Topic: Older women,yummy..oh wait
Socratease's photo
Sun 01/11/09 06:05 PM
I have found that dating younger or older...there is partially no difference.
I assumed (always bad)that at some point experience,wisdom and self realization grows with time and age.

But after being around the block a few times, the only difference between a younger woman with issues ,and an older one ,imho.. is that the older one has far longer of a time to dwell on it and let the seeds of disparity grow.

After all,a younger lady with one bad relationship cant compete with a scorned older one with far more experience of "let downs",and some tend to look around every corner for the next possible hint of a heartbreak more often.

So,basically this should be about all types of people and myths..such as "marry that large girl,she wont ever cheat on you" i was on that block too, and she cheated with another guy from a block over lol.

But, point of this preconceptions of anything,find a good honest soul and hold tight to it.Because looks,age,weight etc dont matter.Only focus on the heart and mind,and if your trusty vibe tells you to run,no matter how lovely they are...RUN!!

Italy0219's photo
Sun 01/11/09 06:10 PM
I am sorry but all the stuff you said doesn't matter, just does...even if the heart and soul are there, if you just don't like something about someone it ain't gonna work....

no photo
Sun 01/11/09 06:11 PM
noway :tongue: :banana:

tanyaann's photo
Sun 01/11/09 06:13 PM

I am sorry but all the stuff you said doesn't matter, just does...even if the heart and soul are there, if you just don't like something about someone it ain't gonna work....

This is true, but if you are more attracted to intellect and personality.... looks will be less important.

markc48's photo
Sun 01/11/09 06:20 PM
All a bunch of hog wash. I think that a couple needs to have the same goals and work together on acheiving them. And have fun doing it.

Socratease's photo
Sun 01/11/09 06:27 PM
I can find the dancing banana emoticon,but not the one where he waves a hand over his head and makes an airplane sound...this is about preconceived ideas about age and stereotypes