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Topic: ACLU to sue
Quikstepper's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:54 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Mon 01/26/09 08:55 PM

If this is a publically funded school, religion has no place in it. So if I read correctly, just like all other religions here in the states they should not be allowed on public funding to teach religion of any sort. The ACLU is correct, if I read it correctly.

It was never meant for the govt. to deprive people of their religious freedoms.

Don't kid anyone here...the schools went run amok that why parents wanted to sedn their kids to private schools. that's when the secualrs went ballistic & created thier own warped view to keep our tax dollars hostage.

My point was made in a prior post.

Uh...the govt works for us not the other way around. When something isn't working you stop funding it. That's how you get it to work.

That's not only moral but ethical & sound in principle. It works too.

Government should not be involved in any religion period. No religion should exist in government that is the only way for the government to be fair and balanced to all religions.

The govt. is accountable to us (that includes us Christians) not the other way around... To say otherwise is a left wing liberal COUNTER culture lie. End of discussion.

I want to add anything else is nothing more than holding our tax dollars hostage at our children's expense. Secular bigotry for political sake is the only thing corrupt here. Eck...

adj4u's photo
Mon 01/26/09 09:05 PM
govt nonfunded schools can teach any religion they want

public funded schools can not teach nor spend money on religion

neither are they supposed to prohibit private practice of ones religion

Lynann's photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:20 PM

wow...I didn't know we had followers of Eckankar here on the boards!

For those that don't know about Eck here's some info with a link at the bottom of the post.

The Temple of ECK: A Place for All Who Love God

Any of you who visit the Temple of ECK will find it has a special character, a presence of its own. That presence is the love of God.

Later, if you are ever in need of spiritual help, at bedtime imagine yourself back at the Temple. Ask the question that you need help with, and then just go to sleep. Often you'll awake in the morning with an entirely different view of the situation.

Harold Klemp,
Spiritual Leader of Eckankar.

SarahsF8's photo
Mon 01/26/09 11:06 PM
If I were to say what I think the ACLU needs to do to itself, I'd get death threats, I'm sure. What began as a noble and worthy pursuit has morphed into a reign of terror. It seems these days they're more into interfering with liberties than with enhancing them.

adj4u's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:18 AM

If I were to say what I think the ACLU needs to do to itself, I'd get death threats, I'm sure. What began as a noble and worthy pursuit has morphed into a reign of terror. It seems these days they're more into interfering with liberties than with enhancing them.

the same could be said for the federal govt

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