Topic: Shine For Jesus! | |
Hello brothers and sisters,
A few words of great encouragement: Jesus is the cornerstone of the church. And we are the church. Let us not be a fault finder. Let us learn to recognize one another in heart, not on faults. We recognize that we are not perfect but we are working to perfection through Christ. Instead of seeing what's wrong try to see what good can come out of it. God will always turn what is wrong into what is right. This coming new year let's try to see things in a possitive way and acknowledge that God is in control. When things go wrong, that's ok, shake it off and believe that God will turn it to your favour. Yes, things will always happen but always remember that Jesus is beside you. Picture HIM with you always. Lift up the Lord!!! Lift up His Holy Preciuos Name!!! Shine for the Lord!!! Shine like the brightest star that you are through HIM. May the Good Lord continue to richly blessing you ![]() ![]() |
Preach it!
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Edited by
Fri 01/16/09 05:58 PM
Stand Up for Jesus! Denounce Christianity! A man named Jesus stood up against the bigotry, hatred, prejudice, and ungodliness of an ancient religion known today as the Old Testament. It's clear that he denounced the major principles of that godforsaken mythology. The mythical God of Abraham was said to have told people to judge each other and stone their brothers and sisters to death if they judged them to be sinners. Jesus clearly denounced this practice and refuted the authority of the mythical God of Abraham. Instead he asked us not to judge others and not to throw stones at people. Clearly Jesus disagreed with the mythical dogma of the time. The mythical God of Abraham was said to have told people to be vengeful and to seek revenge of equal damage as an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Jesus clearly denounced this practice and refuted the authority of the mythical God of Abraham. Instead he asked us to forgive each other and instead of seeking vengeance to turn the other cheek. Clearly Jesus disagreed with the mythical dogma of the time. The Christians claim that Jesus said that he was the Son of the God of Abraham. They use the biblical quote that claims that Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I AM". Well, clearly if Jesus had said such a thing he wasn't claiming to be the Son of any god, but rather he was claiming to be eternal himself. Moreover, if Jesus had been to India during his missing years from the time he was 12 until he was 30 he most likely learned the teaches of Buddha and fully understood that we are all eternal spirit. If Jesus had indeed said, "Before Abraham was, I AM", he was mostly likely trying to explain that as humans we are even older than the mythical God of Abraham since Jesus was claiming to exist before the God of Abraham had even been conceived by the minds of mythologists. Clearly Jesus did not claim to be the "son" of any God. The unscrupulous authors of the Bible tried to claim that Jesus was the "The only begotten Son of God". Clearly Jesus did not agree that he was the only son of God as Jesus clearly said, "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. Jesus was murdered for his blaspheme against this mythical God of Abraham. The men who wrote the Bible used his martyrdom status to place words in his mouth and try to twist them to support the bigotry, hatred, and ignorance that had been taught by they mythical dogma. There is not a single word in the entire Bible that was actually written by Jesus or approved by him, as he was long since dead by the time this hateful dogma was written. The entire Bible is the hearsay demagoguery of authoritarians who desperately needed a patsy to prop up their bigoted and hateful mythology. Jesus was popular with the masses because of the fact that he had denounced that very dogma and instead preached love and forgiveness and was wrongfully murdered by these very same authoritarians. The hateful authoritarians of the time used Jesus' martyrdom fame as a dead marionette doll to prop up the very dogma that Jesus had denounced. Christians preach bigotry and hatred in the name of Jesus. Christians denounce brotherly love and same gender matrimony in the name of Jesus, yet they get this hateful bigotry from the Old Testament which Jesus denounced. Christians denounce the intellectual advancement of humankind by denouncing the scientific evidence of evolution in favor of pronouncing that the Old Testament is the verbatim word of God. The very same Old Testament that Jesus denounced. Christians spit in the face of Jesus by judging anyone who does not accept their bigotry and hatred, as having rejected God. But Jesus clearly taught that we should not judge others. Christians abused the name of Jesus to judge the relationship of other people with their creator. Christians are the antitheists of Jesus. Christians spread hate for Jesus' sake. Stand up for Jesus! Denounce the bigotry, hatred, and ignorance that is being proselytized in Jesus' name by the Christians! Embrace Love, and denounced all of this bigotry and hatred that Christians preach in the name of Jesus. Jesus would not support the bigotry and hatred that the Church spews in his name. Christianity does not stand for Jesus. Christianity stands against everything that Jesus ever stood for. |
I think if people would stop preaching about their RELIGIOUS BELIEF and their idea of God and start "walking the walk" of TRUE LOVE and COMPASSION that would be even better. |
Hello little sister... Good morning & God bless you too!
![]() I think in spite of the human hatreds exposed, we really do need to put a guard on what we say this year. God is in the air. You are correct dear girl. |
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Edited by
Sun 01/18/09 05:38 AM
I THINK IF YOU ARE GOING TO PREACH THEN PREACH ABOUT THE MESSAGE OF LOVE INSTEAD OF PREACHING ABOUT JESUS (THE MAN) AND THE CLAIM THAT HE IS GOD. I think if people would stop preaching about their RELIGIOUS BELIEF and their idea of God and start "walking the walk" of TRUE LOVE and COMPASSION that would be even better. JB just letting you know that pink is really hard to read on your posts. It blends in with the white background. |
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Sun 01/18/09 05:52 AM
Jesus was a human male born of a woman.
In the time that Mary was pregnant with Jesus (if any of this happened at all) she would have been a young female. The King James Version mistranslates the Hebrew word "almah", which means "young woman" as "virgin". (The Hebrew word, "bethulah", means "virgin".) In addition, the young woman referred to in this verse was living at the time of the prophecy. The term "almah" was used in connection with Mary. Furthermore, we know darn well Jesus was never referred to as Immanuel but Jesus. So much for the accuracy of biblical prophecy. 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. She was probably around 15-16 which would have been a normal age that a woman would have been betrothed in this period in history. There is also some historical evidence to support the theory that Mary was raped by a Roman centurion and that is the true father of Jesus. The Jews also support this theory and that is yet another reason why they rejected him as the true Messiah. Joseph was an older man. Much older than his teenage bride. It’s possible that Mary was frightened out of her wits about the rape and subsequent pregnancy and confided in her husband. Therefore this story was an invention concocted by the both of them to protect her from being stoned to death which would have been the punishment under Judaic law in this time period. |
Oh come on Krimsa.... you must have the patience of a saint; come on let your little light shine... this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine... do you need a ice pack for where you keep banging your head against that brick wall? LOL
I enjoy it. Heh.
No, its the truth. Two different words in Hebrew.
Almah=Young woman or young girl Betulah=Virgin |
i know its the truth, but some people will not accept it, they quote Josephus, when it is demonstrable that references to Jesus were added into the text later. they have no objective scholarship, because they need to believe. What if you crushed some poor guys faith and he went over the edge. You can serious debate with serious people, otherwise its mental masturbating.
So what are you saying here? You would rather I didnt speak the truth? Just kept my mouth shut? I cant do that on good faith. Besides anyone else can look this up for themselves.
Oh I would never tell anyone to shut up, even those who disagree with me. It just sometimes when I read the posts there seems to be some anger and frustration there, but we need some one like you posting. I try not to take things too seriously, because I am way tooo sensitive... You read the chalice and the blade?
Edited by
Sun 01/18/09 06:35 AM
Yeah thats a good book. Riane Eisler. You would be the only male that has read it if you say you have.
![]() This one is even more informative. It just goes into greater detail. ![]() |
Well, as my ex used to say- I'm not much of a man. LOL