Topic: arranged marriage
Shagwell's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:28 PM
my buddys sister is about to get married by arrangement by her parents who are from india, what are the pros and cons of arranged marriages?

no photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:30 PM

my buddys sister is about to get married by arrangement by her parents who are from india, what are the pros and cons of arranged marriages?

AGAIN: RELIGION MAYBE ???laugh laugh laugh laugh

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:30 PM
scared Marriagescared

buttons's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:31 PM
oh gawd noooo! I tried it... was his parents.. did not work.... but i love him as a frined!!!n and a father the best father i have known perhaps!! and thats it!!!

willaxtman's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:47 PM
god too many things to go wrong! what if ones a game player like most of my ex's were! one cheating on the married person the whole time. what if they just do NOT get along?! marriage should be something two people choose to go into. of course with religious issues arranging it who knows whats gonna happen!

no photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:49 PM
seems to have worked pretty well for tha past thousand years or so

buttons's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:50 PM

god too many things to go wrong! what if ones a game player like most of my ex's were! one cheating on the married person the whole time. what if they just do NOT get along?! marriage should be something two people choose to go into. of course with religious issues arranging it who knows whats gonna happen!
oh yea and it was a man lol

carold's photo
Fri 01/02/09 08:57 AM

seems to have worked pretty well for tha past thousand years or so
Yeah when women just turned there head the other way.

carold's photo
Fri 01/02/09 09:00 AM

god too many things to go wrong! what if ones a game player like most of my ex's were! one cheating on the married person the whole time. what if they just do NOT get along?! marriage should be something two people choose to go into. of course with religious issues arranging it who knows whats gonna happen!
Yeap dated one of those said he was getting a divorce. Then well not going to get a divorce. For blah blah Last separated man I will see. Lesson hurt. No wonder the wife is cold to him can't imagine what she put up with.

no photo
Fri 01/02/09 09:08 AM

god too many things to go wrong! what if ones a game player like most of my ex's were! one cheating on the married person the whole time. what if they just do NOT get along?! marriage should be something two people choose to go into. of course with religious issues arranging it who knows whats gonna happen!
Yeap dated one of those said he was getting a divorce. Then well not going to get a divorce. For blah blah Last separated man I will see. Lesson hurt. No wonder the wife is cold to him can't imagine what she put up with.

Well......that's your choice.....But Louisiana has created a LOT of separated people by their draconian full 365 days of "separation from bed and board" requirement!!! They think they are gonna save marriages by changing it from 6 months!!

no photo
Fri 01/02/09 09:10 AM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Fri 01/02/09 09:10 AM

seems to have worked pretty well for tha past thousand years or so
Yeah when women just turned there head the other way.

traditionally, in the non-western world, the arranged marriages were used to join families into a beneficial arrangement. The male was as helpless in the choice just as much as the woman. most of them actually worked pretty well

but in the western world women have gotten into the habit of always considering themselves to be victims of evil male culture so it wouldn't work here

carold's photo
Fri 01/02/09 09:23 AM
My daughter father is muslim too so I've been around the culture for 30 years. Good and bad in all things. I love being around the culture they are very family oriented.