Topic: question | |
Just rent him a room, if he won't sign a lease, that protects you, would
tell me where I stood. Understand not wanting to be alone. I will cross that bridge when son retires for navy in 7 yrs. They decide not to live here, I will be thinking as you are. I'd lease a lady a room & see how things really worked out, in a heart beat. Just protecting OURSELVES. Need other ideas, mail me. |
I say that surely you have been with this man long enough to know how
he is with his money? And yes his ex is taking him to the cleaners but the man still has a good paying job! And she can only get so much of what he has! You have feelings for him and you are really thinking about the pros and cons! The deal is right now he needs you the most! If you try to push him too much he might think you don't care as much as he thought and then move on! Then you are alone and feeling so hurt and you were only struggling to make the right decisions! So i say don't kick him when he's down. Give him a chance. Obviously you care for him and don't want to loose him? Just don't put too much knowledge about your little nest egg into the picture. All of us have fallen and skinned our knees but that don't mean that we shouldn't walk anymore! |
((((((((((oldsage)))))))))))))) thanks
Picky, don't think anyone is saying kick him to the curb.
There is always 2 sides to a divorce, some facts hidden until you really get to know a person. Also after 50, we tand to be watch our risk factors more, start realizing how much time it takes to repair FINANCIAL problems. Jobs get harder to get, employeers are biased to the younger side, I was to, just natural. Lark is just being careful & needig some validation for her desires to be careful. Doesn't want to burn a bridge, Wants to be sure what she will get, will ALWAYS feel good; BOTH WAYS. |
Lots of men out there. Runners take your mark, set, GO!!!