Topic: Is Religion an Acceptable Delusion | |
I never actually followed the bible, per se. I've read some (certainly not all of it) and, as of late, it's making much more sense to me when religious interpretation is removed. It seems to explain so much more about the directions mankind has taken through time and the history of human nature when viewed with an open mind (unencumbered by religious dogma). Splendid ..then give me an example from the bible of that which you speak are you going to get angry if I question your response because it is in no way a personal attack..if you can not defend it so that it can not be disputed then don't give the example..because this is what the third testament is about's about things in the bible that can not be disputed logically in the attempt to locate the passages within the bible that may be HIERARCHY PAPER |
if man control "energy" to make a good house, it is seen and recognized as a good house, using good intelligence, and having good learned knowing, and utilizing this all together, give "power" to create, and easily seen since all humans know "man" makes houses? if "energy" or power be controlled, to guide all matter into the form of a earth, and galaxies, it is most good, and function is most excellent ways, can this be called wisely called "accidental" perfection? does man create anything "most good" without KNOWING HOW to do it? how is a universe and earth and human bodies, that are most excellent in all function and skill and operation, able to be created by some "unknowing", as if "energy" magically decided to "control itself" into something most good? sure, to create what is so advanced to the mind of smaller knowing man, is far removed from the mind itself, and rightfully so, but the knowing that unintenioned or sloppy or guesses of man, never created anything most good, that did not soon fall down, show more knowing as well...... energy guided to collect matter, and form it into perfect things, does not happen itself, and many of the greatest discovers called good scientist, that have studied all the ways things and ways of earth and creation, have come to conclude such as well...... just ideas...... "DavidBen" .. energy is the substance used to create our reality but this is no indication that energy can or does exist anywhere beyond this universe also isn't it possible that thought is not a product of energy but use energy to exist and function in the third dimension which means when people claim that God is energy...the thought to make such a claim may exist on a higher plane than energy and/or God |
Edited by
Mon 01/19/09 11:54 AM
I never actually followed the bible, per se. I've read some (certainly not all of it) and, as of late, it's making much more sense to me when religious interpretation is removed. It seems to explain so much more about the directions mankind has taken through time and the history of human nature when viewed with an open mind (unencumbered by religious dogma). Splendid ..then give me an example from the bible of that which you speak are you going to get angry if I question your response because it is in no way a personal attack..if you can not defend it so that it can not be disputed then don't give the example..because this is what the third testament is about's about things in the bible that can not be disputed logically in the attempt to locate the passages within the bible that may be HIERARCHY PAPER Funches: Because I’m at work I’ll have to find you some examples later. I actually look forward to your responses and am in a MUCH better mood today. ![]() For now, I hope this helps describe a bit of my thinking: If "God" really resides in every human being's heart, are we not already the physical manifestations of individual gods? So, each time scripture speaks of the Lord (in any context), I view it from a perspective of there being a private relationship within each individual w/ his/her own higher-self (or "god"). If the “Lord” that the bible speaks of was personal and individual to each human, rather than a directive to be lived out as if under an oppressing authority, could there not be just as many gods as there are people? What if we each had a sort of invisible “tether” to higher knowing just as individual as our DNA? Nothing binding or authoritative… just a connection. To me, each human holds full god potential without a need for any big guy in the sky, telling us what to do (although I often get blind, cranky and seem to forget this). The closest I can come to considering the idea of anything "big" or "in the sky" would look more like a collective “energy” of all us "gods", some still on our human journeys and some resting (or not resting -> who knows) at our place of understanding from the realm of full god/angel/spirit... or whatever you wanna call it. If our higher-selves guide us daily by sending impulses that cause us to pause and question our thoughts and actions and to perhaps wait for wisdom to provide understanding, perhaps our higher-selves ARE "gods" telling us what to do. I’m just beginning to try to connect a bit of information from the bible that used to seem hopelessly fragmented and unrealistic with something that seems logically possible. I find it impossible to “believe”, based on religious interpretations that have seemed to “stick” over time, simply by virtue of mass agreement (not to mention obvious tactics of intimidation). |
Edited by
Mon 01/19/09 12:25 PM
if man control "energy" to make a good house, it is seen and recognized as a good house, using good intelligence, and having good learned knowing, and utilizing this all together, give "power" to create, and easily seen since all humans know "man" makes houses? if "energy" or power be controlled, to guide all matter into the form of a earth, and galaxies, it is most good, and function is most excellent ways, can this be called wisely called "accidental" perfection? does man create anything "most good" without KNOWING HOW to do it? how is a universe and earth and human bodies, that are most excellent in all function and skill and operation, able to be created by some "unknowing", as if "energy" magically decided to "control itself" into something most good? sure, to create what is so advanced to the mind of smaller knowing man, is far removed from the mind itself, and rightfully so, but the knowing that unintenioned or sloppy or guesses of man, never created anything most good, that did not soon fall down, show more knowing as well...... energy guided to collect matter, and form it into perfect things, does not happen itself, and many of the greatest discovers called good scientist, that have studied all the ways things and ways of earth and creation, have come to conclude such as well...... just ideas...... "DavidBen" .. energy is the substance used to create our reality but this is no indication that energy can or does exist anywhere beyond this universe also isn't it possible that thought is not a product of energy but use energy to exist and function in the third dimension which means when people claim that God is energy...the thought to make such a claim may exist on a higher plane than energy and/or God funches..... for anything to be created, no matter how large or small, ENERGY HAS TO BE COLLECTED, GUIDED, DISTRIBUTED IN EXACT MEASURE, NOT TOO MUCH, NOT TOO LITTLE, TO MOVE ALL MATTER INTO IT'S CURRENT PLACE? motion cannot be envoked, without energy to envoke it? motion created by a first motion? this hold true in all things built, whether they be of human hands, or be greater than what human hands can accomplish? indeed, you have come to be insistent about accurate inconsistencies rightfully observed, but all such inconsistencies do not mean there was false words spoken, just inconsistent definitions? the same principles hold true in the human body, as in all the universe, and unless you first as a good scientist, allow more data into yourself, from outside sources, then you will become simply a uni single verse, one that only see it's own thougts as having good value, which lead to less and less allowed into the conscious mind, as each time one disprove another statement, then the mind close it's eyes to greatest sleep you once first seen and dispised, self delusion? ENERGY is all that each have, to create it's own fate and future, each morning it step from it's bed? if i hollor fire into a crowded auditorium, HAVE I NOT CREATED AND SO ENVOKED ENERGY FROM WITHIN ALL THINGS THAT HEARD MY WORDS? but one that see not this, say all others that are trampled by the ensuing chaos, should have not been so stupid? this seems most to be your current path of logic? is has no other end but this dear sir, so travel on if you wish, but you only seperate yourself from that "god" frequency you have sneaky suspicion may exist? hey man, and why are you telling others how ****ing stupid they are, and making up **** about them, and i am not talking about me either....... IS IT NOT TRUE YOU ARE THE ONE HEARING VOICES? these you are taking meds for right? it is nothing to be ashamed of dear boy, as all have been treated in many ways unfairly, but passing on this for self satisfaction to lift SELF HIGH, AND LOWER OTHERS, only serve to destroy your own self? what say ye your heart? oh yea, you don't speak from the heart, since you gave that up long ago..... come on man, you are ****ing way to smart to fall to such self delusion, than to think and only wish to hear the words of praise and adulation that come your way, as this will only make one surround oneself with other's with the equal motive? |
Funches: Because I’m at work I’ll have to find you some examples later. I actually look forward to your responses and am in a MUCH better mood today. ![]() For now, I hope this helps describe a bit of my thinking: If "God" really resides in every human being's heart, are we not already the physical manifestations of individual gods? So, each time scripture speaks of the Lord (in any context), I view it from a perspective of there being a private relationship within each individual w/ his/her own higher-self (or "god"). If the “Lord” that the bible speaks of was personal and individual to each human, rather than a directive to be lived out as if under an oppressing authority, could there not be just as many gods as there are people? What if we each had a sort of invisible “tether” to higher knowing just as individual as our DNA? Nothing binding or authoritative… just a connection. To me, each human holds full god potential without a need for any big guy in the sky, telling us what to do (although I often get blind, cranky and seem to forget this). The closest I can come to considering the idea of anything "big" or "in the sky" would look more like a collective “energy” of all us "gods", some still on our human journeys and some resting (or not resting -> who knows) at our place of understanding from the realm of full god/angel/spirit... or whatever you wanna call it. If our higher-selves guide us daily by sending impulses that cause us to pause and question our thoughts and actions and to perhaps wait for wisdom to provide understanding, perhaps our higher-selves ARE "gods" telling us what to do. I’m just beginning to try to connect a bit of information from the bible that used to seem hopelessly fragmented and unrealistic with something that seems logically possible. I find it impossible to “believe”, based on religious interpretations that have seemed to “stick” over time, simply by virtue of mass agreement (not to mention obvious tactics of intimidation). Splendid you speak of God residing in everyone's heart or that there is a chance that God is giving suggestions as to what people should do ...but there is actually no evidence of that in fact doesn't the bible speak the opposite ..that God is about non-interference for is said that Man has Free Will which means God does not tell anyone what to do or force his will upon them also God is supposely unseen and incomprehensible to the human senses which means no one can claim to feel God or claim to hear God or claim to be inspired by God so wouldn't this indicate that God supposedly create humans and left the bible for them to follow without question and the only time the individual and God shall meet or be in any form of contact will be on judgement day |
funches..... for anything to be created, no matter how large or small, ENERGY HAS TO BE COLLECTED, GUIDED, DISTRIBUTED IN EXACT MEASURE, NOT TOO MUCH, NOT TOO LITTLE, TO MOVE ALL MATTER INTO IT'S CURRENT PLACE? motion cannot be envoked, without energy to envoke it? motion created by a first motion? this hold true in all things built, whether they be of human hands, or be greater than what human hands can accomplish? DavidBen" the point I was making is that energy as a substance may only exist in this universe or it may be some places within the universe where energy doesn't exist or where it could get cancelled out... the theory is that energy can not be destroyed...but the opposite theory is anything that exist or can be created can also be destroyed appears you have limited your scope of the universe to fit your views about God hey man, and why are you telling others how ****ing stupid they are, and making up **** about them, and i am not talking about me either....... "DavidBen" me where I ever called anyone stupid ...I only call people delusional now can you stop trying to rally others to nail me to the cross upside down and stay on topic please as I said "thought" may not be a product of energy ..but only manifest energy into reality ..the question then becomes what is "thought" and is it restricted by energy or supercede energy |
Edited by
Mon 01/19/09 06:12 PM
Funches: Because I’m at work I’ll have to find you some examples later. I actually look forward to your responses and am in a MUCH better mood today. ![]() For now, I hope this helps describe a bit of my thinking: If "God" really resides in every human being's heart, are we not already the physical manifestations of individual gods? So, each time scripture speaks of the Lord (in any context), I view it from a perspective of there being a private relationship within each individual w/ his/her own higher-self (or "god"). If the “Lord” that the bible speaks of was personal and individual to each human, rather than a directive to be lived out as if under an oppressing authority, could there not be just as many gods as there are people? What if we each had a sort of invisible “tether” to higher knowing just as individual as our DNA? Nothing binding or authoritative… just a connection. To me, each human holds full god potential without a need for any big guy in the sky, telling us what to do (although I often get blind, cranky and seem to forget this). The closest I can come to considering the idea of anything "big" or "in the sky" would look more like a collective “energy” of all us "gods", some still on our human journeys and some resting (or not resting -> who knows) at our place of understanding from the realm of full god/angel/spirit... or whatever you wanna call it. If our higher-selves guide us daily by sending impulses that cause us to pause and question our thoughts and actions and to perhaps wait for wisdom to provide understanding, perhaps our higher-selves ARE "gods" telling us what to do. I’m just beginning to try to connect a bit of information from the bible that used to seem hopelessly fragmented and unrealistic with something that seems logically possible. I find it impossible to “believe”, based on religious interpretations that have seemed to “stick” over time, simply by virtue of mass agreement (not to mention obvious tactics of intimidation). Splendid you speak of God residing in everyone's heart or that there is a chance that God is giving suggestions as to what people should do ...but there is actually no evidence of that in fact doesn't the bible speak the opposite ..that God is about non-interference for is said that Man has Free Will which means God does not tell anyone what to do or force his will upon them also God is supposely unseen and incomprehensible to the human senses which means no one can claim to feel God or claim to hear God or claim to be inspired by God so wouldn't this indicate that God supposedly create humans and left the bible for them to follow without question and the only time the individual and God shall meet or be in any form of contact will be on judgement day Funches: You seem to be going by a notion of "God" that we've pretty much always been expected to buy (based on judaeo-christian interpretations). Why not the possibility that it isn't at all what's already been decreed? Thing is... If there's no absolute proof (in this lifetime), how can anyone say to another that the other is wrong? If one decides not to look beyond already accepted interpretations, that's fine and dandy. But, when someone offers another possibility, why go out of your way to shoot them down, subtly and sometimes not so subtly trying to make them look foolish? With no absolute proof immediately available, doesn't that leave space for greater possibility? When you say I spoke of God residing in everyone's heart, etc..., I actually said IF "God" is residing in everyone's heart... You twisted it just enough to make it seem preposterous along with everything that followed. This seems to be a futile conversation. |
some accusations are true, and some are not?
some hide behind false motives, some do not? which am i and which are you? each motive you have accessed unto me be your exact motive each time, and you wish to conceal and hide this behind false accusations... it is no wonder you call many delusional, as you see straight thru your own heart, and speak it out thru your mouth, as indeed you have not noticed that is is he that cast the FIRST stone that see thru it's own motive....... you have cast many dear boy, and this i have sought to explain first with much effort, first with simple reason, then with more and equal force, but it has come to be that no others words are believed, and the thinking all be as some game, of others licking their wounds from losing at your game...... but you say others play games? the "games you play" be over dear one....... since you cannot find it anywhere in your heart to look and see what is true of yourself, then delusion has overtaken completely, and this today come to an end....... thrice you have accused me falsely to disguise your own motives...... my hand of understanding and compassion be no longer extended to you funches....... from this day forward immediately, each word you have spoken that has torn down, and stumbled, intentionally and willfully wishing to discredit others with your false words of accusations, shall come back upon you with ten times the force you first spoke them with, and the floodgates of the pain and harm you have blindly inflicted upon all others, shall now come to visit your doorstep ten fold as well, and the damn of the consequences of all your own words and actions, that were being held back for the sake of mercy and compassion, shall be loosed now upon your head, and no good thing shall come for you, until the seeing of how and what all one's words create is understood and duly recognized, until the soul weep with bitter tears for forgiveness with the sight of itself......... if you wish to speak to me about such things, use my email, in the days soon coming when you question all reality...... unpeace to peace..... |
Funches: Because I’m at work I’ll have to find you some examples later. I actually look forward to your responses and am in a MUCH better mood today. ![]() For now, I hope this helps describe a bit of my thinking: If "God" really resides in every human being's heart, are we not already the physical manifestations of individual gods? So, each time scripture speaks of the Lord (in any context), I view it from a perspective of there being a private relationship within each individual w/ his/her own higher-self (or "god"). If the “Lord” that the bible speaks of was personal and individual to each human, rather than a directive to be lived out as if under an oppressing authority, could there not be just as many gods as there are people? What if we each had a sort of invisible “tether” to higher knowing just as individual as our DNA? Nothing binding or authoritative… just a connection. To me, each human holds full god potential without a need for any big guy in the sky, telling us what to do (although I often get blind, cranky and seem to forget this). The closest I can come to considering the idea of anything "big" or "in the sky" would look more like a collective “energy” of all us "gods", some still on our human journeys and some resting (or not resting -> who knows) at our place of understanding from the realm of full god/angel/spirit... or whatever you wanna call it. If our higher-selves guide us daily by sending impulses that cause us to pause and question our thoughts and actions and to perhaps wait for wisdom to provide understanding, perhaps our higher-selves ARE "gods" telling us what to do. I’m just beginning to try to connect a bit of information from the bible that used to seem hopelessly fragmented and unrealistic with something that seems logically possible. I find it impossible to “believe”, based on religious interpretations that have seemed to “stick” over time, simply by virtue of mass agreement (not to mention obvious tactics of intimidation). Splendid you speak of God residing in everyone's heart or that there is a chance that God is giving suggestions as to what people should do ...but there is actually no evidence of that in fact doesn't the bible speak the opposite ..that God is about non-interference for is said that Man has Free Will which means God does not tell anyone what to do or force his will upon them also God is supposely unseen and incomprehensible to the human senses which means no one can claim to feel God or claim to hear God or claim to be inspired by God so wouldn't this indicate that God supposedly create humans and left the bible for them to follow without question and the only time the individual and God shall meet or be in any form of contact will be on judgement day Funches: You seem to be going by a notion of "God" that we've pretty much always been expected to buy (based on judaeo-christian interpretations). Why not the possibility that it isn't at all what's already been decreed? Thing is... If there's no absolute proof (in this lifetime), how can anyone say to another that the other is wrong? If one decides not to look beyond already accepted interpretations, that's fine and dandy. But, when someone offers another possibility, why go out of your way to shoot them down, subtly and sometimes not so subtly trying to make them look foolish? With no absolute proof immediately available, doesn't that leave space for greater possibility? When you say I spoke of God residing in everyone's heart, etc..., I actually said IF "God" is residing in everyone's heart... You twisted it just enough to make it seem preposterous along with everything that followed. This seems to be a futile conversation. splendid ..wasn't it you that said "if God really resides in everyone's heart" so how am I twisting your words...if you wish for me not to equate what you are talking about to judaeo-christian interpretations..then why do you insist on using judaeo-christian terms like "God" or the "bible" ...can you get your message across without referring to God or the bible aren't you just taking the religion and placing it into your own interpetation to fit your vision ...isn't that how denominations are formed ... the bible is what it is about an all powerful entity with ten commandments and promises of torture torment and is you that is trying to twist it into something sweet and nice to justify your desire to follow it |
my hand of understanding and compassion be no longer extended to you funches....... DavidBen...exactly why would I need your compassion in a debating forum ...I seek knowledge not your pity or your whining only thing required from you was for you to stop speaking in parables so that the other debators could know what the hell you were saying your anger towards me seems to have you speaking perfectly clear now ..this is my first miracle on the road to sainthood |
my hand of understanding and compassion be no longer extended to you funches....... DavidBen...exactly why would I need your compassion in a debating forum ...I seek knowledge not your pity or your whining only thing required from you was for you to stop speaking in parables so that the other debators could know what the hell you were saying your anger towards me seems to have you speaking perfectly clear now ..this is my first miracle on the road to sainthood there was no feeling of anger dear funches when the words were written, only sadness of the great struggles that are to come, for the pain that destroy the want of knowledge for only but to lift self high..... this has glared the heart unto blindness, seeing what you have heard whispered unto you be as unto you, and not for the sake of deeming others as inferior and less than yourself..... causing to not see the reason knowing, even a blessing be a curse, even speaking in advance what you see not, for the fulfillment must first come of a curse be a blessing...... no beginning and no ending dear one..... for indeed, you have been given sight into the many things that are indeed as backwards be frontwards, and up as down, but having accessed all as from a superior mind, believing in the heart that funches be great, and each human IS great, but only after no desire be left in the heart to be so, which decieve anything unto self destruction, and the destruction of others... indeed have taken the sword given, and used it to only honor funches, not seeing the reason it was spoken to not debate eternal words, but only to seek common understanding and freedom with reasonng, and denied any power of your maker, and allowed the creation of the description of lucifer described within the pages to be created within yourself, to think itself be as greater than god, god being only each human around oneself...... and have fulfilled why all strength and sight be at first the greatest weakness, before the revealing of true self, that shall make realized your fears of running in the streets and being accused as mad, that come to equalize such things to allow true wisdom to pass thru, instead of self pride that stop all good things that believe it contain knowing, and thus destroy others for self sake..... yea, indeed you speak what you know not of, and remember not that sainthood be for ALL, from the seeing how all be as equal, only AFTER the sight of each thing itself in the mirror of itself, and the mind the book of life be opened to self, and judgment day you have called to come hither unto yourself as the silent thief, even with no knowing or believing but even so..... for the reaper now come to claim your human soul, come for you this day in fierceness to slay the holy spirit the dragon that only breathed fire and brimstone to ensare and lift self..... not one word spoken shall pass away until each letter and dot be fulfilled, even now more so quickly and in haste, as the stars fall in the mind of your reality, and after the third testament be created alive in your living heart, you shall seek with all your heart to lift others, for the sake of freedom and happiness for all, and all things being of and for funches alone shall be passed away, and the desire of the mind to create a personal pedestool for itself shall have been brought down unto low..... even so.... after the conscious mind be seared and the heart be passed into eternal knowing of the lambs book of life, knowledge shall be replaced with wisdom that shall course thru your body, and the heart shall flow like a river of life, and no longer pour forth only death, and these last words written you shall hold to as the only breath of hope, knowing what was spoken be as fulfilled...... unpeace to peace.... |
no its not
religon has f*cked things up for everybody it does help shrink the population but it ruins that to with their concrete family values |
Edited by
Tue 01/20/09 09:20 AM
![]() Funches: Because I’m at work I’ll have to find you some examples later. I actually look forward to your responses and am in a MUCH better mood today. ![]() For now, I hope this helps describe a bit of my thinking: If "God" really resides in every human being's heart, are we not already the physical manifestations of individual gods? So, each time scripture speaks of the Lord (in any context), I view it from a perspective of there being a private relationship within each individual w/ his/her own higher-self (or "god"). If the “Lord” that the bible speaks of was personal and individual to each human, rather than a directive to be lived out as if under an oppressing authority, could there not be just as many gods as there are people? What if we each had a sort of invisible “tether” to higher knowing just as individual as our DNA? Nothing binding or authoritative… just a connection. To me, each human holds full god potential without a need for any big guy in the sky, telling us what to do (although I often get blind, cranky and seem to forget this). The closest I can come to considering the idea of anything "big" or "in the sky" would look more like a collective “energy” of all us "gods", some still on our human journeys and some resting (or not resting -> who knows) at our place of understanding from the realm of full god/angel/spirit... or whatever you wanna call it. If our higher-selves guide us daily by sending impulses that cause us to pause and question our thoughts and actions and to perhaps wait for wisdom to provide understanding, perhaps our higher-selves ARE "gods" telling us what to do. I’m just beginning to try to connect a bit of information from the bible that used to seem hopelessly fragmented and unrealistic with something that seems logically possible. I find it impossible to “believe”, based on religious interpretations that have seemed to “stick” over time, simply by virtue of mass agreement (not to mention obvious tactics of intimidation). Splendid you speak of God residing in everyone's heart or that there is a chance that God is giving suggestions as to what people should do ...but there is actually no evidence of that in fact doesn't the bible speak the opposite ..that God is about non-interference for is said that Man has Free Will which means God does not tell anyone what to do or force his will upon them also God is supposely unseen and incomprehensible to the human senses which means no one can claim to feel God or claim to hear God or claim to be inspired by God so wouldn't this indicate that God supposedly create humans and left the bible for them to follow without question and the only time the individual and God shall meet or be in any form of contact will be on judgement day Funches: You seem to be going by a notion of "God" that we've pretty much always been expected to buy (based on judaeo-christian interpretations). Why not the possibility that it isn't at all what's already been decreed? Thing is... If there's no absolute proof (in this lifetime), how can anyone say to another that the other is wrong? If one decides not to look beyond already accepted interpretations, that's fine and dandy. But, when someone offers another possibility, why go out of your way to shoot them down, subtly and sometimes not so subtly trying to make them look foolish? With no absolute proof immediately available, doesn't that leave space for greater possibility? When you say I spoke of God residing in everyone's heart, etc..., I actually said IF "God" is residing in everyone's heart... You twisted it just enough to make it seem preposterous along with everything that followed. This seems to be a futile conversation. splendid ..wasn't it you that said "if God really resides in everyone's heart" so how am I twisting your words...if you wish for me not to equate what you are talking about to judaeo-christian interpretations..then why do you insist on using judaeo-christian terms like "God" or the "bible" ...can you get your message across without referring to God or the bible aren't you just taking the religion and placing it into your own interpetation to fit your vision ...isn't that how denominations are formed ... the bible is what it is about an all powerful entity with ten commandments and promises of torture torment and is you that is trying to twist it into something sweet and nice to justify your desire to follow it Do you not see that the word "IF" changes the meaning of the statement? If I were a scientist, researching a brand new theory, nothing could be proven as fact until all the data was gathered and put together (not that I believe I can prove a damned thing). Yes... It IS how denominations are formed. Anyone could take any new idea and turn it into “religion”. It’s the last thing I wish to do, but can see how it easily could happen (scary). In efforts to ”make” the actual world I experience more understandable to me, I may be totally stumbling myself, every step of the way. “Trying” to apply ideas is an artificial way of being and just ends up hurting. Truth is… I don’t know. If a forum is a place where ideas can be shared, am I welcome to share mine as they develop? Hope so. I DON'T follow the bible. I’ve said this before. I have only mild interest in it for it’s data. I think this is what you're probably not seeing, Funches. It seems you peer through eyes with such complete criticism that you seem incapable of seeing any worth in any ideas other than your own (yada, yada, yada -> I know... broken record). Pointing this out, yet again, may just be my own egotistical need to be right… Yup... It is. So sue me. ![]() Well... I know nothing, Funches, and I’m tired of pointing the finger at you. It only makes for more sadness. |
f*ck religon
there was no feeling of anger dear funches when the words were written, only sadness of the great struggles that are to come, for the pain that destroy the want of knowledge for only but to lift self high..... "DavidBen" of course I can see you no longer have anger towards me because it appears you gotton over your hissy fit and have once again resorted to speaking in parables ....talking about having a major relapse no matter what you say or think about me atleast I take the time to read and digest all your post no matter how much you try to make them incomprehensible ... so could you do me a favor and just stay angry and pissed off at me so that your posts will be clear and I won't have to pull out the Rosetta Stone or The Da vinci Code to translate them about the energy thing your explanation of The Universe are you trying to say that God exist as energy and that no other form of existence exist that is not of energy ... |
Do you not see that the word "IF" changes the meaning of the statement? "Splendid" the word "IF" keeps you from taking any responsibility for what you said ...or why would you have condemn me with the word "BUT" come on remember our little conversation about not shifting blame ..IF you believe that God resides in the heart of everyone then say it ...just be perpare to back it up If I were a scientist, researching a brand new theory, nothing could be proven as fact until all the data was gathered and put together (not that I believe I can prove a damned thing). when one tries to use a scientific metaphor to explain a religious concept it's their attempt to make the religious concept seem rational when in fact it's not prove this just make the same statment but use only religious concepts Yes... It IS how denominations are formed. someone beat you to it already .. and BeHold Christianity was formed ..which in fact sounds simular to the concepts that you are describing Anyone could take any new idea and turn it into “religion”. It’s the last thing I wish to do, but can see how it easily could happen (scary). which is why all beliefs should be questioned constantly In efforts to ”make” the actual world I experience more understandable to me, I may be totally stumbling myself, every step of the way. “Trying” to apply ideas is an artificial way of being and just ends up hurting. Truth is… I don’t know. If a forum is a place where ideas can be shared, am I welcome to share mine as they develop? Hope so. welcome to the jungle I DON'T follow the bible. I’ve said this before. I have only mild interest in it for it’s data. I think this is what you're probably not seeing, Funches. ok..if you don't follow the bible then tell of which of the Ten Commandments that you don't follow It seems you peer through eyes with such complete criticism that you seem incapable of seeing any worth in any ideas other than your own (yada, yada, yada -> I know... broken record). I does seems just a tad bit hypocritical that you condemn and accuse me of critizing while in the same breath you critize me Pointing this out, yet again, may just be my own egotistical need to be right… Yup... It is. So sue me. ![]() like you said we are all individual Gods ...see I was paying attention ..and as a God it's a requirement to have a massive ego Well... I know nothing, Funches, and I’m tired of pointing the finger at you. It only makes for more sadness. people always turn into Dr. Phil once their beliefs are put to the test ..I expect and accept this's human nature |