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Topic: Cyptic
rlynne's photo
Fri 01/23/09 10:42 PM
the signs have been here.. a long time coming...often unnoticed
the world can never go back to the way things were but that does not mean it will move forward.

what are those signs...and what do they imply?

no photo
Fri 01/23/09 11:36 PM
It means you coulda saved a buttload of money if you went with GEICO.

michiganman3's photo
Fri 01/23/09 11:39 PM
its a Yield sign.

ScotishGerman27's photo
Fri 01/23/09 11:41 PM
Pro Israeli = pro zionism = pro one world government...thats ur problem in a nutshell, Israel doesnt belong to them, contrary to what they say and what Britain said either... u solve that u solve all the worlds problems QUITE LITERALLY, wonder why things are the way they are research this america...THAT IS ALL

Tanzkity's photo
Fri 01/23/09 11:42 PM

It means you coulda saved a buttload of money if you went with GEICO.

laugh laugh laugh AFLAC.........AFLAC.........laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 12:02 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 01/24/09 12:03 AM

the signs have been here.. a long time coming...often unnoticed
the world can never go back to the way things were but that does not mean it will move forward.

what are those signs...and what do they imply?

The signs have existed for hundreds of years. The results of today's signs, as usual, are fear. Fear controls a people. A rather huge flock of crows flew over my home weeks ago, and one employee decided it was a sign of end of days. I saw it as a good photo op and took a picture.

Wait a second. I thought I was the resident nut job on this site. Are you trying to replace me? laugh laugh laugh laugh

scoundrel's photo
Sat 01/24/09 12:12 AM
Growing up on a farm, I learned that the seeds or other basis of unusual plants is widespread, but the removal of the uppermost growth enables the sprouting of previously hidden things. All of it is always there...but until the predominant type of vegetation suffers a reduction there is almost no way to know what will spring up.
Also, due to innate composition of the soil, the type of flora that flourishes depends upon the levels of moisture, drainage, nutrients, and other fertility factors.
It's all cryptic until you realize that there is always the potential for anything to burst forth if the circumstances change.
The same is true of civilization. People are still the same characters that they were in the past, but types of behavior adjust to fit the predominant circumstances.
Every day is Survivor.

ScotishGerman27's photo
Sat 01/24/09 12:12 AM
no just watch ill be double demonized an take ur place if thats the case, who controls the media ?? even here??

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 12:14 AM

no just watch ill be double demonized an take ur place if thats the case, who controls the media ?? even here??

Why naturally, THEY do....

[insert monty python sneeze here]

ScotishGerman27's photo
Sat 01/24/09 12:14 AM

Growing up on a farm, I learned that the seeds or other basis of unusual plants is widespread, but the removal of the uppermost growth enables the sprouting of previously hidden things. All of it is always there...but until the predominant type of vegetation suffers a reduction there is almost no way to know what will spring up.
Also, due to innate composition of the soil, the type of flora that flourishes depends upon the levels of moisture, drainage, nutrients, and other fertility factors.
It's all cryptic until you realize that there is always the potential for anything to burst forth if the circumstances change.
The same is true of civilization. People are still the same characters that they were in the past, but types of behavior adjust to fit the predominant circumstances.
Every day is Survivor.

spoken like a true AG major XD an genius of philosophy XD

ScotishGerman27's photo
Sat 01/24/09 01:42 AM
LMFAO of at time passed with no response to any of this ... come on ppl grow up, i challenge you

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 01/24/09 01:45 AM

the signs have been here.. a long time coming...often unnoticed
the world can never go back to the way things were but that does not mean it will move forward.

what are those signs...and what do they imply?

Incredibly no one seems to see these signs until they smack them upside the what is the point in telling you about them, not like it will matter down the road.

ScotishGerman27's photo
Sat 01/24/09 01:48 AM
some ppl are as prepared as one man can get..

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 01/24/09 01:50 AM
You want to know how to see signs? Drop every belief you ever held, open your mind to new things, and see the world for the color that it is so vividly filled with...

Now you don't even have to worry about silly signs because life is far more interesting without having to filter through a number of people for "intimacy" interests.

ScotishGerman27's photo
Sat 01/24/09 02:12 AM
HA wheres the school for that at ?? a bombshelter???

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 01/24/09 02:18 AM

HA wheres the school for that at ?? a bombshelter???

One way or the other inevitably whoever your interested in is either a; going to stab you in the chest, or b; not as interested in you.

I've found one thing dating here in the mid-west, and that is that for the most of the women I dated they were attracted to the idea of counter-culture, but the attraction fails at the execution because then they realize I actually am a direct representation of counter-culture. Kind of like looking at a Black Widow and seeing the beauty in what can and possibly will kill you, let go of everything you've learned/been taught...and learn for yourself, life is much more pleasant when you really don't care about "trying" to attract anyone.

You can't see much of anything with tinted glasses of "reality".

rlynne's photo
Sat 01/24/09 10:09 AM

the signs have been here.. a long time coming...often unnoticed
the world can never go back to the way things were but that does not mean it will move forward.

what are those signs...and what do they imply?

The signs have existed for hundreds of years. The results of today's signs, as usual, are fear. Fear controls a people. A rather huge flock of crows flew over my home weeks ago, and one employee decided it was a sign of end of days. I saw it as a good photo op and took a picture.

Wait a second. I thought I was the resident nut job on this site. Are you trying to replace me? laugh laugh laugh laugh

i was thinking more of a collaboration.....

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 01/24/09 10:11 AM

the signs have been here.. a long time coming...often unnoticed
the world can never go back to the way things were but that does not mean it will move forward.

what are those signs...and what do they imply?

bigsmile The signs are all around you and they are all pointing to one thing.bigsmile

biggrin The future is herebiggrin

:thumbsup: This is the moment that we have all been waiting for:thumbsup:

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 10:29 AM
I much prefer Neon......

I have one on my forehead....

it says.....

"I'm easy ...but I aint"

It used to say..."screw me" but peeps took it out of context....

so I had to change it..........


fairycatcher31's photo
Sat 01/24/09 10:32 AM
Ok I needed that, it literally made me laugh out loud!!rofl

It means you coulda saved a buttload of money if you went with GEICO.

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