Topic: At what age do old guys officially become creepy?
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Fri 01/09/09 11:38 PM

calling people old will get you in big trouble mister!

don't old people usually know they're old? i mean whether they want to admit it or not?

I'm so old...I fart that creepy?


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Fri 01/09/09 11:38 PM

****Warning**** Late night stupid op topic.

At what age on forums do middle age guys become "old age creepy guys?"

This op inspired by that other thread about old age creepy guys.

Somewhere between 2 and 3, when we first discover ourselves.

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:38 PM

i'm still trying to figure out why its your golden years when you spend most of your time in a doctors office,my golden years was in love collegelove

Im in college and theres no gold just brokeness. thats why i am on a dating forum on a friday night and not out partying like the cool people. sad

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:39 PM

creepy is as creepy does

Catwoman does Gump. (forrest Gump)laugh

"don't old people usually know they're old? i mean whether they want to admit it or not?"

but do they know theyre creepy?

hmm, i don't think they know they're creepy. they usually call themselves "nice guys."laugh

catwoman96's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:39 PM

creepy is as creepy does

Catwoman does Gump. (forrest Gump)laugh

"don't old people usually know they're old? i mean whether they want to admit it or not?"

but do they know theyre creepy?

some know they are....
some havent a clue...
and some dont even care...

and some people are just trying to be nice.

i dont think its restricted to age though, lol...

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:39 PM

calling people old will get you in big trouble mister!

don't old people usually know they're old? i mean whether they want to admit it or not?

I'm so old...I fart that creepy?



no photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:40 PM

you know what theres not an age that is creepy.but i can tell u this its creepy when we fight over on a online forum site that is about age. lol. sorry too funny.

whos fighting? I am flirting. I am trying to bring out all the old age creepy guys and then I am going to pick the bext one and bop him.

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:41 PM

i'm still trying to figure out why its your golden years when you spend most of your time in a doctors office,my golden years was in love collegelove

Im in college and theres no gold just brokeness. thats why i am on a dating forum on a friday night and not out partying like the cool people. sad
i dont need to party hardy to be cool shades

RKISIT's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:42 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Fri 01/09/09 11:43 PM

i'm still trying to figure out why its your golden years when you spend most of your time in a doctors office,my golden years was in love collegelove

Im in college and theres no gold just brokeness. thats why i am on a dating forum on a friday night and not out partying like the cool people. sad
hey enjoy the college life..don't let the duke lacrosse incident scare ya...actually avoid beta,alpha is ok:smile:love alpha manlove

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:42 PM

i'm still trying to figure out why its your golden years when you spend most of your time in a doctors office,my golden years was in love collegelove

Im in college and theres no gold just brokeness. thats why i am on a dating forum on a friday night and not out partying like the cool people. sad
i dont need to party hardy to be cool shades

well then you must be a rare entity

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:43 PM

i wanna be old and creepy!!!! i wanna??? can i can i can i!?!?!?!?!?


yes, izzie you can be creepy too !

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:44 PM
Doesn't the age of the person they are hitting on have something to do with it. I think it would be pretty creepy for a young guy to be hitting on me.

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:44 PM

you know what theres not an age that is creepy.but i can tell u this its creepy when we fight over on a online forum site that is about age. lol. sorry too funny.

whos fighting? I am flirting. I am trying to bring out all the old age creepy guys and then I am going to pick the bext one and bop him.

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:44 PM
anyone my dad's age and looking at me with goo goo eyes is creepy!!!shocked scared

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:44 PM

i'm still trying to figure out why its your golden years when you spend most of your time in a doctors office,my golden years was in love collegelove

Im in college and theres no gold just brokeness. thats why i am on a dating forum on a friday night and not out partying like the cool people. sad
hey enjoy the college life..don't let the duke lacrosse incident scare ya...actually avoid beta,alpha is ok:smile:love alpha manlove

I have not a clue of what youre talking about mister.
College is cool even if i cant live on campus until next year and instead i am stuck living at home where i cant party and i spend fridays on a dating forum making run on sentences.

darkowl1's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:45 PM
i'm far beyond creepy, i'm hidious and terrifying, hands down. only bullies need to beware though.devil devil devil and i'm very old.bigsmile

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:46 PM

Doesn't the age of the person they are hitting on have something to do with it. I think it would be pretty creepy for a young guy to be hitting on me.

Same here. I hate when the 8 year olds at the playground try to pick me up or look at me like I am strawberry kool aid

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:47 PM
I have been creepy since my early 20's.

I'm just now getting to the " old " part...lmao

RKISIT's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:49 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Fri 01/09/09 11:51 PM

i'm still trying to figure out why its your golden years when you spend most of your time in a doctors office,my golden years was in love collegelove

Im in college and theres no gold just brokeness. thats why i am on a dating forum on a friday night and not out partying like the cool people. sad
hey enjoy the college life..don't let the duke lacrosse incident scare ya...actually avoid beta,alpha is ok:smile:love alpha manlove

I have not a clue of what youre talking about mister.
College is cool even if i cant live on campus until next year and instead i am stuck living at home where i cant party and i spend fridays on a dating forum making run on sentences.
due time grasshopper...due time:banana:

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:49 PM

you know what theres not an age that is creepy.but i can tell u this its creepy when we fight over on a online forum site that is about age. lol. sorry too funny.

whos fighting? I am flirting. I am trying to bring out all the old age creepy guys and then I am going to pick the bext one and bop him.

Just to make sure my generationX-GenerationO-Generationduh-GenerationWTF translation filter is working correctly, and in part because of Bill Clinton's perversion of the word "IS", how are you, a 20ish girl defining the word BOP?