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Topic: Big fuss about feeding kids in public
betsybubbles's photo
Sun 01/04/09 08:37 AM

There was a woman in Texas that I live near that breast fed all her children up till they were 5.
when is it a good time to stop breastfeeding?
There are many different opps on that subject. Some say that if you wean a child to soon they can become anal.Etc; Discuss the subject with your childs DR. For Me 6 months on breast milk was long enough,they have teeth.Bottle fed till 1.5 years. Healthy,non anal kids resulted.

It_Gyrl's photo
Sun 01/04/09 12:20 PM
yes, yes I am evil, I am mean... whatever..pitchfork

if it stops the kid from crying and screaming sad tears , I don't care how they're fed in public

*This is it_gyrl, and I have approved this message* :thumbsup:

FedGuyB16's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:55 PM

like u being annoyed matters. i would'nt arrest a breast feeding woman for being an imigrant period ud have to fire me thats pathetic if u ask me.

That's probably a good reason why you're not doing the job.

As I said before, I don't walk up to breastfeeding mothers and ask them their status. Every single time this has happened the child has been sleeping and once the mother realizes they're not going to be let go they wake the child up (who would be going with them anyway) and break out the boob...no blanket, non-discret, just bare boob.

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