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Topic: Aren't capable of being in a healthy relationship
MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:13 PM
smile2 Do you think there are people out there that just aren't capable of being in a healthy relationship?smile2

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:13 PM

cityblues21's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:14 PM
Most certainly...

special_guy's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:14 PM

smile2 Do you think there are people out there that just aren't capable of being in a healthy relationship?smile2



Some people thrive off of conflict and drama

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:15 PM
I've dated about 90 of them.

misstina2's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:15 PM
I sure do

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:20 PM

I sure do

:thumbsup: me2:thumbsup:

writer_gurl's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:21 PM

special_guy's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:21 PM
I used to love her... but I had to kill her

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:28 PM
of course

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:36 PM

I used to love her... but I had to kill her


shoesmonkey's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:41 PM
You need to by pass them

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:46 PM
my stalker ex especially with her pyscho family

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:51 PM

my stalker ex especially with her pyscho family


no photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:53 PM

smile2 Do you think there are people out there that just aren't capable of being in a healthy relationship?smile2

have you not seen me

and you still ask that questin


PacificStar48's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:59 PM
I think that applys to many people and most of them are aware of it but won't face up to it. This society doesn't really support single people very well so it is not surpriseing.

alonenotlonely's photo
Wed 12/31/08 10:02 PM

smile2 Do you think there are people out there that just aren't capable of being in a healthy relationship?smile2

Yeah, Mirror, there are. I'm one and I have really tried in my life. I tell people now I ain't the one. Wish I was sometimes.

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 10:02 PM

I think that applys to many people and most of them are aware of it but won't face up to it. This society doesn't really support single people very well so it is not surpriseing.

That's true -- single people are looked upon as pariahs in so many ways. The "What's wrong with you?" syndrome.

alonenotlonely's photo
Wed 12/31/08 10:03 PM

I think that applys to many people and most of them are aware of it but won't face up to it. This society doesn't really support single people very well so it is not surpriseing.

That's true -- single people are looked upon as pariahs in so many ways. The "What's wrong with you?" syndrome.

Lex, you seem unusually "real" tonight. Blues? Love ya brother! You can fail too and we'll all still be on your side.

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 10:07 PM

smile2 Do you think there are people out there that just aren't capable of being in a healthy relationship?smile2

I'm pretty sure any future relationship wont be any healthier than I am. I think I shall get another pet instead.

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