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Topic: idea's to solve my shy-ness
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Fri 01/09/09 11:47 PM

Maybe you could start going after women who talk too much? Then you wouldn't have to say anything, LOL

It could work.:tongue:

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:49 PM

lol, only obnoxious sometimes when drunk, depends on the company of friends I have at the time.. but yeh good ideas, guess I never really thought about saying I was nervous, always seemed kinda dumb to do that, never really came up with a reason why.. Don't get married at 17, 6yrs down the road and a divorce, its only after you realize all game you had she took with her along with your cash!

OMG was I suppose to get cash when I divorced my teenage groom? Now you tell me. OH well mine didn't have any; we spent it all on getting him through college.

23mBoredinKilleen's photo
Fri 01/09/09 11:51 PM

lol, only obnoxious sometimes when drunk, depends on the company of friends I have at the time.. but yeh good ideas, guess I never really thought about saying I was nervous, always seemed kinda dumb to do that, never really came up with a reason why.. Don't get married at 17, 6yrs down the road and a divorce, its only after you realize all game you had she took with her along with your cash!

OMG was I suppose to get cash when I divorced my teenage groom? Now you tell me. OH well mine didn't have any; we spent it all on getting him through college.

Haha well mine didn't get a lot, but I spent all of my money putting her through school while I rotted away in Iraq.

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Sat 01/10/09 12:02 AM

So, I'm a very outspoken person. Loud, sometimes obnoxious if I'm drunk, and I love making people laugh.. This all ends about 10 seconds into me talking to a female I'm attracted to. Loss of words, can't think of **** to say.. Kinda sucks, so I figured I would let random people on the internet solve my problem. Should be interesting.

Liquid courage, and guns. Hmm. Just say what's on your mind, sober. Exactly what's on your mind, and in your mind, pretend you're drunk, or crazy. Works for me.

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