Topic: Court sets Atheist Holiday... | |
...and some people need to get a sense of humor there boo... ![]() Ya, I'll remember that when the next joke is about christians.. Arent christians in big joke? HA HA KIDDING!!!!! |
Edited by
Wed 12/31/08 05:27 PM
Ya, I'll remember that when the next joke is about christians..
Ya know, 2000 years ago a man went around saying how wonderful it would be if we were all nice too each other.......then they nailed him to a tree. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Since jokes about peoples beliefs are fine I will go ahead and post this. I would never have done it but oh well the door was opened.
We all know the parable from the Bible I am sure where the crowd is tossing stones at a fallen woman? You remember right? Jesus happens upon the scene and appeals to the crowd asking that the one among them that has not sinned cast the fist stone. Suddenly a woman breaks from the crowd and starts pelting the fallen woman with his stones. Jesus turns to the woman and says, "You know Mom, sometimes you can really be a pain" By the way, the priest in town loved this joke. |
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Well, all the laughter and humor has been choked out of this one.
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Pat Robertson was walking down the street one day and he came across a little boy with a box of kittens. Pat peered into the box, and said, "Son, those are the cutest little kitties I have ever seen. What kind are they?"
"These are Christian kittens," the little boy replied. Pat chuckled and went on his way. A week later, he found himself on the same street, this time chatting up Ann Coulter, when he saw the same little boy with the same box of kittens. Hoping to score some points with her, he said, "Ann, go ask that little boy what kind of kittens those are." She did, and the boy replied, "These are atheist kittens." Ann looked shocked, and looked back at Pat. Pat asked the boy, "What do you mean, atheist kittens? Last week you told me these kittens were Christian!" "They were," replied the boy. "But then their eyes opened." |
Edited by
Thu 01/01/09 07:02 AM
Well, all the laughter and humor has been choked out of this one. ![]() Yes like everything else with the Christian bashing bigots on these boards. They are like the rat pack & attack everything...I guess because it interupts their COUNTER culture mentality. I guess their sense of humor gets lost too. In any case that was the joke..April Fools Day being their holiday. ![]() |
Well, all the laughter and humor has been choked out of this one. ![]() Yes like everything else with the Christian bashing bigots on these boards. They are like the rat pack & attack everything...I guess because it interupts their COUNTER culture mentality. I guess their sense of humor gets lost too. In any case that was the joke..April Fools Day being their holiday. ![]() How'd that line from Shakespeare go? Oh yeah: "Methinkth the Lady doth protest too much." Laugh, Quickstepper, it's all in good fun, right? But if it turns into a Frankenstein, remember, it was one of your own making. :) BTW, April 1st is also World Religious Unity Day. And to that end, this joke: An Amish farmer walking through his field, notices a man drinking from his pond. The Amish man shouts: "Trink das wasser nicht. Die kuhen haben dahin gesheissen." Which means: "Don't drink the water; the cows have crapped in it." The man shouts back: "I'm a Muslim, I don't understand. Please speak in English." The Amish man says: "Use two hands. You'll get more." |
im going to start small like a ha than go to hahaha ok here i go what is a tiger a tiger is a big puss y that eats people
Well, all the laughter and humor has been choked out of this one. ![]() Yes like everything else with the Christian bashing bigots on these boards. They are like the rat pack & attack everything...I guess because it interupts their COUNTER culture mentality. I guess their sense of humor gets lost too. In any case that was the joke..April Fools Day being their holiday. ![]() First learn the meaning of the word. bigot One entry found. Main Entry: big·ot Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\ Function: noun Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot Date: 1660 : a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance — big·ot·ed \-gə-təd\ adjective — big·ot·ed·ly adverb |
HAHAHAHAHAH great story. Really highlights the bigotry and unilateral thinking of the religious. Yep it sure does highlight the bigotry of the religious. Thanks Quickstepper! ![]() |
Well, all the laughter and humor has been choked out of this one. ![]() Yes like everything else with the Christian bashing bigots on these boards. They are like the rat pack & attack everything...I guess because it interupts their COUNTER culture mentality. I guess their sense of humor gets lost too. In any case that was the joke..April Fools Day being their holiday. ![]() Quick, you post a bigoted joke and then your turn around and call someone else a bigot? You are seeing your own reflection dear. Now you complain that Christians are being bashed. Well when you post a joke that insinuates the atheists are fools and that April fools day is their holiday, you deserve to be bashed. Over the head. Wake up and look in the mirror. Do you think you are being a good example of your faith? |
This just in... COURT SETS ATHEIST HOLY DAY: In Florida, an atheist created a case against the upcoming Easter and Passover holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians and Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized day(s). The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel and declared, 'Case dismissed.' The lawyer immediately stood and objected to the ruling and said: "Your honor, how can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others. The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah. Yet my client and all other atheists have no such holidays”; The judge leaned forward in his chair and said, "But you do. Your client, counsel, is woefully ignorant" The lawyer said, "Your Honour, we are unaware of any special observance or holiday for atheists." The judge said, "The calendar says April 1st is 'April Fools Day' Psalm 14:1 states "'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.’ Thus, it is the opinion of this court, that if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool. Therefore, April 1st is his day. Court is adjourned" ![]() ![]() ![]() Everyday is a holiday when you open your eyes and let your mind think for itself. Free thought is liberation! |
A man looks out of his apartment window one day and sees a little boy playing with a bucket of scat. He seems to be modeling little people out of the stuff.
A Priest stops near the boy and the man in the apartment opens the window to hear what they are saying. The Priest says, "Little boy what are you making with that scat?" "I am making a Priest and a buncha Catholics" says the boy. The Priest is taken aback but doesn't scold the boy. Instead he extols the value of his faith, invites him and his family to church and blesses the boy before he leaves. Later a Rabbi has a similar experience with the boy. Again the holy man responds kindly explaining his faith and wishing the boy well as did the Priest. The next passer by is a hippy. Engaging the kid in conversation the kid says he is making smell hippies. The hippy laughs and gives him a lecture on environmental responsibility. The man in the apartment, curious, decides to go down to the street to talk to the kid. Before leaving he secures his lapel pins, one of an American flag,his RNC pin and the last a cross and heads down to talk to the kid. "What are you doing?" he asks the kid. "Playing in a bucket of scat," replies the kid. "Wait a minute young man," says the observer,"I heard you tell the Prist and the Rabbi you were making holy people. Then you told that long hair tree hugger you were making hippies! Why aren't you telling me you are making a neocon?" "I ain't got enough scat" replies the kid. |
A man looks out of his apartment window one day and sees a little boy playing with a bucket of scat. He seems to be modeling little people out of the stuff. A Priest stops near the boy and the man in the apartment opens the window to hear what they are saying. The Priest says, "Little boy what are you making with that scat?" "I am making a Priest and a buncha Catholics" says the boy. The Priest is taken aback but doesn't scold the boy. Instead he extols the value of his faith, invites him and his family to church and blesses the boy before he leaves. Later a Rabbi has a similar experience with the boy. Again the holy man responds kindly explaining his faith and wishing the boy well as did the Priest. The next passer by is a hippy. Engaging the kid in conversation the kid says he is making smell hippies. The hippy laughs and gives him a lecture on environmental responsibility. The man in the apartment, curious, decides to go down to the street to talk to the kid. Before leaving he secures his lapel pins, one of an American flag,his RNC pin and the last a cross and heads down to talk to the kid. "What are you doing?" he asks the kid. "Playing in a bucket of scat," replies the kid. "Wait a minute young man," says the observer,"I heard you tell the Prist and the Rabbi you were making holy people. Then you told that long hair tree hugger you were making hippies! Why aren't you telling me you are making a neocon?" "I ain't got enough scat" replies the kid. ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 01/03/09 10:14 AM
HAHAHAHAHAH great story. Really highlights the bigotry and unilateral thinking of the religious. Physician heal thyself... You think not being "religious," as you so put it, makes you better? NOT! So what makes your POV so right when you don't show the respect you want from others? Stop with the hypcrisy. The OP took no offense to what was said. Hmm I think its clear. Well, all the laughter and humor has been choked out of this one. ![]() Yes like everything else with the Christian bashing bigots on these boards. They are like the rat pack & attack everything...I guess because it interupts their COUNTER culture mentality. I guess their sense of humor gets lost too. In any case that was the joke..April Fools Day being their holiday. ![]() And instead of explain why this isn't repulsive to you and why I should also not be repulsed from it, you instead throw insults and try to trump us up as hate filled bible bashers. It says what it says and my reaction is mine to have, and I have even explained why I feel repulsed, I do not understand your hate toward me, or other with similar issues with the bible. Its not like I kicked your dog, I have asked questions about a book. Your name is fitting, you quick step around any questions and immediately pull out the politician tactics and question the integrity of the person asking hard questions. Sad, I truly wanted real discussions about that thread, not finger pointing. |
It wasn't really a joke. It is what is called mocking. Some of the greatest sources of mocking of religious and political issues is through humor because it is considered "free expression" and somewhat "protected" by the illusion of the promise that we have of freedom of speech. In short, it is tolerated in order to give people the illusion that they really do have freedom of speech and freedom to present their humor. While you can post a joke like that and get away with it by calling it humor, if you were to post a statement declaring that atheist's are fools for not believing in God, therefore April fool's day can clearly be their special holiday, then you might get some legitimate protests. But you hide behind "Oh its just a joke." Humor at someone else's expense is what it is. Funny to you maybe. Mocking, definitely. So next time you see a joke about a Christian that mocks your faith, just remember what you said. "It's just a joke." |
I was sorting through the laundry one day and I found a crap stain in my sons white underwear that looked just like jesus. I wish I would have sold it on E bay.
I was sorting through the laundry one day and I found a crap stain in my sons white underwear that looked just like jesus. I wish I would have sold it on E bay. |