beachbum069's photo
Sun 03/22/09 11:00 AM
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Find mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 03/22/09 01:34 PM

Hiya Judywaving

((( Rose )))

How are you sweets? so good to see you flowerforyou

beachbum069's photo
Mon 03/23/09 06:31 AM

Fade2Black's photo
Fri 03/27/09 07:03 AM

beachbum069's photo
Fri 03/27/09 07:21 AM


that's a load of bslaugh

no photo
Sun 03/29/09 09:33 PM

So who is the youngest anyone has dated?

Well the oldest I've dated was 36 when I was 18... but I've been interested in a women in her late 50's, and would probably date her in a flash.

Lucky woman Gianni =)

As if you don't know who I'm referring to...... :heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 03/29/09 09:37 PM

....Do you think he's coming back? ohwell

LOL .. are you talking about Gianni? You are too cute .. is someone crushing? smitten

Who me? :angel:
I was crushing over the summer when we talked all but all day, every day.

Oh Gianniiiiiiiiiii .. you're being paged :tongue:

laugh Now why didn't I think of that? slaphead
I emailed him and he hasn't gotten back to me yet.

I did get back to you.... but I was all tired out by the 50th email :tongue: You seem to have that effect on me Ash :wink:

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 03/30/09 12:13 AM


that's a load of bslaugh

oops Say WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? noway :laughing:

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 03/30/09 12:14 AM

So who is the youngest anyone has dated?

Well the oldest I've dated was 36 when I was 18... but I've been interested in a women in her late 50's, and would probably date her in a flash.

Lucky woman Gianni =)

As if you don't know who I'm referring to...... :heart: flowerforyou

Awwwwwwwwww blushing smooched

no photo
Mon 03/30/09 07:34 PM
ATM, I'm happily dating a 19 yearold. pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork We haven't had sex yet, but I did get a few clintons. laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 03/30/09 08:58 PM
Well I have nothing but good news to share ..

My DEMI/ASHTON success story lives on :tongue: My soldier (who is 30 years younger than me) and I have met, and we are even more taken with each other.

There is no where but up to go with this story .. We are ROCKIN each other's worlds :banana: smokin

nikita5's photo
Mon 03/30/09 09:05 PM
The biggest age difference I had was 9 years.He was 21 I was 30.To this day I don't regret it.Good Times...

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 03/31/09 05:25 PM
Yes good times can be had and no regrets for sure.

I have found that solid relationships can also be had .. I don't think my guy or myself even think about age at this point.

We are incredibly euphoric. LOL

beachbum069's photo
Wed 04/01/09 10:07 AM

The biggest age difference I had was 9 years.He was 21 I was 30.To this day I don't regret it.Good Times...

drool drool drool drool drool

ashley_renee's photo
Wed 04/01/09 10:40 AM
Way to email me back and then deactivate. slaphead

I'm on borrowed internet.
So, I'll be in and out until I'm in permanately on April 6th.

beachbum069's photo
Wed 04/01/09 01:54 PM

Way to email me back and then deactivate. slaphead

I'm on borrowed internet.
So, I'll be in and out until I'm in permanately on April 6th.


Fade2Black's photo
Thu 04/02/09 06:37 AM

Way to email me back and then deactivate. slaphead

I'm on borrowed internet.
So, I'll be in and out until I'm in permanately on April 6th.

Wow .. I'd like to borrow mine and not pay ha ha

beachbum069's photo
Thu 04/02/09 10:21 AM

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 04/04/09 09:39 PM



Sat 04/04/09 11:53 PM
Jus stopp'n by to see ya'llwaving flowerforyou