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Topic: If you thought they were cheating
MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:14 PM
bigsmile Would you spy on your significant other if you thought they were cheating on you?:heart:

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:15 PM
Nah, id let that show "cheaters" handle it for me lol

cityblues21's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:15 PM
No, I really don't have time for games... it would all be on the table... the sooner,the better.

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:15 PM
Hmm, I've been through this & I don't have an answer

ledi180's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:16 PM
There was a time when I was younger that I did that. SO glad I grew up bigsmile

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:17 PM
no trust, no relationshipgrumble

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:17 PM
Not worth the trouble....if they are, your gut will tell you

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:18 PM

Not worth the trouble....if they are, your gut will tell you

A feeling I never want to feel again

msmyka's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:19 PM
If I am with someone I trust them completely, but if I suspected he was then I would just confront him and ask straight up.

misstina2's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:20 PM
if they're hiding their cell phone that's a good hint somethings up

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:20 PM

Not worth the trouble....if they are, your gut will tell you

A feeling I never want to feel again
Me too Patsflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:21 PM

Not worth the trouble....if they are, your gut will tell you


MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:21 PM

if they're hiding their cell phone that's a good hint somethings up
flowerforyou good pointflowerforyou

Riding_Dubz's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:23 PM

SitkaRains's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:13 PM

bigsmile Would you spy on your significant other if you thought they were cheating on you?:heart:

No I wouldn't I would ask them and keep my eyes more alert to what was going on around us. I refuse to worry about cheating in a relationship. IF I have to worry about it then I am in the wrong relationship.

Jerryhailstorm's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:34 PM
I delt with it. Did the intel work. Now I am dating again...

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:39 PM

bigsmile Would you spy on your significant other if you thought they were cheating on you?:heart:

Nope. I just trust my instincts and get the hell out.

tessa68's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:41 PM
nope..... but i will :angry: :angry: :angry: get even....

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:52 PM
The way I see it.....

If I have enough reason to think she's cheating...I wouldn't bother spying on her because she wouldn't be around long enough for me to find out anyway.

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:02 PM
lol thst sounds scary hopefully no knives close by wouldnt want to be a victim of the bobbit chop.

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