." Change more radical than our nation has ever seen. Change our founders could have never imagined. People of faith, conservatives, and those of you with traditional values: hold on to your hats – it's going to be a bumpy four years. |
ohhhhhhhhhhh...for the 50's... ![]() Well, the high-sheen veneer and cult-of-personality euphoria surrounding America's new oratory endowed president looks to be dissolving rather quickly. While millions had hoped for a political "messiah," it's fast becoming evident that, instead, we've stuck ourselves with an extreme leftist ideologue whose brand of "change we can believe in" is, in fact, "change we never imagined." (Sorry to burst the Barack bandwagon bubble, but I say it like I see it.) The examples are piling up in terms of the radical pro-abortion polices he's planning to implement, the many-times-failed Marxist fiscal policies he's promised to test yet again, and – relative to his national security goals – the noxiously naive peacenik policies that have Mahmoud and Osama giggling themselves to sleep at night. But on issues involving marriage, family and sexual morality, Obama's been even more brazen than some of his most ardent detractors could have expected. Literally within minutes after he took the oath of office, the official White House webpage was updated – under the heading of "The Agenda: Civil Rights" – to detail his wholesale "support for the LGBT (homosexual activist) community." His stated plans include the following: Defeating all state and federal constitutional efforts to defend the millennia-old definition of natural marriage from attacks by "gay marriage" activists. Repealing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996. This is the only line of defense keeping all 50 states from being forced to recognize so-called "same-sex marriages" from extremely liberal states like Massachusetts and Connecticut. Repealing the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy despite the fact that the vast majority of military commanders and personnel say it will dangerously disrupt unit cohesion and troop morale. Passing constitutionally dubious and discriminatory "hate crimes" legislation, granting homosexuals and cross-dressers exclusive rights – denied other Americans – based on sexual behaviors that are deviant, changeable, and widely regarded both here and around the world as immoral. Passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which would force business owners (religious and otherwise) to abandon traditional values relative to sexual morality under penalty of law. Creating intentionally motherless and fatherless homes and sexually confusing untold thousands of children by expanding "gay adoption." The gravity of this situation cannot be overstated. Right out of the chute, Obama has told the world that he is signing off, without exception, on every demand of the extremist homosexual and transsexual lobbies. The radical homosexual agenda and religious/free-speech liberties cannot occupy the same space. It's a zero-sum game. When 1-2 percent of the population is granted exclusive rights based on the aforementioned deviant sexual proclivities and changeable sexual behaviors – to the detriment of everyone else – that's called tyranny of the minority. Obama recently said, "I don't want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be President of the United States of America." Well, Mr. President, remember that whole “actions versus words” cliché? Your words ring hollow and your actions speak volumes. Every policy you promise to implement does exactly what you've denounced. Both your actions and your words very much pit Red America against Blue America. For all the talk of "hope," "change," and "coming together," it's becoming abundantly clear that Barack Obama's administration will be the most leftist, divisive and discriminatory in recent memory. I suspect the immediate, stark and in-your-face revisions he's made to the White House website are a metaphor for what we can expect, in terms of broader policy, from his administration. Obama said in an August 19, 2008 speech: "Change doesn't come from Washington. Change comes to Washington." Well, radical change in the form of Barack Obama has certainly come to Washington. Not just in terms of the man's skin color – which is historic and most encouraging – but in terms of his exceptionally extreme and demonstrably dangerous liberal policies (not so encouraging). So it would seem that change does in fact "come from Washington." Change more radical than our nation has ever seen. Change our founders could have never imagined. People of faith, conservatives, and those of you with traditional values: hold on to your hats – it's going to be a bumpy four years. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 01/24/09 09:50 AM
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Radical pro abortion policies like allowing doctors to discuss the option of abortion, a legal I might add procedure?
I think $400 million a year in overseas funding is something that MOST Americans would say " NO "'t you ?...Liberals are always saying...take care of our own...stop forgien aid...I guess not in this case though...right ?...ohhhhhhhhh for the 50's...
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![]() ![]() I'm not quite sure this is what they were voting for... ![]() |
![]() ![]() I'm not quite sure this is what they were voting for... ![]() The American people needed a change so badly, Mickey Mouse could have won... |
Some more information on this issue.
Obama's memorandum reversing the policy comes the day after the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The landmark 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision held that a woman's right to an abortion fell within the right to privacy protected by the 14th Amendment. The ruling gave a woman autonomy over her pregnancy during the first trimester. The memorandum reverses the "Mexico City policy," initiated by President Reagan in 1984, canceled by President Clinton and reinstated by President George W. Bush in 2001. The policy, referred to by critics as "the global gag rule," was initially announced at a population conference in Mexico City. Reversing the previous administrations' stance on the policy was one of Clinton's first acts as president in January 1993 and the very first executive order issued by Bush on January 22, 2001, the 28th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Don't Miss * Obama backs 'right to choose' on Roe anniversary Critics, including Planned Parenthood, called Bush's move a "legislative ambush." He defended his action, saying, "It is my conviction that taxpayer funds should not be used to pay for abortion or actively promote abortion." The group Population Action International praised Obama's move, saying in a statement that it will "save women's lives around the world." "Family planning should not be a political issue; it's about basic health care and well-being for women and children," the group said. "Women's health has been severely impacted by the cutoff of assistance. President Obama's actions will help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, abortions and women dying from high-risk pregnancies because they don't have access to family planning." Republican lawmakers were critical of the new president's action. "Not even waiting a week, the new administration has acted to funnel U.S. tax dollars to abortion providers overseas," Rep. Tom Price, R-Georgia, said in a written statement. "This is a stunning reversal of course from the president's campaign statements that he hoped to reduce the number of abortions. Just a day after thousands of Americans came to Washington to celebrate the principle of life, President Obama has made it clear that reducing abortions is not one of his priorities." In his statement, however, Obama said he had directed his staff "to reach out to those on all sides of this issue to achieve the goal of reducing unintended pregnancies." "They will also work to promote safe motherhood, reduce maternal and infant mortality rates and increase educational and economic opportunities for women and girls." The president added that he looked forward to "working with Congress to restore U.S. financial support for the U.N. Population Fund." The Bush administration has repeatedly withheld funding authorized by Congress for the U.N. fund, saying the agency has funded a forced sterilization program in China. The fund has repeatedly denied that accusation. "By signaling his intention to restore U.S. funding for UNFPA, the UN Population Fund, President Barack Obama is signaling his re-engagement with the international community on the critical challenge of improving reproductive health around the world," UN Foundation President Timothy Wirth said. advertisement "For the past seven years, UNFPA funding has been a victim of false accusations and misinformation that had everything to do with politics and nothing to do with sound policy," he said. "Approximately 180 industrialized and developing countries, including all the countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, contribute to UNFPA. The United States was the only country to withhold funding for political reasons." |
Some more information on this issue. Obama's memorandum reversing the policy comes the day after the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The landmark 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision held that a woman's right to an abortion fell within the right to privacy protected by the 14th Amendment. The ruling gave a woman autonomy over her pregnancy during the first trimester. The memorandum reverses the "Mexico City policy," initiated by President Reagan in 1984, canceled by President Clinton and reinstated by President George W. Bush in 2001. The policy, referred to by critics as "the global gag rule," was initially announced at a population conference in Mexico City. Reversing the previous administrations' stance on the policy was one of Clinton's first acts as president in January 1993 and the very first executive order issued by Bush on January 22, 2001, the 28th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Don't Miss * Obama backs 'right to choose' on Roe anniversary Critics, including Planned Parenthood, called Bush's move a "legislative ambush." He defended his action, saying, "It is my conviction that taxpayer funds should not be used to pay for abortion or actively promote abortion." The group Population Action International praised Obama's move, saying in a statement that it will "save women's lives around the world." "Family planning should not be a political issue; it's about basic health care and well-being for women and children," the group said. "Women's health has been severely impacted by the cutoff of assistance. President Obama's actions will help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, abortions and women dying from high-risk pregnancies because they don't have access to family planning." Republican lawmakers were critical of the new president's action. "Not even waiting a week, the new administration has acted to funnel U.S. tax dollars to abortion providers overseas," Rep. Tom Price, R-Georgia, said in a written statement. "This is a stunning reversal of course from the president's campaign statements that he hoped to reduce the number of abortions. Just a day after thousands of Americans came to Washington to celebrate the principle of life, President Obama has made it clear that reducing abortions is not one of his priorities." In his statement, however, Obama said he had directed his staff "to reach out to those on all sides of this issue to achieve the goal of reducing unintended pregnancies." "They will also work to promote safe motherhood, reduce maternal and infant mortality rates and increase educational and economic opportunities for women and girls." The president added that he looked forward to "working with Congress to restore U.S. financial support for the U.N. Population Fund." The Bush administration has repeatedly withheld funding authorized by Congress for the U.N. fund, saying the agency has funded a forced sterilization program in China. The fund has repeatedly denied that accusation. "By signaling his intention to restore U.S. funding for UNFPA, the UN Population Fund, President Barack Obama is signaling his re-engagement with the international community on the critical challenge of improving reproductive health around the world," UN Foundation President Timothy Wirth said. advertisement "For the past seven years, UNFPA funding has been a victim of false accusations and misinformation that had everything to do with politics and nothing to do with sound policy," he said. "Approximately 180 industrialized and developing countries, including all the countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, contribute to UNFPA. The United States was the only country to withhold funding for political reasons." I already read that...if thats the best you can do...gulp !!'s quite simple...fewer abortions...not a good thing...right ?...if you own government won't help you...then...DON'T GET FUGGIN PREGNANT !!!...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...for the 50's.... ![]() |
What they didn't get pregnant in the 50's?
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Some more information on this issue. Obama's memorandum reversing the policy comes the day after the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The landmark 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision held that a woman's right to an abortion fell within the right to privacy protected by the 14th Amendment. The ruling gave a woman autonomy over her pregnancy during the first trimester. The memorandum reverses the "Mexico City policy," initiated by President Reagan in 1984, canceled by President Clinton and reinstated by President George W. Bush in 2001. The policy, referred to by critics as "the global gag rule," was initially announced at a population conference in Mexico City. Reversing the previous administrations' stance on the policy was one of Clinton's first acts as president in January 1993 and the very first executive order issued by Bush on January 22, 2001, the 28th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Don't Miss * Obama backs 'right to choose' on Roe anniversary Critics, including Planned Parenthood, called Bush's move a "legislative ambush." He defended his action, saying, "It is my conviction that taxpayer funds should not be used to pay for abortion or actively promote abortion." The group Population Action International praised Obama's move, saying in a statement that it will "save women's lives around the world." "Family planning should not be a political issue; it's about basic health care and well-being for women and children," the group said. "Women's health has been severely impacted by the cutoff of assistance. President Obama's actions will help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, abortions and women dying from high-risk pregnancies because they don't have access to family planning." Republican lawmakers were critical of the new president's action. "Not even waiting a week, the new administration has acted to funnel U.S. tax dollars to abortion providers overseas," Rep. Tom Price, R-Georgia, said in a written statement. "This is a stunning reversal of course from the president's campaign statements that he hoped to reduce the number of abortions. Just a day after thousands of Americans came to Washington to celebrate the principle of life, President Obama has made it clear that reducing abortions is not one of his priorities." In his statement, however, Obama said he had directed his staff "to reach out to those on all sides of this issue to achieve the goal of reducing unintended pregnancies." "They will also work to promote safe motherhood, reduce maternal and infant mortality rates and increase educational and economic opportunities for women and girls." The president added that he looked forward to "working with Congress to restore U.S. financial support for the U.N. Population Fund." The Bush administration has repeatedly withheld funding authorized by Congress for the U.N. fund, saying the agency has funded a forced sterilization program in China. The fund has repeatedly denied that accusation. "By signaling his intention to restore U.S. funding for UNFPA, the UN Population Fund, President Barack Obama is signaling his re-engagement with the international community on the critical challenge of improving reproductive health around the world," UN Foundation President Timothy Wirth said. advertisement "For the past seven years, UNFPA funding has been a victim of false accusations and misinformation that had everything to do with politics and nothing to do with sound policy," he said. "Approximately 180 industrialized and developing countries, including all the countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, contribute to UNFPA. The United States was the only country to withhold funding for political reasons." I already read that...if thats the best you can do...gulp !!'s quite simple...fewer abortions...not a good thing...right ?...if your own government won't help you...then...DON'T GET FUGGIN PREGNANT !!!...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...for the 50's.... ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 01/25/09 06:21 AM
In a time when there needs to be cuts & Americans are suffering I think funds for things like abortion & any grants etc etc that go for the arts should be cut anyway.
CUT CUT CUT THOSE PROGRAMS FIRST. They need to have their feet held to the fire, even on UN funding as well. CUT CUT CUT! WOW! OBAMA wants to restore money to the UN? LOL Oh I don't think so.... We need to cut on frivolous programs...what happened to "sacrifice?" I guess DEMS don't mind all the big spending as long as it's on their big govt. programs huh? So much for the Bush bashing on the war on terror & what it cost us. I guess deficits are ok as long as DEMS are in control of the money????? I think keeping us safe should be the priority...not social programs the keep people dependant. TWO YEARS!!!!! |
Gee folks...we have and are supporting these programs...only now the doctors and nurses who are working in these areas can again legally discuss legal options with their clients.
As for cutting funding for birth control and other family planning services....yeah just what we need in tough economic times...more hungry mouths that cannot be fed. After is so much more Christian to have a bunch of babies who will suffer, starve and die...yeah...that's the Christian thing to do isn't it? Makes me want to puke... Limited thinking Increased suffering Limiting the legal free speech of health care professionals Keep us safe? Hum large numbers of starving poor people who look at the U.S. and hate us? That will keep us safe alright. Oh...these are the same programs several Bush lovers proudly pointed to when they pointed out how swell Shrub was for saving people in Africa from AIDS. But...knowing that would require some actual knowledge of the programs and their mission instead of a blanket, knee jerk, everything black or white reaction...thinking that is seemingly too difficult for some folks I suppose. Gotta love sheeple... |
Edited by
Sun 01/25/09 09:35 AM
Sore Looser---
Sore Loser!!! I stand corrected |
Sore Looser I think it's sore " loser "... ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 01/25/09 09:38 AM
Gee folks...we have and are supporting these programs...only now the doctors and nurses who are working in these areas can again legally discuss legal options with their clients. As for cutting funding for birth control and other family planning services....yeah just what we need in tough economic times...more hungry mouths that cannot be fed. After is so much more Christian to have a bunch of babies who will suffer, starve and die...yeah...that's the Christian thing to do isn't it? Makes me want to puke... Limited thinking Increased suffering Limiting the legal free speech of health care professionals Keep us safe? Hum large numbers of starving poor people who look at the U.S. and hate us? That will keep us safe alright. Oh...these are the same programs several Bush lovers proudly pointed to when they pointed out how swell Shrub was for saving people in Africa from AIDS. But...knowing that would require some actual knowledge of the programs and their mission instead of a blanket, knee jerk, everything black or white reaction...thinking that is seemingly too difficult for some folks I suppose. Gotta love sheeple... ![]() |
Sorry...that's not me...
That's not the people I know either... I know it's hard to conceive of when you are a sheeple but not everyone is. |
Edited by
Sun 01/25/09 11:47 AM
ohhhhhhhhhhh...for the 50's... ![]() Well, the high-sheen veneer and cult-of-personality euphoria surrounding America's new oratory endowed president looks to be dissolving rather quickly. While millions had hoped for a political "messiah," it's fast becoming evident that, instead, we've stuck ourselves with an extreme leftist ideologue whose brand of "change we can believe in" is, in fact, "change we never imagined." (Sorry to burst the Barack bandwagon bubble, but I say it like I see it.) The examples are piling up in terms of the radical pro-abortion polices he's planning to implement, the many-times-failed Marxist fiscal policies he's promised to test yet again, and – relative to his national security goals – the noxiously naive peacenik policies that have Mahmoud and Osama giggling themselves to sleep at night. But on issues involving marriage, family and sexual morality, Obama's been even more brazen than some of his most ardent detractors could have expected. Literally within minutes after he took the oath of office, the official White House webpage was updated – under the heading of "The Agenda: Civil Rights" – to detail his wholesale "support for the LGBT (homosexual activist) community." His stated plans include the following: Defeating all state and federal constitutional efforts to defend the millennia-old definition of natural marriage from attacks by "gay marriage" activists. Repealing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996. This is the only line of defense keeping all 50 states from being forced to recognize so-called "same-sex marriages" from extremely liberal states like Massachusetts and Connecticut. Repealing the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy despite the fact that the vast majority of military commanders and personnel say it will dangerously disrupt unit cohesion and troop morale. Passing constitutionally dubious and discriminatory "hate crimes" legislation, granting homosexuals and cross-dressers exclusive rights – denied other Americans – based on sexual behaviors that are deviant, changeable, and widely regarded both here and around the world as immoral. Passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which would force business owners (religious and otherwise) to abandon traditional values relative to sexual morality under penalty of law. Creating intentionally motherless and fatherless homes and sexually confusing untold thousands of children by expanding "gay adoption." The gravity of this situation cannot be overstated. Right out of the chute, Obama has told the world that he is signing off, without exception, on every demand of the extremist homosexual and transsexual lobbies. The radical homosexual agenda and religious/free-speech liberties cannot occupy the same space. It's a zero-sum game. When 1-2 percent of the population is granted exclusive rights based on the aforementioned deviant sexual proclivities and changeable sexual behaviors – to the detriment of everyone else – that's called tyranny of the minority. Obama recently said, "I don't want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be President of the United States of America." Well, Mr. President, remember that whole “actions versus words” cliché? Your words ring hollow and your actions speak volumes. Every policy you promise to implement does exactly what you've denounced. Both your actions and your words very much pit Red America against Blue America. For all the talk of "hope," "change," and "coming together," it's becoming abundantly clear that Barack Obama's administration will be the most leftist, divisive and discriminatory in recent memory. I suspect the immediate, stark and in-your-face revisions he's made to the White House website are a metaphor for what we can expect, in terms of broader policy, from his administration. Obama said in an August 19, 2008 speech: "Change doesn't come from Washington. Change comes to Washington." Well, radical change in the form of Barack Obama has certainly come to Washington. Not just in terms of the man's skin color – which is historic and most encouraging – but in terms of his exceptionally extreme and demonstrably dangerous liberal policies (not so encouraging). So it would seem that change does in fact "come from Washington." Change more radical than our nation has ever seen. Change our founders could have never imagined. People of faith, conservatives, and those of you with traditional values: hold on to your hats – it's going to be a bumpy four years. The only refreshing though which dawned on me after reading this post is that the period of 'madness', which we have been subjected to for the past 8 years, is officially over. The thoughts expressed in the OP are reduced to their legitimate right of self expression, and no more. The 'fool on the hill', and his cohort of 'executors', have vanished. We can finally turn the page. The years of 'god-justified' illegal and immoral acts are over. The mentality of divisive 'us-good', 'them-bad' is over. The ideology of 'believe-as-we-do-or-be-damned' is over. The dogmatic and delusional diseased way of thinking that 'others' (homosexuals, non-fundamentalists, non-dogmatic, non-ideologists, all 'foreighners'), whom do not share a boxed-in 'faith' and 'beleifs', are evil and must be treated as a threat to our so-called 'traditional values', 'ennemies of god' and 'traitors' to the nations, ... is over. The madness is officially over. The 8 years of the 'W-Bush' administration can finally be declared a gross 'accident' in US and World histories. The Republican party is under reconstruction. It has recognized the chief culprit of its fall to political 'hell'. 'A party can only go so far in 'smooching' with a particular 'lobby'', the Republican strategists and rebuilders are heard admitting. This politically 'opportunistic' association with the 'religious right', which was thought to be inoffensive from the Reagan's team perspective (make empty promises, and get the vote), turned downright dangerous under the 'fool on the Hill-W-Bush' regime. However loud and obnoxious the religious right is, it amounts to no more than a small minority of the political equation. Not the representative at all of the forward thinking and illuminating country that the US is. The Republican party is clearly committted to healing itself from its compulsive and perverse co-dependent relationship from the religious fanatic fringe. The fact that some, from the fundamentalist, dogmatic and divisive fringe are still expressing themselves without realizing that the 'Mad King' has left the 'Castle', is only a celebration of one of most celebrated and cherished collective values of 'free-speech'. Let's compassionnately extend our 'open-minded-hand' to our brothers and sisters 'closed-minded-fist'. It will go a long way in helping those suffering from 'withdrawal syndrome' heal their compulsive delusion. Sarcasm??? NO!!! Veiled attacks??? NO!!! Tough,straight,and healing intended love??? YES!!! |