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Topic: How would you....
longhairbiker's photo
Wed 01/21/09 07:26 PM
I am very unsatisfied.

no photo
Wed 01/21/09 07:33 PM

I work at Wal-Mart, need I say more? ohwell

Walmart employees are fun and easily confused. It's one of the only social events we have in this town. I think I scare them a little. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

lnghntr's photo
Wed 01/21/09 07:34 PM
I get to work around hot 20 yr old college gals all day...hate it:banana: rofl shades

Seakolony's photo
Wed 01/21/09 07:35 PM

Describe your job.

Job? Nobody told me I needed one of those icky things! Really, a job. Ick. I haven't had a job in this century. Well, maybe one kind, but anyway none that relate to actually working.

I invent stuff for the podiatric community, and own my business outright. I get to play mostly, and when a creative (manic) moment comes along, apply it to something new. That, and I crank tunes while I play, until just that right magical thought comes along. Right now, I'm having a Luthor Vandross moment and contemplating how so much lint lands in my belly button.

We should all be so fortunate

no photo
Wed 01/21/09 07:45 PM

Describe your job.

Job? Nobody told me I needed one of those icky things! Really, a job. Ick. I haven't had a job in this century. Well, maybe one kind, but anyway none that relate to actually working.

I invent stuff for the podiatric community, and own my business outright. I get to play mostly, and when a creative (manic) moment comes along, apply it to something new. That, and I crank tunes while I play, until just that right magical thought comes along. Right now, I'm having a Luthor Vandross moment and contemplating how so much lint lands in my belly button.

We should all be so fortunate

oh, you got that I wasn't kidding. Good! laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

keepthehope's photo
Wed 01/21/09 10:08 PM
It pays the bills.

wmb07's photo
Wed 01/21/09 10:18 PM
I do accounting. Can't say I "love" my job, but I'm good at what I do, so I enjoy it. I hope to pursue creative endeavors over the next few years... and maybe even make some money at it!

I'm totally anti-corporate, so I'm happy to be working for a sole-proprietor.

wmb07's photo
Wed 01/21/09 10:18 PM

I am very unsatisfied.

I'm not surprised you said that. Is there anything you do like?

Pinky01's photo
Wed 01/21/09 10:20 PM
it sucks, i constantly get hit on by creepy guys... and half the time i'm on my hands and knees scrubbing the floors and doing other kinds of chores.. jeez maybe a should be a stripper instead.. atleast i'd get paid more!

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