Topic: War crimes convictions after Gaza? | |
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Tue 01/27/09 09:40 AM
Israeli terrorism has been the instigating factor behind all that has happened since. At the end of WWI there was a very organized and cooperative Arab (Palestinian) Gov in Palestine. The Israeli's were welcomed and prospered with freedom and equality. Now look how things are. And it all started going bad with Israeli terrorism. These terrorist killed Arab civilians by bombing their markets while they shopped, their trains while they traveled, and theirs and the British Gov offices. To condemn the Palestinians while forgetting their own past terror is irrational and prejudiced thinking. The Israelis have honored their terrorists. Naming streets after them, giving military awards in their names, and putting them in their highest Gov positions with the authority to commit more terror in the name of The State of Israel. To support them is to encourage and support terrorism and is prejudice behavior. Instead of thinking of those who dont support Israel, in a prejudice light as anti-semantic, maybe you should turn that prejudice light on Israel, and condemn them and their supporters for Arab prejudice. |
Israeli's could never have realized Zion by their self. The Western Christian powers forced it on the Arabs, Before 1879 there were only a hand full of Jews in Palestine. It was 47 years ago, Sept. 17, 1948, when Jewish terrorists assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden as he sought to bring peace to the Middle East. His three-car convoy had been stopped at a small improvised roadblock in Jewish-controlled West Jerusalem when two gunmen began shooting out the tires of the cars and a third gunman thrust a Schmeisser automatic pistol through the open back window of Bernadotte's Chrysler. The 54-year-old diplomat, sitting on the right in the back, was hit by six bullets and died instantly. A French officer sitting next to Bernadotte was killed accidentally. The assassins were members of Lehi (Lohamei Herut Israel—Fighters for the Freedom of Israel), better known as the Stern Gang. Its three leaders had decided a week earlier to have Bernadotte killed because they believed he was partial to the Arabs. One of those leaders was Yitzhak Shamir, who in 1983 would become prime minister of Israel.1 Bernadotte had been chosen the United Nations mediator for Palestine four months earlier in what was the U.N.'s first serious attempt at peacemaking in the post-World War II world. As a hero of the war, when his mediation efforts on behalf of the International Red Cross saved 20,000 persons, including thousands of Jews, from Nazi concentration camps, Bernadotte seemed a natural choice for the post.2 The terms of the mediator's mandate were to "promote a peaceful adjustment of the future situation in Palestine" and to allow him to mediate beyond the terms of the Partition Plan.3 It had been only on Nov. 29, 1947 that the U.N. General Assembly had voted to partition Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. Yet, as had been widely predicted, that action had led to war. Fighting intensified after elements of five Arab armies moved into Palestine the day after Israel proclaimed its establishment on May 14, 1948. Bernadotte's first action had been to arrange a truce, which lasted from June 11 to July 9. During the lull, Bernadotte had put forward his first proposal for solving the conflict. Instead, it was to seal his fate. Bernadotte's transgression, in the view of Jewish zealots, was to include in his June 28 proposal the suggestion that Jerusalem be placed under Jordanian rule, since all the area around the city was designated for the Arab state.4 The U.N. partition plan had declared Jerusalem an international city that was to be ruled by neither Arab nor Jew. But the Jewish terrorists, including Shamir and Menachem Begin, the leader of the largest terrorist group, Irgun Zvai Leumi—National Military Organization, also known by the Hebrew acronym "Etzel"—had rejected partition and claimed all of Palestine and Jordan for the Jewish state. These Jewish extremists were horrified at Bernadotte's suggestion. |
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Tue 01/27/09 12:12 PM
The hypocrisy of the UN is that it repeatedly slams Israel
with questionable disproportionate allegations while ignoring or glossing over the most brutal and obscene glaring crimes against humanity such as bus and cafe bombings and indiscriminate Hezbollah or Hamas rocket attacks. Eventually, Israel is forced to defend herself and does so taking every effort to protect human life. Vetoed U.N. Resolutions Prior to Hamas and Hezbollah # Sept. 10, 1972—Condemned Israel’s attacks against Southern Lebanon and Syria; vote: 13 to 1, with 1 abstention # July 26, 1973—Affirmed the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, statehood and equal protections; vote: 13 to 1, with China absent. # Dec. 8, 1975—Condemned Israel’s air strikes and attacks in Southern Lebanon and its murder of innocent civilians; vote: 13 to 1, with 1 abstention. # Jan. 26, 1976—Called for self-determination of Palestinian people; vote: 9 to 1, with 3 abstentions. # March 25, 1976—Deplored Israel’s altering of the status of Jerusalem, which is recognized as an international city, by most world nations and the United Nation’s; vote: 14 to 1. # June 29, 1976—Affirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people; vote: 10 to 1, with 4 abstentions. # April 30, 1980—Endorsed self-determination for the Palestinian people; vote: 10 to 1, with 4 abstentions. # Jan. 20, 1982—Demanded Israel’s withdrawal from the Golan Heights; vote: 9 to 1, with 4 abstentions. # April 2, 1982—Condemned Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip and its refusal to abide by the Geneva Convention protocols of civilized nations; vote: 14 to 1. # April 20, 1982—Condemned an Israeli soldier who shot 11 Muslim worshippers on the Temple Mount of the Haram al-Sharaf near the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem; vote: 14 to 1. # June 8, 1982—Urged sanctions against Israel if it did not withdraw from its invasion of Lebanon; vote: 14 to 1. # June 26, 1982—Urged sanctions against Israel if it did not withdraw from its invasion of Beirut, Lebanon; vote: 14 to 1. # Aug. 6, 1982—Urged cut-off of economic aid to Israel if it refused to withdraw from its occupation of Lebanon; vote: 11 to 1, with 3 abstentions. # Aug. 2, 1983—Condemned continued Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine territories of West Bank and Gaza Strip, denouncing them as an obstacle to peace; vote: 13 to 1, with 1 abstention. # Sept. 6, 1984—Deplored Israel’s brutal massacre of Arabs in Lebanon and urged its withdrawal; vote: 14 to 1. Hezbollah started in 1985 Hamas started in 1987 These weren't ignoring Hezbollah or Hamas as neither existed as yet. Yet both came about because of the manner Israel treats its neighbors. It seems that Israel creates her own enemies. Perhaps if Israel had followed these (and the previous) there would a: be peace in the region; b: fewer enemies for Israel From what I can see here Israel should have been brought before a war crimes tribunal long ago and probably would have were it not for the U.S. |
Hezbollah and Hamas are fundamentalist Islamic
organizations. They existed less organized prior to their charters. In the way back machine it was Arafat as principle terrorist thug. But the long list of ridiculous UN resolutions targeting Israel preferentially just goes to show the long term bias of the UN as it was twisted around by the Islamic countries in the majority... UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan admitted at the opening of the 61st General Assembly on September 20, 2006, that Israel is often unfairly judged at the United Nations. “On one side, supporters of Israel feel that it is harshly judged by standards that are not applied to its enemies,” he said. “And too often this is true, particularly in some UN bodies.”1 Starting in the mid-1970s, an Arab-Soviet-Third World bloc joined to form what amounted to a pro-PLO lobby at the United Nations. This was particularly true in the General Assembly where these countries — nearly all dictatorships or autocracies — frequently voted together to pass resolutions attacking Israel and supporting the PLO. In 1974, for example, the General Assembly invited Yasser Arafat to address it. Arafat did so, a holster attached to his hip. In his speech, Arafat spoke of carrying a gun and an olive branch (he left his gun outside before entering the hall). In 1975, the Assembly awarded permanent representative status to the PLO, which opened an office in midtown Manhattan. Later that year, at the instigation of the Arab states and the Soviet Bloc, the Assembly approved Resolution 3379, which slandered Zionism by branding it a form of racism. U.S. Ambassador Daniel Moynihan called the resolution an “obscene act.” Israeli Ambassador Chaim Herzog told his fellow delegates the resolution was “based on hatred, falsehood and arrogance.” Hitler, he declared, would have felt at home listening to the UN debate on the measure.1a etc. etc... |
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Tue 01/27/09 01:03 PM
That doesn't explain away the killing of civilians. The more I read the more I am appalled by the behavior of Israel.
The thread was originally started to ask the question would either side be brought before a tribunal for war crimes. Hamas or Israel. That Hamas deserved it was not a doubt. Now though, after all I have read about Israel and its manner of behaving with its neighbors, screaming about terror attacks suffered by it population from an enemy it created, the total disregard they have for the world at large, it manner of treating the Palestinian people (recreating a phase of history that was never to be forgotten, or repeated. Just the finale missing now). I have been convinced that Israel is probably hiding a lot more than they say. I think that Israeli government members and members of the IDF shouldn't plan any vacations outside Israel as they will run the risk of arrest for war crimes. Suspects that scream too loud about innocence and circumstance are usually guilty of more than you think. ..................................... pre-state Zionist leaders who knew they would have to forcibly expel the Palestinians to create a Jewish state in Palestine -- given that well over 90 percent of the land was Palestinian in the early 20th Century, and by 1948, the Jewish minority in Palestine owned just 5.8 percent of the land. He describes in detail the planning before 1948 -- including files on every Arab village and its inhabitants -- which would allow the Jewish militias in 1947-48 to start attacking, terrorizing and driving out Palestinians as soon as the British mandate ended. Pappe goes through the details of Plan Dalet, [color]“the blueprint for ethnic cleansing”, and shows how the Israeli forces worked systematically in every part of the land to attack, frighten, and expel the Palestinians, in order to secure the land for Jewish colonies and settlers. The historical details he provides are chilling, and worthy of serious discussion to understand exactly what happened in 1947-48 (because the Jewish Zionist attacks against Arabs started well before the May 1948 end of the British mandate; the first Jewish militia attacks to terrorize the Palestinians into fleeing were in December 1947, against the Palestinian villages of Deir Ayyub and Beit Affa in the central plain). The main mission to drive out as many Palestinians as possible was formally approved by Jewish Zionist leaders on March 10, 1948. When it ended six months later, he says, some 800,000 Palestinians had been uprooted, 531 villages destroyed, and eleven urban neighborhoods in cities emptied of their inhabitants. Pappe concludes that the plan and its systematic implementation “was a clear-cut case of an ethnic cleansing operation, regarded under international law today as a crime against humanity.” March 10, 1948 !!!! The State of Israel came into being in May 14, 1948. |
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Tue 01/27/09 01:57 PM
Israel is not responsible for radical Islam. Israel did not "create" those who hate them now or at the time of creation of Israel...or at any time.
Here is a nice photo of Hitler and the Grand Mufti...for example....(Amin Al-Husseini - Arafat's uncle) from ![]() Israel does not try to kill civilians. But Hamas DOES. Joyfully! Gleefully. Yet, you excuse them and blame Israel? ![]() |
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Tue 01/27/09 02:05 PM
Israel is not responsible for radical Islam. Israel did not "create" those who hate them now or at the time of creation of Israel...or at any time. Here is a nice photo of Hitler and the Grand Mufti...for example.... ![]() Israel does not try to kill civilians. But Hamas DOES. Joyfully! Gleefully. Yet, you excuse them and blame Israel? ![]() I have stated continuously that HAMAS IS GUILTY!!!!! Blame Israel? Yes. I look at the history and see what has been done to create the State of Israel, in the name of the State of Israel and by the State of Israel. Perhaps had Israel agreed to: # July 26, 1973—Affirmed the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, statehood and equal protections; # June 29, 1976—Affirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people; # April 30, 1980—Endorsed self-determination for the Palestinian people; As well as the aforementioned 'ethnic cleansing in preparation for State of Israel. Israel has created its problems with its own actions, lack of actions. The picture of the Mufti with Hitler is very interesting. Is there one of the Jews who tried to make a deal with Germany as well? I suggest you cease listening to hasbara (a Hebrew word for "explanation" and referring to information, spin, propaganda or a strategic public relations policy) and take a look at what is known. I had the greatest respect for Israel, and the IDF, prior to this. They have lost a great deal of that respect. This thread has become a forum for the defense of Israel instead of addressing the original question. |
FACTS!!! Israeli's could never have realized Zion by their self. The Western Christian powers forced it on the Arabs, Before 1879 there were only a hand full of Jews in Palestine. It was 47 years ago, Sept. 17, 1948, when Jewish terrorists assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden as he sought to bring peace to the Middle East. His three-car convoy had been stopped at a small improvised roadblock in Jewish-controlled West Jerusalem when two gunmen began shooting out the tires of the cars and a third gunman thrust a Schmeisser automatic pistol through the open back window of Bernadotte's Chrysler. The 54-year-old diplomat, sitting on the right in the back, was hit by six bullets and died instantly. A French officer sitting next to Bernadotte was killed accidentally. The assassins were members of Lehi (Lohamei Herut Israel—Fighters for the Freedom of Israel), better known as the Stern Gang. Its three leaders had decided a week earlier to have Bernadotte killed because they believed he was partial to the Arabs. One of those leaders was Yitzhak Shamir, who in 1983 would become prime minister of Israel.1 Bernadotte had been chosen the United Nations mediator for Palestine four months earlier in what was the U.N.'s first serious attempt at peacemaking in the post-World War II world. As a hero of the war, when his mediation efforts on behalf of the International Red Cross saved 20,000 persons, including thousands of Jews, from Nazi concentration camps, Bernadotte seemed a natural choice for the post.2 The terms of the mediator's mandate were to "promote a peaceful adjustment of the future situation in Palestine" and to allow him to mediate beyond the terms of the Partition Plan.3 It had been only on Nov. 29, 1947 that the U.N. General Assembly had voted to partition Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. Yet, as had been widely predicted, that action had led to war. Fighting intensified after elements of five Arab armies moved into Palestine the day after Israel proclaimed its establishment on May 14, 1948. Bernadotte's first action had been to arrange a truce, which lasted from June 11 to July 9. During the lull, Bernadotte had put forward his first proposal for solving the conflict. Instead, it was to seal his fate. Bernadotte's transgression, in the view of Jewish zealots, was to include in his June 28 proposal the suggestion that Jerusalem be placed under Jordanian rule, since all the area around the city was designated for the Arab state.4 The U.N. partition plan had declared Jerusalem an international city that was to be ruled by neither Arab nor Jew. But the Jewish terrorists, including Shamir and Menachem Begin, the leader of the largest terrorist group, Irgun Zvai Leumi—National Military Organization, also known by the Hebrew acronym "Etzel"—had rejected partition and claimed all of Palestine and Jordan for the Jewish state. These Jewish extremists were horrified at Bernadotte's suggestion. |
Israel is not responsible for radical Islam. Israel did not "create" those who hate them now or at the time of creation of Israel...or at any time. Here is a nice photo of Hitler and the Grand Mufti...for example.... ![]() Israel does not try to kill civilians. But Hamas DOES. Joyfully! Gleefully. Yet, you excuse them and blame Israel? ![]() I have stated continuously that HAMAS IS GUILTY!!!!! Blame Israel? Yes. I look at the history and see what has been done to create the State of Israel, in the name of the State of Israel and by the State of Israel. Perhaps had Israel agreed to: # July 26, 1973—Affirmed the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, statehood and equal protections; # June 29, 1976—Affirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people; # April 30, 1980—Endorsed self-determination for the Palestinian people; As well as the aforementioned 'ethnic cleansing in preparation for State of Israel. Israel has created its problems with its own actions, lack of actions. The picture of the Mufti with Hitler is very interesting. Is there one of the Jews who tried to make a deal with Germany as well? I suggest you cease listening to hasbara (a Hebrew word for "explanation" and referring to information, spin, propaganda or a strategic public relations policy) and take a look at what is known. I had the greatest respect for Israel, and the IDF, prior to this. They have lost a great deal of that respect. This thread has become a forum for the defense of Israel instead of addressing the original question. Israel was born out of a civil war that arose when many jews were forced to relocate because of genocide and because they had few places to go and the others who had been living in Israel welcomed them. During this time, hundreds of thousands of jews were expelled forcibly by the countries of the middle east as well - in ethnic cleansing. This radically changed the population and political landscape of the region. The arabic neighbors opposed them violently and a civil war broke out over the land under the british. During this conflict the arabs and palestinians committed just as much violence as the jews but in the end the arabs and palestinians refused the UN partition plan and refused to accept the existence of israel. Not to say that israel did not wage war - they did - contrary to the assertions on this thread, they did NOT operate as terrorists. There were isolated incidents but they never operated by widespread equivalents of bus bombings, hostages, hijackings, rocket attack on civilians, or using human shields (the tactics of Al-Quaida and Hamas). Nor did they intimidate their own people the way Hamas abuses suspected supporters of Fatah or those who might vote against them. Finally, the IDF did not commit war crimes the likes of which Hamas committed on a daily basis during the latest conflict. Israel took precautions to protect human life even as they were forced into urban combat to prevent Hamas from launching rockets into their peaceful towns and cities. Despite loud claims to the contrary, Israel still maintains that the vast majority killed were Hamas fighters in this conflict. Civilians were killed of course because Hamas chose to operate in the way that put the most civilians at risk to save their own miserable hides. Placing blame on Israel is wrong. Not to say that they have no responsibility at all. Not to say that there have not been abuses and errors in the past. But this conflict was a direct result of rocket attacks which are a crime even in times of war. And not just a few rocket attacks but thousands. And the forcing of civilians into the battle was done by Hamas - not by Israel. The IDF still deserves your greatest respect. They swiftly brought the conflict to a resolution with a minimum of loss of human life despite the despicable abuse of helpless poor people of Gaza as human shields by Hamas. So, war crimes? YES. By Hamas not Israel. |
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Wed 01/28/09 04:01 AM
I started out this thread asking only what the chances were that EITHER SIDE would face a tribunal if war crimes were found to have been committed. It got turned into a "Israel does no wrong".
Do you even read what is posted? 800,000 Palestinians forced from their homes, 512 villages destroyed and 11 urban neighborhoods cleared of inhabitants just to create the State of Israel!! Ethnic cleansing to say that there was no one there when they moved in!! The methods of Israel haven't changed much over the years. The IDF gets to play with all its toys in exactly the same..we don't care what the world thinks, laws say etc attitude. They are guilty of war crimes. Israel can maintain what it choses about the casualties. Other organizations like the Red Cross, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty are finding that the numbers don't match. And finding that weapons were used improperly, contrary to International Laws around civilians. They say that god has given them Israel. This is the same Old Testament god from the Bible. The one whose 'word' is taught, spread by the same Rabbi's who tell, what I thought were professional soldiers, that it is alright to kill civilians! There are no innocents! Israel needs to face a War Crime Tribunal. It's government representatives, religious representatives and its military. ..It needs to be pushed to 1967 border and kept there. ..Forced to compensate those that it pushed out. ..Forced to compensate / help rebuild Gaza. ..Have restrictions placed on its military as to material permitted and actions allowed. ..Forced to sign and adhere to the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative. But this conflict was a direct result of rocket attacks which are a crime even in times of war.
The blockade around Gaza itself is an act of war under International Law. The IDF still deserves your greatest respect. They swiftly brought the conflict to a resolution with a minimum of loss of human life despite the despicable abuse of helpless poor people of Gaza as human shields by Hamas.
I don't respect those that have no respect for human life. The use of weapons in a civilian environment not meant for that use, not allowing medical aid to get to areas that need it, attacks on UN building continuing, with WP, after stating that the attack would end. There was no resolution to the conflict. There is a cease-fire. Not the same by a long shot. The IDF might gain a small amount of respect when they have a right to it and earn it. |
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Wed 01/28/09 06:42 AM
the supposed blockade was lifted repeatedly for
humanitarian purposes and tightened when arms were used in terrorist attacks. so, no humanitarian blockade and no crime. the reports you cite on the creation of israel are strongly biased and inaccurate. large numbers of arabs fought against israel in the wars of independence and voluntarily left their homes. there was no centrally organized purge on such a scale. not all israelis are religious zealots. but those who are believe ardently "thou shalt not kill" certainly not civilians. respect for human life: israel broadcasts its plans to move into neighborhoods to give a chance for civilians to leave assists foreign nationals to evacuate drops leaflets in areas they are entering unilaterally ceases fire for humanitarian aid never targets civilians =-=-=-=-= hamas targets civilians and brags loudly when civilians are killed caches munitions in apartment bldgs, mosques, hospitals transports soldiers and weapons in marked ambulances tortures their own people for suspected subversion orders, urges people to stay in their homes near where they store arms and launch rockets mines roadways, booby traps homes bombs buses, restaurants, marketplace uses humanitarian cease fires to transport arms and fire rockets at civilians shoots rockets indiscriminately into residential areas solely for the purpose of injuring civilians Gee. I dunno. ![]() OK OK so it is OBVIOUS Everyone can agree that Hamas is guilty of war crimes. So, how can they be effectively prosecuted, jailed and neutralized by the international community? How will this be accomplished when Iran and Syria actually support these activities? |
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Wed 01/28/09 06:56 AM
the reports you cite on the creation of israel are
strongly biased and inaccurate. large numbers of arabs fought against israel in the wars of independence and voluntarily left their homes. there was no centrally organized purge on such a scale. I wonder if you you even looked at this previously. So then this man is dreaming, in technicolor even. He didn't actually find any official Israeli sources and there was no Plan Dalet. Purpose of Plan Dalet The introduction states: :'' a) The objective of this plan is to gain control of the areas of the Hebrew state and defend its borders. It also aims at gaining control of the areas of Jewish settlements and concentration which are (1) located outside the borders (of the Hebrew state) against regular, semi-regular, and small forces operating from bases outside or inside the state.'' This passage has been interpreted to mean that Plan Dalet was not really of defensive nature, and that the founders of the Jewish state intended to disregard the 1947 UN Partition plan and secure positions outside the partition plans borders. The Jewish historian Ilan Pappe found confirmation of this in the diaries of Ben Gurion. In his book 'The ethnic Cleansing of Palestine' he quotes Ben Gurion writing the commanders of the Haganah Brigades on 11 May 1948 that 'the cleansing of Palestine remaines the prime objective of Plan Dalet'. The Plan states :''"Generally, the aim of this plan is not an operation of occupation outside the borders of the Hebrew state. However,color=green] concerning enemy bases lying directly close to the borders which may be used as springboards for infiltration into the territory of the state, these must be temporarily occupied and searched for hostiles according to the above guidelines, and they must then be incorporated into our defensive system until operations cease." However, in Section 3b4 the plan proscribes offensive operations to be carried out to consolidate the defensive system: :''Mounting operations against enemy population centers located inside or near our defensive system in order to prevent them from being used as bases by an active armed force. These operations can be divided into the following categories:'' ::''Destruction of villages (setting fire to, blowing up, and planting mines in the debris), especially those population centers which are difficult to control continuously.'' ::''Mounting search and control operations according to the following guidelines: encirclement of the village and conducting a search7 inside it. In the event of resistance, the armed force must be destroyed and the population must be expelled outside the borders of the state[color]. :''The villages which are emptied in the manner described above must be included in the fixed defensive system and must be fortified as necessary.'' :''In the absence of resistance, garrison troops will enter the village and take up positions in it or in locations which enable complete tactical control. The officer in command of the unit will confiscate all weapons, wireless devices, and motor vehicles in the village. In addition, he will detain all politically suspect individuals.'' Depending on the interpretation of 'near our defensive system' section 3b4 can either be interpreted as defensive or, since 90 percent of Palestine lay within 30 km of the Jewish Mandate area, as extremely offensive. Furthermore the measures to be taken in the absence of resistance could easily provoke resistance, providing an excuse for expulsion. So the actual purpose of Plan Dalet depended on the interpretation of the plan by the Jewish leadership. It is left to the reader, bearing in mind that the war resulted in 78% of Palestine in Jewish hands and an estimated 711,000 Palestinian refugees[1], to judge how the Jewish leadership interpreted the plan. Walid Khalidi (General Secretary of the Institute for Palestine Studies) offered this interpretation in an address to the American Committee on Jerusalem: :''As is witnessed by the Haganah's Plan Dalet, the Jewish leadership was determined to link the envisaged Jewish state with the Jerusalem corpus separatum. But the corpus separatum lay deep in Arab territory, in the middle of the envisaged Palestinian state, so this linking up could only be done militarily.'' If they resist blow the hell out of them and throw them out. If they don't resist give them a reason to and blow the hell out of them then throw them out. (1) You are absolutely right nothing wrong there. Take what is not Israel's and make it Israel's in the name of defense. And if operations never cease well then the IDF just stays there, on land that's not theirs, expropriated illegally against the Geneva Convention. Sorry but the more I read and learn the less Israel looks like a poor victim. The less respect I have for them. IDF is just Haganah and Irgun with bigger and better toys to play with and eager to try them. the supposed blockade was lifted repeatedly for
humanitarian purposes and tightened when arms were used in terrorist attacks. so, no humanitarian blockade and no crime. International Law does not specify 'humanitarian blockade'. A blockade is an act of war. OK OK so it is OBVIOUS
Everyone can agree that Hamas is guilty of war crimes. So, how can they be effectively prosecuted, jailed and neutralized by the international community? How will this be accomplished when Iran and Syria actually support these activities? It is just as obvious that Israel is guilty and should also appear before a War Crimes Tribunal. |
![]() plan Dalet. How about the many plans of the Arab states, Arafat, Hamas, Hezbollah for the eradication of the the state of Israel. Of course these plans have resulted in incessant terrorist attacks on civilians in Israel and several wars in which Israel's existence was at stake. ![]() the latest? Ahmadinejad "Israel must be wiped off the map … The establishment of a Zionist regime was a move by the world oppressor against the Islamic world . . . The skirmishes in the occupied land are part of the war of destiny." it is not a blockade if the borders are repeatedly volutarily opened to allow for humanitarian assistance. just as obvious? ![]() so, you do not see any difference in these tactics? respect for human life: israel broadcasts its plans to move into neighborhoods to give a chance for civilians to leave assists foreign nationals to evacuate drops leaflets in areas they are entering unilaterally ceases fire for humanitarian aid never targets civilians =-=-=-=-= hamas targets civilians and brags loudly when civilians are killed caches munitions in apartment bldgs, mosques, hospitals transports soldiers and weapons in marked ambulances tortures their own people for suspected subversion orders, urges people to stay in their homes near where they store arms and launch rockets mines roadways, booby traps homes bombs buses, restaurants, marketplace uses humanitarian cease fires to transport arms and fire rockets at civilians shoots rockets indiscriminately into residential areas solely for the purpose of injuring civilians Gee. I dunno. ![]() |
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Wed 01/28/09 07:18 AM
plan Dalet. How about the many plans of the Arab
states, Arafat, Hamas, Hezbollah for the eradication of the the state of Israel. Of course these plans have resulted in incessant terrorist attacks on civilians in Israel and several wars in which Israel's existence was at stake. If not for Plan Dalet at the outset of Israel they may not have the problems they face now. Again...created their own enemies. Again..... I have never stated that Hamas was not guilty. However I believe Israel to to be equally guilty of committing war crimes. Who will have the political cajones to bring them before Tribunal? |
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Wed 01/28/09 08:00 AM
plan Dalet. How about the many plans of the Arab
states, Arafat, Hamas, Hezbollah for the eradication of the the state of Israel. Of course these plans have resulted in incessant terrorist attacks on civilians in Israel and several wars in which Israel's existence was at stake. If not for Plan Dalet at the outset of Israel they may not have the problems they face now. Again...created their own enemies. Again..... I have never stated that Hamas was not guilty. However I believe Israel to to be equally guilty of committing war crimes. Who will have the political cajones to bring them before Tribunal? As I pointed out earlier...Israel did not create her enemies there is abundant historical evidence (Pharoah, Rome, Inquisition, Hitler...etc. etc.) that enemies existed long ago. You recall that Israel intially accepted the partition plan and that it was the arabs who rejected it right? Equally guilty implies that you make an equivalence between the tactics stated above. These are not fabricated tactics. These are actually the ways in which the IDF and Hamas have pursued their respective sides of the conflict. This is of course absurd. Our difference of opinion on this results from my observation that there is such a radical difference in the tactics of Hamas which are universally crimes against humanity and Israels' approach which is disciplined warfare in which they deplore civilian casualties. One really should not equate the acts of a terrorist with the response of the police even if the terrorist is ultimately killed rather than captured and even if as a result of the terrorist's actions innocent civilians are caught in the crossfire. This is why much of the world who have been subject to terrorist attacks recently - London, Mumbai, World Trade Center, Breslan, Lockerbie, Kuta, Madrid...etc. etc. recognize the difference and do not consider IDF military action against Hamas, even in urban areas, as war crimes. And they all know their world history too. |
Israel will be held accountable for it's terrorism about the same time Bush will be indicted for his 30 some odd criminal offenses. Ain't a gonna happen.
Bush and Isreal both bank on people not paying attention to recent history, much past history, period. Likely nothing will happen to either.
Bush and Isreal both bank on people not paying attention to recent history, much past history, period. Likely nothing will happen to either. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Israeli terrorism has been the instigating factor behind all that has happened since. At the end of WWI there was a very organized and cooperative Arab (Palestinian) Gov in Palestine. The Israeli's were welcomed and prospered with freedom and equality. Now look how things are. And it all started going bad with Israeli terrorism. These terrorist killed Arab civilians by bombing their markets while they shopped, their trains while they traveled, and theirs and the British Gov offices. To condemn the Palestinians while forgetting their own past terror is irrational and prejudiced thinking. The Israelis have honored their terrorists. Naming streets after them, giving military awards in their names, and putting them in their highest Gov positions with the authority to commit more terror in the name of The State of Israel. To support them is to encourage and support terrorism and is prejudice behavior. Instead of thinking of those who dont support Israel, in a prejudice light as anti-semantic, maybe you should turn that prejudice light on Israel, and condemn them and their supporters for Arab prejudice. |
FACTS!!! Israeli's could never have realized Zion by their self. The Western Christian powers forced it on the Arabs, Before 1879 there were only a hand full of Jews in Palestine. It was 47 years ago, Sept. 17, 1948, when Jewish terrorists assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden as he sought to bring peace to the Middle East. His three-car convoy had been stopped at a small improvised roadblock in Jewish-controlled West Jerusalem when two gunmen began shooting out the tires of the cars and a third gunman thrust a Schmeisser automatic pistol through the open back window of Bernadotte's Chrysler. The 54-year-old diplomat, sitting on the right in the back, was hit by six bullets and died instantly. A French officer sitting next to Bernadotte was killed accidentally. The assassins were members of Lehi (Lohamei Herut Israel—Fighters for the Freedom of Israel), better known as the Stern Gang. Its three leaders had decided a week earlier to have Bernadotte killed because they believed he was partial to the Arabs. One of those leaders was Yitzhak Shamir, who in 1983 would become prime minister of Israel.1 Bernadotte had been chosen the United Nations mediator for Palestine four months earlier in what was the U.N.'s first serious attempt at peacemaking in the post-World War II world. As a hero of the war, when his mediation efforts on behalf of the International Red Cross saved 20,000 persons, including thousands of Jews, from Nazi concentration camps, Bernadotte seemed a natural choice for the post.2 The terms of the mediator's mandate were to "promote a peaceful adjustment of the future situation in Palestine" and to allow him to mediate beyond the terms of the Partition Plan.3 It had been only on Nov. 29, 1947 that the U.N. General Assembly had voted to partition Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. Yet, as had been widely predicted, that action had led to war. Fighting intensified after elements of five Arab armies moved into Palestine the day after Israel proclaimed its establishment on May 14, 1948. Bernadotte's first action had been to arrange a truce, which lasted from June 11 to July 9. During the lull, Bernadotte had put forward his first proposal for solving the conflict. Instead, it was to seal his fate. Bernadotte's transgression, in the view of Jewish zealots, was to include in his June 28 proposal the suggestion that Jerusalem be placed under Jordanian rule, since all the area around the city was designated for the Arab state.4 The U.N. partition plan had declared Jerusalem an international city that was to be ruled by neither Arab nor Jew. But the Jewish terrorists, including Shamir and Menachem Begin, the leader of the largest terrorist group, Irgun Zvai Leumi—National Military Organization, also known by the Hebrew acronym "Etzel"—had rejected partition and claimed all of Palestine and Jordan for the Jewish state. These Jewish extremists were horrified at Bernadotte's suggestion. |