Topic: What my Union does for me | |
I had a 3 month lay off over the summer much like everyone else in the auto industry. Our layoffs are by senority within a job classification. Yougest first on layoff oldest last on layoff. They have to recall you by senority. I was reminded of this when a place in my town just had massive lay offs takeing out who they chose when they chose and mostly they picked off the older workers with more pay and vacation time and they will never return to the jobs they worked many years on. Yes the times are tough but a Union gives you a fair chance at an honest recall. ( I returned to work right b4 thanksgiveing) recalled by senority gurenteed. If you can get a union in your workplace it is well worth the risk of getting canned for doing such. With Obama in office look for a stronger attempt by unions to organize and feel free to contact a union for helping to organize. Lets keep good paying jobs here in america and work together to solve this economic mess created by the republican union busters