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Topic: Just what determines "normal"?
Marley's photo
Thu 01/15/09 10:20 AM
I attended a luncheon last with a group of people. Sitting across from was a very beautiful woman. She was charming and seemed to be intelligent. However, one of her hands was slightly smaller than the other and her fingers were gnarled and twisted inward. Nonetheless, she appeared to be able to use it just as she could her other hand.

Instead of focusing on her beauty or intelligence, my eyes were drawn to her hand. I guess because I perceived it not to be normal. Why is that beauty or intelligence are overlooked because we think that something that is not "normal"?

Has anyone ever read Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Birthmark"?

Winx's photo
Thu 01/15/09 10:23 AM
Her hands are normal to her.

lilith401's photo
Thu 01/15/09 10:24 AM
We are trained to see deviations from what we see as asthetically pleasing. Like breasts...:tongue: We amplify things in our minds, and also seek out abberations. We might do this to see that others are not perfect, to make ourselves feel better, or merely because it is different. Who knows?

No, never read the book. I find Hawthorne to be dry. Sorry...blushing

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 10:29 AM

I attended a luncheon last with a group of people. Sitting across from was a very beautiful woman. She was charming and seemed to be intelligent. However, one of her hands was slightly smaller than the other and her fingers were gnarled and twisted inward. Nonetheless, she appeared to be able to use it just as she could her other hand.

Instead of focusing on her beauty or intelligence, my eyes were drawn to her hand. I guess because I perceived it not to be normal. Why is that beauty or intelligence are overlooked because we think that something that is not "normal"?

Has anyone ever read Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Birthmark"?

Yes, I've read it. Good story.

prisoner's photo
Thu 01/15/09 10:34 AM
:smile: The only thing I have ever read by Hawthorne is House Of The Seven Gables but may i add that as a former bookstore manager one of my all time favorite bookstore pickup lines is..."Excuse me miss,care to go back to my place for a little Longfellow." seeing you

deke's photo
Thu 01/15/09 10:54 AM
haven't read the book but what is normal to one is a point of view

TBRich's photo
Thu 01/15/09 10:55 AM
I bet there is at least of couple guys out there with a fetish for that sort of thing.

deke's photo
Thu 01/15/09 10:57 AM

I bet there is at least of couple guys out there with a fetish for that sort of thing.
that is trueill
creepy but true

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 10:57 AM
I like the Twilight Zone where they tried plastic surgery to save the "ugly" woman

Duffy's photo
Thu 01/15/09 10:59 AM
Marley...the woman had a disability. her hand. and that is what u saw. however, u did say u noticed she was beautiful. does a knarled hand..which sounds like thalidimide the way u described it...make her less beautiful? or less of a woman?
and to the woman that commented on something about our breasts, and how we perceive might interest u to know that one of my breasts r smaller than the other one, but it does not affect my ability to type. and that is how i perceive my breast.:wink:

lilith401's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:04 AM
Duffy.... I was actually thinking of Lily0923's breasts when I made that post!

Winx's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:06 AM

Duffy.... I was actually thinking of Lily0923's breasts when I made that post!


deke's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:09 AM

Marley...the woman had a disability. her hand. and that is what u saw. however, u did say u noticed she was beautiful. does a knarled hand..which sounds like thalidimide the way u described it...make her less beautiful? or less of a woman?
and to the woman that commented on something about our breasts, and how we perceive might interest u to know that one of my breasts r smaller than the other one, but it does not affect my ability to type. and that is how i perceive my breast.:wink:
from what i've seen every woman has a different size breast or i have just found all the abnormal oneslaugh

Marley's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:11 AM

I like the Twilight Zone where they tried plastic surgery to save the "ugly" woman

I remember that episode. I really loved that show.

lilith401's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:11 AM

Duffy.... I was actually thinking of Lily0923's breasts when I made that post!


Winx, Duffy and lily have a history of talking about her breasts...

Winx's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:11 AM
Edited by Winx on Thu 01/15/09 11:13 AM

Marley...the woman had a disability. her hand. and that is what u saw. however, u did say u noticed she was beautiful. does a knarled hand..which sounds like thalidimide the way u described it...make her less beautiful? or less of a woman?
and to the woman that commented on something about our breasts, and how we perceive might interest u to know that one of my breasts r smaller than the other one, but it does not affect my ability to type. and that is how i perceive my breast.:wink:
from what i've seen every woman has a different size breast or i have just found all the abnormal oneslaugh

It's true.

The dominant hand is slightly larger then the other hand.

Everybody has one foot slightly larger then the other foot.

One breast is slightly or more larger then the other in women. It's most likely to be the side of the dominant hand.

Winx's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:12 AM

Duffy.... I was actually thinking of Lily0923's breasts when I made that post!


Winx, Duffy and lily have a history of talking about her breasts...

I'm just messing with ya.laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:12 AM

Marley...the woman had a disability. her hand. and that is what u saw. however, u did say u noticed she was beautiful. does a knarled hand..which sounds like thalidimide the way u described it...make her less beautiful? or less of a woman?
and to the woman that commented on something about our breasts, and how we perceive might interest u to know that one of my breasts r smaller than the other one, but it does not affect my ability to type. and that is how i perceive my breast.:wink:
from what i've seen every woman has a different size breast or i have just found all the abnormal oneslaugh

most guys have a testicle that is smaller than the other

hahaha made you look!

lilith401's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:13 AM

Duffy.... I was actually thinking of Lily0923's breasts when I made that post!


Winx, Duffy and lily have a history of talking about her breasts...

I'm just messing with ya.laugh flowerforyou

Whew..... laugh :laughing:

Winx's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:14 AM

Duffy.... I was actually thinking of Lily0923's breasts when I made that post!


Winx, Duffy and lily have a history of talking about her breasts...

I'm just messing with ya.laugh flowerforyou

Whew..... laugh :laughing:

It was too easy.laugh

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