Topic: US guilty of terrorism | |
Oh please. His entire argument is laughable. How would I as an average "JOe" have any idea my government would secretly sell drugs to finance the contra terrorists, it was after all top secret stuff. Is it real my fault? shame on me for paying my taxes to support this. however congress did cut the funding as stated in the thread to them so my money was not used to finance the contra terrorists it was the drugs/missle deals, Realy its grade school level stuff hardly worthy of any meaningfull responce beyond entertainment. Ok "average JOe". You have no idea what your government does secretly, join the club Einstein... neither do I and most likely everyone here. I'll try this from a different angle then to perhaps enlighten you by shrinking the geographic playing field and providing an analogy you may more readily comprehend. You know openly that the city of your namesake ("Madison", I'm going to assume Wisconsin)is a "sanctuary city" for harboring illegal aliens. Openly breaking federal law. EVERY crime committed against a US citizen by an illegal alien there is due to YOUR elected officials who represent YOU (regardless if you support this illegal policy or not). Last I checked, Wisconsin is still a part of the US. If you want to selectively pick a topic that furthers your "attempt to make conservatives/republicans look bad" agenda, that's your perogative. It only exposes your own socialist hypocrisy further. On a more personal note as per your "Realy its grade school level stuff hardly worthy of any meaningfull responce beyond entertainment." comment. Not that I was ever was a spelling bee champion and commit my share of typographical errors; However, I will agree with you about one thing- something is grade school level here in this dialogue. I should be demanding an apology from the Madison teachers union at very least. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Oh please. His entire argument is laughable. How would I as an average "JOe" have any idea my government would secretly sell drugs to finance the contra terrorists, it was after all top secret stuff. Is it real my fault? shame on me for paying my taxes to support this. however congress did cut the funding as stated in the thread to them so my money was not used to finance the contra terrorists it was the drugs/missle deals, Realy its grade school level stuff hardly worthy of any meaningfull responce beyond entertainment. Ok "average JOe". You have no idea what your government does secretly, join the club Einstein... neither do I and most likely everyone here. I'll try this from a different angle then to perhaps enlighten you by shrinking the geographic playing field and providing an analogy you may more readily comprehend. You know openly that the city of your namesake ("Madison", I'm going to assume Wisconsin)is a "sanctuary city" for harboring illegal aliens. Openly breaking federal law. EVERY crime committed against a US citizen by an illegal alien there is due to YOUR elected officials who represent YOU (regardless if you support this illegal policy or not). Last I checked, Wisconsin is still a part of the US. If you want to selectively pick a topic that furthers your "attempt to make conservatives/republicans look bad" agenda, that's your perogative. It only exposes your own socialist hypocrisy further. On a more personal note as per your "Realy its grade school level stuff hardly worthy of any meaningfull responce beyond entertainment." comment. Not that I was ever was a spelling bee champion and commit my share of typographical errors; However, I will agree with you about one thing- something is grade school level here in this dialogue. I should be demanding an apology from the Madison teachers union at very least. ![]() ![]() ![]() that's it !!...dang...this is a slaughter...round#3 goes to BeeOrganic...they may to stop this |
The Reagan administration continued to lobby Congress for Contra support. But in light of all the unseemly revelations, lawmakers refused to budge. A solution was found the following year. The White House would secretly sell surface-to-air missiles to the "terrorist state" of Iran at a hefty profit. The country which had killed more than 200 U.S. Marines in Beirut ponied up $12,237,000 for a cache of American-made weapons whose wholesale price was only $6,965,752. The resulting profit of $5,271,248 was kept totally under the table. Congress didn't know about it. Nobody did.
Most of the proceeds were funneled to the Nicaraguan Contras, in violation of the Boland Amendment. Hence, it was illegal. Simple as that. |
Madison, Ohio... I stand corrected and apologize for my erroneous assumption/deduction. Thank you for enlightening me this one time. You obviously being very liberal and very open-minded, I simply didn't want you to give the wrong idea/impression if I persued your profile in regards to your geographical location. I'll take your word for it that you are from Madison, Ohio, a man, a US citizen, and love (or at least respect) the country you live in (though there is a plethora of evidence to the contrary). |
You know what really irks me? I'm not even american, and I'm not even "pro-american". I'm north-american. There are many times that I am against the american govt. for their policies or actions (Iraq being one of them), I am also honest and pro-people. If you want others to quit swinging at you, you must first quit swinging at them. THATS only common sense. The Jews are a good example of that. They quit swinging, somebody blows up school buses full of kids. They quit swining all their neighbors invade. They quit swinging, their neighbors shoot rockets at them. Your right it works. |
You know what really irks me? I'm not even american, and I'm not even "pro-american". I'm north-american. There are many times that I am against the american govt. for their policies or actions (Iraq being one of them), I am also honest and pro-people. If you want others to quit swinging at you, you must first quit swinging at them. THATS only common sense. The Jews are a good example of that. They quit swinging, somebody blows up school buses full of kids. They quit swining all their neighbors invade. They quit swinging, their neighbors shoot rockets at them. Your right it works. |
The Reagan administration continued to lobby Congress for Contra support. But in light of all the unseemly revelations, lawmakers refused to budge. A solution was found the following year. The White House would secretly sell surface-to-air missiles to the "terrorist state" of Iran at a hefty profit. The country which had killed more than 200 U.S. Marines in Beirut ponied up $12,237,000 for a cache of American-made weapons whose wholesale price was only $6,965,752. The resulting profit of $5,271,248 was kept totally under the table. Congress didn't know about it. Nobody did. Most of the proceeds were funneled to the Nicaraguan Contras, in violation of the Boland Amendment. Hence, it was illegal. Simple as that. |
And lets not forget Columbia as long as we are in South America:
Chiquita in Colombia: Terrorism Gone Bananas? Written by April Howard Tuesday, 03 April 2007 What happens when "Business as Usual" clashes with the vocabulary of the "War on Terror"? We got a glimpse of one case this March when the Cincinnati-based Chiquita Brands International, Inc., paid a $25 million settlement to the United States Justice Department for paying off right-wing paramilitary groups in Colombia, groups which Washington classifies as "terrorist organizations." Chiquita is one biggest and most powerful food marketing and distributing companies in the world, and one of the world’s largest banana producers. The company shows annual revenues of approximately $4.5 billion and about 25,000 employees operating in more than 70 countries.[1] The banana market, worth about $5 billion a year in 2001, is the most important global fruit export. The majority of the 14 million tons of bananas exported every year come from Latin America.[2] The charges state that from 1997 to 2004 several unnamed, high-ranking corporate officers from Chiquita and its Colombian Banadex subsidiary made monthly payments, totaling $1.7 million, to the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC).[3] Even though Chiquita's outside lawyers insisted that payments stop in 2001, Banadex continued write checks to the AUC, though Chiquita executives later decided that cash was a better idea.[4] The AUC, often described as a "death squad," was incorporated as one of 28 "Foreign Terrorist Organizations" on the U.S. Department of State website in September, 2001.[5] Not without reason; even Forbes Magazine describes the AUC as "responsible for some of the worst massacres in Colombia's civil conflict and for a sizable percentage of the country's cocaine exports." With approximately 15,000 to 20,000 armed troops, the AUC uses "kidnapping, torture, disappearance, rape, murder, beatings, extortion and drug trafficking" among its standard techniques.[6] One of many massacres committed by the AUC took place in 2001, while the AUC was receiving funds from Chiquita. In the early morning on January 17, 80 AUC paramilitaries entered the rural town of Chengue and killed 24 men by smashing "their skulls with stones and a sledgehammer." Only one 19-year-old paramilitary member has been punished, though he named police and navy officials who organized the mass murder.[7] Apparently, the company also funded two other Colombian groups on the US lists include the National Liberation Army, or ELN, and the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, both of Colombia’s main leftist rebel groups, which Chiquita also paid off as these groups took control of the banana-growing area.[8] This area has inspired deadly battles between left and right-wing paramilitary groups. Most of the victims of these wars are local residents, human rights workers and trade unionists.[9] Chiquita's involvement with the paramilitaries developed at a time when the right-wing groups were growing quickly and deepening their ties with politicians, security forces and businesses across Colombia. In the state of Antioquia, Chiquita's business boomed as the groups took over banana-growing lands and were blamed for the killings of human rights workers and trade unionists. As the U.S. complaint noted, "by 2003, Banadex was defendant Chiquita's most profitable banana-producing operation."[10] Chiquita sold its wholly owned subsidiary Banadex to the local company Banacol in June, 2004 for between $43.5 and $52 million.[11] From United Fruit to Chiquita: An Inglorious Past Chiquita’s history in Colombia is more than a century old. Its roots grow out of the United Fruit Company, notorious in Latin America as a U.S. Army backed opponent to agrarian reform and agricultural workers’ unions. Though later known as United Brands in 1970, and then Chiquita in 1989, business in Latin America has continued in similar veins. In 1928, several thousand workers of Colombia’s banana plantations began a strike demanding written contracts, eight-hour days, six-day weeks and the elimination of food coupons. According to the United Fruit Historical Society, the strike turned into "the largest labor movement ever witnessed in the country."[12] The strike continued in 1929, and received national attention and support from opposition political parties. When the army fired on strikers during a demonstration in the city of Cienaga, killing a disputed number of workers (between 47 and 2,000), it created waves that contributed to the downfall of the Conservative Party and features in the masterworks of two famous Colombian authors.[13] The Santa Marta Massacre, as it came to be known, appears in Álvaro Cepeda Samudio’s novel "La Casa Grande" (1962), and Gabriel García Márquez’s epic novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" (1966). Nobel-awarded Chilean writer Pablo Neruda also recognized the influence of the United Fruit Company with a chapter of the same name in his epic work "Canto General" about the history of Latin America. Through out the 20th century, the company was infamous for using a combination of its financial clout, congressional influence and violent refusal to negotiate with striking workers to establish and maintain a colony of "banana republics" in Latin America. Often the CIA and the US Marines provided the company’s muscle, as in the case of the overthrow of the populist Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz in 1953.[14] Currently, Chiquita employs most of its 45,000 workers in Honduras and Guatemala. United Fruit/United Brands/Chiquita has owned banana exporting companies in Honduras since 1899, and the U.S. Army has come to call frequently since then, first in 1903, then 1907, then 1912, 1919 and 1924. Chiquita workers have gone on strike more than 40 times during the 89 years the company has operated in Honduras. In 1930, workers held strikes against the company. In 1932 Juan Pablo Wainwright, the leader of the 1930 banana workers' strike in Honduras, was assassinated in Guatemala. It wasn’t until 1949 that the Honduran Congress passed labor regulations for children and women and establishes an eight-hour working day. In 1954, however, massive strikes for wage increases paralyzes all banana operations and peak with 25,000 striking workers (around 15% of all the country's labor force). United Fruit fired 10,000 workers. [15] More recently, in 1992, workers went on strike to demand housing, health care and schools for their families, increase salaries by ten percent.[16] It wasn’t until March of 1974, that the governments of Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama signed the Panama Agreement, imposing banana export taxes of $1 per 40-pound box. Later the same year, the governments of Costa Rica, Colombia, Honduras, Guatemala, and Panama formed the Union de Paises Exportadores de Banano (UPEB) -Organization of Banana Export Countries- to defend the interests of the member countries, raise and maintain high prices, and adopt common policies. United Brands threatened unsuccessfully to pull out.[17] In 1975, "Bananagate" struck. A federal grand jury accused United Brands of bribing Honduran President Osvaldo Lopez Arellano with $1.25 million, with the promise of another $1.25 million later, in exchange for a reduction in the export taxes Honduras committed under the light of UPEB rules. Lopez Arellano was removed from power, but later investigations revealed repeated bribes carried out by the company. [18] Silencing Reporters Over twenty years later, business proved to be similar. In May of 1998, The Cincinnati Enquirer published a series of articles that exposed Chiquita's still-questionable business practices. The articles, written by Mike Gallagher and Cameron McWhirter, reported cases in which the company used tactics including "bribery, abusive corporate control in Honduras and Colombia, the use of harmful pesticides, and repressive actions against workers" to bolster profits.[19] Bribery proved to be the least of it. The investigation found Chiquita to be the secret owner of "dozens of supposedly independent banana companies." The writers found cases of worker and union suppression on Chiquita-controlled farms, though the "employee pamphlet" assures worker that they have the right to unionize.[20] In one case the company used the Honduran military to "evict residents of a farm village; the soldiers forced the farmers out at gunpoint, and the village was bulldozed."[21] When Chiquita does face competition, they prove to be similarly ruthless. A federal lawsuit filed by a competitor’s employee filed charged that Chiquita-hired thugs attempted to abduct him in Honduras.[22] The investigation also found that Chiquita was aerially spraying workers, despite its pact with the Rainforest Alliance since November of 2000, which forbids aerial spraying.[23] Furthermore, in defiance of the "Better Banana" pact to abide by pesticide safety standards, Chiquita subsidiaries have used pesticides in Central America that are banned in the U.S., Canada, and the European Union, such as Bitertanol sold as Baycor, Chlorpyrifos, sold as Lorsban, Carbofuran, sold as Furadan and five other dangerous pesticides and fungicides.[24] In Costa Rica, a coroner’s report attributed a worker’s death to toxic chemicals released into farms by the company. Despite probably well funded articles and a book green-washing Chiquita’s transformation in 2004, it’s questionable if Chiquita has really changed its practices.[25] Chiquita didn’t take the criticism kindly, however, and when their shareholders sued the company, Chiquita sued the newspaper, claiming that reporter Mike Gallagher obtained voice-mail tapes illegally . "The Cincinnati Enquirer published an apology across the top of its front page and said it had agreed to pay Chiquita Brands International Inc. more than $10 million to avoid being sued for a series of articles that exposed the fruit company's criminal practices." [26] In court The Enquirer was forced to fire Gallagher. The facts found in the investigations were never challenged, however.[27] Several years later, on January 23, 2001, news leaked that Gannett Co. Inc., The Enquirer's owner, paid Chiquita $14 million in an out-of-court settlement.[28] Bananas, Cocaine and AK-47s While the company claims that it was strong-armed into making the recent payments to paramilitaries in Colombia in order to protect its employees, human rights groups accuse the company of paying the paramilitaries not only to ‘protect’ workers, "but also to target union leaders and agitators perceived as going against the company's commercial interests," and to force communities off farming land.[29] In fact, beyond simply paying the AUC, local human rights groups say that in the past the company has used its company-controlled ports to smuggle weapons into the country for the AUC.[30] Nor would this be the first time that Chiquita’s ships have been used to transport something other than bananas. The Enquirer’s expose also found that in 1997, authorities seized more than a ton of cocaine from 7 Chiquita ships, though the shipment was attributed to lax Colombian security than the company.[31] A 2003 report by the Organization of American States states that a Banadex ship could also have been used illicitly in November 2001 to ship 3,000 rifles and 2.5 million bullets to the paramilitary groups. In late march, the chief prosecutor's office in Colombia said that it would ask the U.S. Justice Department for more information about the case.[32] Michael Mitchell, Chiquita spokesman acknowledged the OAS report, however, "there is no information that would lead us to believe that Banadex did anything improper," he said. However, Colombia's chief prosecutor's office has noted that Banadex's legal representative, Giovanny Hurtado Torres, was one of four people already convicted in the arms smuggling scheme. Politicians are also wondering about the role of the U.S. Government. Leading opposition lawmaker Senator Jorge Robledo queried publicly, "My question is: How much more does the U.S. government know about payments to the paramilitaries?''[33] Drug Traffickers to the U.S., CEOs to Colombia? In light of the smuggling scandal, CNN reports that Gloria Cuartas, a former mayor in the banana producing area, is calling for a boycott of Chiquita products. Colombians like Cuartas know the implications of the U.S. funding for the AUC. After the information was filed, Colombian officials announced that they would seek the extradition of senior executives of the company. Extradition is a well known term in Colombia, where hundreds of suspected drug-traffickers have been extradited to the United States as part of the US War on Drugs. Even President Álvaro Uribe, possibly the Bush administration's closest South American ally, gathered up a semblance of righteous indignation to comment that extradition "should be from here to there and from there to here."[34] However, since Uribe’s own links to the drug cartels are only overshadowed by his links to the paramilitaries, it is unlikely that he will be seeking any real action in the case.[35] Former Colombian attorney general Jaime Bernal Cuellar, along with opposition law makers, called for an immediate "criminal investigation of the people who financed these illegal groups."[36] Extradition supporters point to Federal Prosecutors statements that the Chiquita Company itself did business with the AUC, that senior executives in the company’s Cincinnati headquarters approved the payments and kept corporate books to hide the deals. The Justice Department reported that Chiquita's payments to the paramilitaries "were reviewed and approved by senior executives of the corporation, to include high-ranking officers, directors and employees,'' but did not mention names.[37] In the court filing prosecutors wrote that "No later than in or about September 2000, defendant Chiquita's senior executives knew that the corporation was paying AUC and that the AUC was a violent paramilitary organization."[38] Though this could be a sign of greater scrutiny of the company in Colombia, the U.S. is not known for sending its own ‘traffickers’ to other countries to do jail time. A Slap on the Wrist While headlines about the fine insinuated that Chiquita had been caught in the act, the company is dangerously nonchalant about the case. In fact, besides pleading guilty and paying the fine, counts which it has offered no objection to, the company faces no other sanctions.[39] This has most to do with the way that the Justice Department chose to file the case, through a "document of criminal information," as opposed to handing down indictments through a federal grand jury. While grand jury indictments can lead to a criminal trial, a "document of criminal information" usually leads to a settlement, as in this case.[40] The company had no qualms it declaring that it will now pay a fine of $25 million, payable in five annual installments. Actually, it’s even possible that Chiquita suggested its own fine, as "the company recorded a reserve in 2006 for the full amount of the fine in anticipation of reaching an agreement."[41] This possibility is expanded by the fact that Chiquita carried out the payments for a time with the full knowledge of the Justice Department to which it will now pay its fine. "According to U.S. court documents, Chiquita told the Justice Department in April 2003 that it was funding the paramilitaries, and then kept paying them for another 10 months with the department's knowledge." [42] Chiquita itself shows no signs of shame or concern. Chairman and CEO Fernando Aguirre described the "information" as "a reasoned solution to the dilemma." In fact, the company says it voluntarily disclosed the information to the Department of Justice in 2003, but only "after senior management became aware that these groups had been designated as foreign terrorist organizations under a U.S. statute that makes it a crime to make payments to such organizations."[43] In other words, "The War on Terror" clashed with its old mentor, "Imperialism as Usual". What of President Bush's policy that anyone financing a terrorist organization should be prosecuted as vigorously as the terrorists? The fine gives no reason to suppose that Chiquita’s overall policies will change. As journalist Sean Donahue notes, "death-squads' victims won't get any money from the multinational, and none of the company's executives are facing jail time. Nor has the U.S. Justice Department shown any interest in investigating companies like Coca Cola or Drummond Coal that have even clearer links to paramilitary violence in Colombia than Chiquita."[44] Ultimately neither the U.S. State Department nor the company show any continued concern for the true victims of this kind of business: Latin Americans. April Howard is a Journalist and History Teacher in Vermont and abroad. You can contact her at April.M.Howard(at) We need a banana with AK-47 smiley! ![]() |
Let's not forget the mess that the same company caused in elsewhere in Central America, when they were called United Fruit and not Chiquita. This is the same New World Order loving crew that hired Gen. Smedley Butler to "quell" uprisings against the land stealing Corporation.
Making the world safe for democracy (United Fruit). How United Fruit robbed and killed the people of Central America By Stephen Millies, in Workers World, 3 October 1996 "It's important that I don't get too knowledgeable about the past." So spoke Wallace Booth on becoming president of United Brands back in 1975. Booth had plenty of reason to wish for amnesia. After all, he had just succeeded Eli Black who left United Brands by jumping through his office window on the 44th floor of the old Pan Am Building in New York. Black was just about to be exposed for giving a $1.25-million bribe to the president of Honduras. United Brands was then the new name for the notorious United Fruit banana monopoly. Now it's got another new name: Chiquita Brands International. For decades this ruthless corporation dominated the economies of the countries of Central America. Chiquita still owns or rents over 267 square miles of farmland in Costa Rica, Panama and Honduras. It operates a fleet of 42 refrigerated ships and hundreds of miles of railroad. ALL THE NEWS FIT TO PRINT? In mid-September an agreement was signed in Guatemala between the government and guerrilla commanders. News is finally coming out about the grisly background of the long war there. In the 1980s alone, the Guatemalan military and its death squads killed over 100,000 people. Entire Indian villages were massacred. A front-page article in the Sept. 20 New York Times made a rare admission. It said that "the conflict had its roots in a 1954 coup sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency." The Times then went on to claim that "most of Guatemala's 10.5 million people can no longer remember what started it." But United Fruit--now Chiquita--remembers. What brought down the wrath of this company and of the CIA was President Jacobo Arbenz Guzm n's attempt to distribute uncultivated lands owned by United Fruit to landless peasants. The big Boston banks behind United Fruit were determined that Arbenz must go. President Dwight D. Eisenhower gave the order for a CIA-staged invasion that toppled the elected Guatemalan government. Among the coup's first victims were 45 assassinated leaders of the banana workers on United Fruit's plantations. Seven years later, United Fruit paid back its debt to the CIA by donating two of its ships to the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. The Cuban people--under the leadership of Fidel Castro-- remembered well the tragedy of Guatemala. They defeated the CIA invasion. And they took back all the land that United Fruit owned in Cuba--land that today's Helms-Burton Law is meant to return to U.S. corporate owners. WHERE'S THE WAR CRIMES TRIAL? The U.S. capitalist establishment has recently been trying to organize a so-called war-crimes trial in the Netherlands. Its aim is justify U.S. intervention in Bosnia, once part of socialist Yugoslavia. Where's the war-crimes trial for the massacres in Central America? For the 100,000-plus victims in Guatemala? For the thousands of victims of Oliver North's Contra war against Nicaragua? And the countless victims of the death squads in El Salvador and Honduras? U.S. government money paid for this terror. And it was the U.S. Army that trained so many of these assassins at the School of the Americas in Panama--a country itself left with unmarked mass graves and many missing after the U.S. invasion in 1989. But the U.S. government just did the bidding of United Fruit. United Fruit really should be in the dock. United Fruit sold its properties in Guatemala to Del Monte in 1972 for $20 million. Under its new name of Chiquita Brands, it still maintains its empire in the rest of Central America. It's controlled by the Lindner family in Cincinnati through the American Financial Group--a big insurance company. Just one of these Lindners--Stephen Craig--owned 23,809,445 shares of Chiquita Brands stock in April 1992. Their market value was $351,809,445 at the time. Meanwhile Del Monte has been gobbled up by RJR Nabisco-- the huge cancer-stick and cookie conglomerate. Another big player is Castle & Cooke, which owns the Dole brand. (No relation to Bob Dole.) These are the criminal companies that have benefited from the CIA wars that have left the people of Central America bloodied and impoverished. How can there be justice in Guatemala, or Honduras, or El Salvador, without at the very least a major reparations program paid for by those who became multi-millionaires off the suffering of the people? |
Let's not forget the mess that the same company caused in elsewhere in Central America, when they were called United Fruit and not Chiquita. This is the same New World Order loving crew that hired Gen. Smedley Butler to "quell" uprisings against the land stealing Corporation. Making the world safe for democracy (United Fruit). How United Fruit robbed and killed the people of Central America By Stephen Millies, in Workers World, 3 October 1996 "It's important that I don't get too knowledgeable about the past." So spoke Wallace Booth on becoming president of United Brands back in 1975. Booth had plenty of reason to wish for amnesia. After all, he had just succeeded Eli Black who left United Brands by jumping through his office window on the 44th floor of the old Pan Am Building in New York. Black was just about to be exposed for giving a $1.25-million bribe to the president of Honduras. United Brands was then the new name for the notorious United Fruit banana monopoly. Now it's got another new name: Chiquita Brands International. For decades this ruthless corporation dominated the economies of the countries of Central America. Chiquita still owns or rents over 267 square miles of farmland in Costa Rica, Panama and Honduras. It operates a fleet of 42 refrigerated ships and hundreds of miles of railroad. ALL THE NEWS FIT TO PRINT? In mid-September an agreement was signed in Guatemala between the government and guerrilla commanders. News is finally coming out about the grisly background of the long war there. In the 1980s alone, the Guatemalan military and its death squads killed over 100,000 people. Entire Indian villages were massacred. A front-page article in the Sept. 20 New York Times made a rare admission. It said that "the conflict had its roots in a 1954 coup sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency." The Times then went on to claim that "most of Guatemala's 10.5 million people can no longer remember what started it." But United Fruit--now Chiquita--remembers. What brought down the wrath of this company and of the CIA was President Jacobo Arbenz Guzm n's attempt to distribute uncultivated lands owned by United Fruit to landless peasants. The big Boston banks behind United Fruit were determined that Arbenz must go. President Dwight D. Eisenhower gave the order for a CIA-staged invasion that toppled the elected Guatemalan government. Among the coup's first victims were 45 assassinated leaders of the banana workers on United Fruit's plantations. Seven years later, United Fruit paid back its debt to the CIA by donating two of its ships to the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. The Cuban people--under the leadership of Fidel Castro-- remembered well the tragedy of Guatemala. They defeated the CIA invasion. And they took back all the land that United Fruit owned in Cuba--land that today's Helms-Burton Law is meant to return to U.S. corporate owners. WHERE'S THE WAR CRIMES TRIAL? The U.S. capitalist establishment has recently been trying to organize a so-called war-crimes trial in the Netherlands. Its aim is justify U.S. intervention in Bosnia, once part of socialist Yugoslavia. Where's the war-crimes trial for the massacres in Central America? For the 100,000-plus victims in Guatemala? For the thousands of victims of Oliver North's Contra war against Nicaragua? And the countless victims of the death squads in El Salvador and Honduras? U.S. government money paid for this terror. And it was the U.S. Army that trained so many of these assassins at the School of the Americas in Panama--a country itself left with unmarked mass graves and many missing after the U.S. invasion in 1989. But the U.S. government just did the bidding of United Fruit. United Fruit really should be in the dock. United Fruit sold its properties in Guatemala to Del Monte in 1972 for $20 million. Under its new name of Chiquita Brands, it still maintains its empire in the rest of Central America. It's controlled by the Lindner family in Cincinnati through the American Financial Group--a big insurance company. Just one of these Lindners--Stephen Craig--owned 23,809,445 shares of Chiquita Brands stock in April 1992. Their market value was $351,809,445 at the time. Meanwhile Del Monte has been gobbled up by RJR Nabisco-- the huge cancer-stick and cookie conglomerate. Another big player is Castle & Cooke, which owns the Dole brand. (No relation to Bob Dole.) These are the criminal companies that have benefited from the CIA wars that have left the people of Central America bloodied and impoverished. How can there be justice in Guatemala, or Honduras, or El Salvador, without at the very least a major reparations program paid for by those who became multi-millionaires off the suffering of the people? |