Topic: The Metal Bar
RKISIT's photo
Thu 01/12/12 02:21 PM
OH yeah i remember that one you wanted me to wait for your "Big O",that truly was an afternoon delightdrinker

no photo
Thu 01/12/12 02:22 PM

OH yeah i remember that one you wanted me to wait for your "Big O",that truly was an afternoon delightdrinker

Yes our Big O, that was a fun day.I laughed so hard my cheeks hurt.laugh happy drinker

RKISIT's photo
Thu 01/12/12 02:27 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Thu 01/12/12 02:28 PM
It was funny and memorable

bastet126's photo
Thu 01/12/12 03:50 PM

:heart: alice

((flip it!! for dusty!! laugh waving ))

no photo
Fri 01/13/12 04:44 AM

drinker YAY!!
The Metal Bar is still OPEN!!:thumbsup:

(((Kat)))!!flowerforyou Good to see ya!

Its never too early for METAL!pitchfork

Have a good day METALHEADS!!shades bigsmile

RKISIT's photo
Fri 01/13/12 01:08 PM
evening metalheadsshades

no photo
Fri 01/13/12 02:52 PM

evening metalheadsshades

We are not out yet. We hate daylight.

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 01/13/12 02:55 PM

evening metalheadsshades

We are not out yet. We hate daylight.

I wear a pot over my head in daylight. It protects me and feeds back good resonation on deep bass.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 01/13/12 03:41 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Fri 01/13/12 03:42 PM
Ya know i believe Dusty would be so proud if he was here with us on the thread.He probably would have smiled to see it has gone 36 pages and to see that oldhippie1952 wears a pot on his head for maximum bass sound.
Kart this is a 24/7 accessible thread,if you feel you need to listen to anything other than Metal please feel free to post in here to put yourself back into metal music ecstacy of moshing

RKISIT's photo
Fri 01/13/12 03:45 PM
Oh man i missed Bast post...hey *slurp slurp*drinker

no photo
Fri 01/13/12 07:11 PM
thinkin about crankin some AIC tonite

aic -would

no photo
Fri 01/13/12 07:13 PM
this def where I was in the grunge years

never got into the others - 'cept maybe soundgarden till later

no photo
Fri 01/13/12 07:13 PM

no photo
Fri 01/13/12 07:15 PM
I was just diggin' some Hank 3 and A$$jack, as well as Impiety (I l-o-v-e their song, "Bestial Genocidal Goat Vomit"). A metalhead friend in FL recently turned me on to Impiety.

no photo
Fri 01/13/12 08:15 PM
ya I'm not a big hank fan or southern rock variety fan - not really but hey - enjoy peteman

I'll think of ya while I crank some aic - and maybe some soundgarden later

no photo
Fri 01/13/12 08:19 PM
I'm on a Venom kick tonight.......

RKISIT's photo
Sat 01/14/12 07:38 AM
Ha Venom was a evil like Motorhead band.Black Metal was and still is my favorite Venom album

no photo
Sat 01/14/12 01:15 PM
I'm thinking tonight maybe some Black Labvel Society, Staind and I'm in the mood for Rage - whidh I'll prolly blast from my car while I run errands in a few

got in a mood for that while listening to Audioslave - they are - well - Chris Cornell just sounds good anywhere...

JamieRawxx's photo
Sun 01/15/12 08:26 AM
Morning my dears.

RKISIT's photo
Sun 01/15/12 08:46 AM
Good Job peeps on keeping this thread alive....DON'T LET THE FLAME DIE OUT