Topic: the four twenty alliance needs your help.
killxherxoff's photo
Tue 04/17/07 08:11 PM
if you don't know who we are,
we're the four twenty alliance.
every year,
during four twenty,
we call our friends who have made the choice to get high every hour on
the hour.
we make sure there have been no accidents,
that no one needs to call nine-one-one,
and that no one has overdosed.
let me know if you'd like to be a part.
we're informal,
so there's no website,
and no literature.
we're just a bunch of kids who want our friends to be safe.
we can't keep them from getting high,
if we can help it,
we can keep them from getting hurt.
message me,
let me know.
i'll put you down on the list.

redmange420's photo
Tue 04/17/07 08:50 PM
I applaud your efforts and the unconditional love to your friends.
That's cool.

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 08:10 AM
I think you worry too much. In all my years, even while rehabing
junkies, never saw anyone harm themselves or others, outside of eating
too much, from smoking MJ. If these "kids" don't know their limits they
shouldn't be smoking it in the first place.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sat 04/21/07 07:25 AM
they call it dope for a reason....

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 11:03 AM
Pot is less debilitating than alcohol, by far. As long as you're not
driving or operating heavy machinery, you'll be fine. Or getting too
stoned and then accidentally setting your couch on fire.

Seriously- if you hurt yourself while on pot- you got what you

lulu24's photo
Sat 04/21/07 11:08 AM
i got rid of all my stoner friends years i wouldn't be making
those calls. i stayed in the house with the doors locked, and stayed
the hell off of the streets.

(double reason: my blinker broke, and with increased police
presence...i didn't feel like being pulled over)

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 04/21/07 11:10 AM
You ever seen someone with ADHD after they smoked a joint.

Works better than ritilin.

Would be nice if the gov would allow some REAL medical research into

How may out there have arthritus? Ever tried to control it with pot?
to much makes it worse but a small amount once aweek gets rid of the
joint swelling and pain. Try it some time.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 04/21/07 11:53 AM
adventure my friend who has adult adhd told me the only time she could
concentrate in school was when she was high.then she was ultra
focused.thc does come in a pill form.would love to see it legalized.

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 12:21 PM
One of the few drugs in the world that actually calms the side effects
of chemotherapy. And the ONLY known one that doesn't have side effects
from interacting with chemo.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 04/21/07 12:29 PM
Yep, I kid leaving next door to me that was totally uncontrolable till
he turned about 15. No one could figure out why he suddenly did a one
eighty on his attitude.

found out he was smoking pot. Once his parents figured it out they just
looked the other way cause on it he was normal.

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 01:54 PM
What I don't get is how ALCOHOL could be legal. But marijuana is not.
Booze is more addictive by far. It causes much greater innebriation. And
it can actually kill. It's almost impossible to die from smoking pot

Granted, some people are allergic to the chemicals in marijuana (not
the drug, just the herb properties). So smoking pot in any public place
should be illegal. Or driving under the influence. Or any of the many
other issues at hand. But other than that, I don't see the inherent

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 04/21/07 03:56 PM
but since it comes in pill form why not legalize that for prescription
purposes.No smoke,no hassle.

AstuteAvatar's photo
Sat 04/21/07 06:28 PM
Why spend the money to convert it onto pill form? It's plenty effective
smoked and would be far less expensive. Hell, if you really were against
the smoke (allergies or whatever), you can eat it as well. I personally
haven't tried that way, though.. apparently cooking it reduces its

And the reason alchohol is legal and MJ isn't is because of corporate
pressure. Not just from beer and liquer companies, but from tobacco as
well. I wouldn't need cigarettes if i could have a joint instead,
wouldn't you? So if weed was ever legalized, alcohol and tobacco sales
would plummet. And we all know how powerful that corporate pressure can

And poetnartist, weed has no negative reactions with ANY medications as
far as we know so far... except alcohol lol. But if it were legalized,
I would think it should be regulated similarly to alcohol.

oldsage's photo
Sat 04/21/07 06:35 PM
An old redneck (MY DEF.) says, LEGALIZE pot, no worse than booze, tax it
like booze & let it go. Anything else, I want possession to be an
automatic HANGING offense. Don't debate it, just my opinion. Done
drugs, so I think I can pass judgement on myself. Don't do the crime if
you can't do the time.

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 06:44 PM
Actually. Weed has side effects with MANY drugs- it increases their
potency considerably. Which is why designer drugs often mix pot with
antidepressents. It also interferes with some heart medications. And god
help you if you're on an immune system affecting medication.

And that's only what we know about. It's quite possible it has other
interactions that, due to obscenely innadaquite studies, are as of yet
completely unknown. It won't be a problem for healthy bodies. But we
can't know the side effects to those who are otherwise sick without
giving more study to the subject (I doubt there will be any difficulty
in finding volunteers to those studies- just stick the phrase "free pot"
in a newspaper ad). Of course, it may have no interactions at all. We
just don't know yet.

And I'm not concerned about most people smoking it. But people with an
allergy to marijuana (they're rare- about 1 in 1000) will get dizzy,
nauseous, disoriented, their eyes will water, often they start
vomitting, and in extreme exposure they will have an event resembling an
asthma attack- which has resulted in death on occasion.

For the sake of innocent folk, smoking pot would need to be illegal in
any public venue. In your own home, I don't care what you do. You could
use the stuff as an enema for all it concerns me. But in public, no

But, no, the pill-form-only is a bad plan. Drug companies would mix it
together for 30 cents and then charge 10 dollars a pill. Not that we
couldn't accept pills as an option by which to take the stuff. BUT
without another two or three methods of ingesting the stuff, it's a sure
bet that some big company or another will monopolize and exploit the
market. In much the same way that tobacco has been.

Of course pot, like booze, can be made in your garage. So maybe it
won't be as bad.

Palhaco's photo
Sun 04/22/07 03:42 PM
I say legalize it, no worse than alcohol in my humble opinion, lol...
Personally I do not smoke it, I only take drugs that are prescribed to
me, because I can't function the way I'd like on drugs, and because they
drug test me at work and I love my job... drinker