Topic: Bipolar Women (& Men Who Love Them!) | |
Personaly I think picking someone because they appear or are mentally ill so you can take advantage of their out of control behavior for sex makes you a rapist and or an exploiter. There is such a thing as diminished capacity and someone who is hyper sexual partying out of control does not give full consent any more than someone who is drunk or other wise incapacitated.
Some of the sweeping assumptions about people with various mental health issues is very dissappointing in and adult chat room. Especially some of the remaks from so called caring professionals. Regardless of a lable People are People and deserve to be seen as more than a one size fits all diagnosis. |
Personaly I think picking someone because they appear or are mentally ill so you can take advantage of their out of control behavior for sex makes you a rapist and or an exploiter. There is such a thing as diminished capacity and someone who is hyper sexual partying out of control does not give full consent any more than someone who is drunk or other wise incapacitated. Talk about "sweeping generalizations" I don't believe anyone mentioned psychosis, so diminished capacity is irrelevent. One mentally ill person commenting on the sex drive of another hardly qualifies. There's an awful lot being read into this thread than actually exists. I comment on sex drive, and you turn it into rape. How'd that happen? Some of the sweeping assumptions about people with various mental health issues is very dissappointing in and adult chat room. Especially some of the remaks from so called caring professionals. Regardless of a lable People are People and deserve to be seen as more than a one size fits all diagnosis. As to the 'so called caring professionals'. I only saw one of those, and in fact, recently added her as a friend because she seems to be a caring professional and friend material. Now, I could be very much psychotic without knowing it, and while my judgment could be impaired, but I'm going to go ahead and assume you're being a wee bit too sensitive. Speaking as someone with bipolar disorder, the assumptions are valid. As for the one-size-fits all box for us mentally ill types, I double dog dare you to put me in one. |
I think the title is pretty much self-explanatory! But ya'll feel free to share your thoughts on the subject. Uhh... bi-polar "ladies" are not what I'd call "date material". They're too "all over the place" for me. |
OMG, don't tell me you work in Massilon on a street off the OH-21. I have a customer on that same street, in need of your services! ![]() No, I do not work at Heartland BH.... ![]() But that place is nice. You know they have a marbled area with ficus trees and a barber shop in there? They call it "the mall".... ![]() Ah, well, one of my customer's is on the same street. I keep suggesting a visit, but well, you can't reason with insanity. |
OMG, I have a high sex drive. I must be looking to get raped... is that the correlation of assumption going on in here?
My oldest sister is BiPolar...I have to take her to her doctors meetings and go in there with her because she is so all over the place. She also is ADHD and has Lupus. She is a mess most of the time. Her bipolar meds she takes most regularly but when she isn't on them you don't hear from her. She went off and moved to Florida once and married a man she knew for 3 hours.
Yep... Bipolar girls, gotta love'em. I am subconsciously attracted to them, can't help it. I put up with their insanity because... well, how can I say this tactfully, THEY ARE AWESOME IN BED! That is so true man. Lol, an ex of mine used to park in my driveway while I was at work. |
Yep... Bipolar girls, gotta love'em. I am subconsciously attracted to them, can't help it. I put up with their insanity because... well, how can I say this tactfully, THEY ARE AWESOME IN BED! That is so true man. Lol, an ex of mine used to park in my driveway while I was at work. Haha! Brings back memories... one of my bipolar ex girl friends used to sleep in my car while I was at work. That's how much she loved to stay close to me. Then one day, out of the blue, she moved out of my car and my life and moved to New Jersey. ![]() |