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Topic: Shotgun....
rlynne's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:05 PM
so guys..if a girl knows how to handle a you get scared?

no photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:06 PM

so guys..if a girl knows how to handle a you get scared?

I'd be more worried if she knew how to handle a sword. No guns in the house.

no photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:07 PM
if she doesn't know how to handle a shotgun I would have to teach her

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:07 PM

redneck29's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:07 PM
hope, I think its sexy

livelife68's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:07 PM
That's not unusual here.

njmom05's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:08 PM
I like knowing how to shoot a shotgun and a pistol. My ex actually did that right and made sure I knew how to use all the guns we had in the house.

Mentork's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:09 PM

so guys..if a girl knows how to handle a you get scared?

Yes, I like my women defenseless ^_^

no photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:09 PM
the only problem I have is that women are usually better shots than men whoa

rlynne's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:12 PM
women might usually be better shots the only catch is that a man probably had to teach her how to shoot in the first place....

Wed 01/07/09 07:13 PM
Nope I would actually love it . Not that unusual around here either

no photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:13 PM

women might usually be better shots the only catch is that a man probably had to teach her how to shoot in the first place....
so most cases anyway...

TJN's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:14 PM
Not at all. More food on the table that way. Hopefully

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:16 PM

so guys..if a girl knows how to handle a you get scared?
:smile: no:smile:

no photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:19 PM
Not a problem! I enjoy having company!bigsmile

no photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:25 PM
I wouldnt want her near it when she is mad, but yeah it is sexy if a girl can handle a shotgun smooched

lilott's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:30 PM
I would be more scared if she didn't.

Inkracer's photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:29 PM
I'd only be scared if I was looking down the barrel. . .
I'm not ready to kick this oxygen habit yet. . .

Wanderwhere's photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:57 PM
Let me show you photos of my daughter's deer she got this year.

rlynne's photo
Wed 01/07/09 09:14 PM

Let me show you photos of my daughter's deer she got this year.

really? yay, points? I can deep sea fish and I enjoy hunting, you eat what you take and you know how to take care of your family, woo

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