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Topic: who
tantalizingtulip's photo
Tue 04/17/07 10:55 AM
mystique watch my mom die from smoking:cry:

long sad story.......only 56 yrs. old

anyway i'm still at it.

my daughter said that is all she wants for xmas is for me to quit.

I would have to be chained up for a month to do it, no will power and
yes, I love my baby girl.

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/17/07 11:00 AM
I feel ya Tulip...My natural father is going through late stages too.I
am sorry.

sassystacey69xx's photo
Tue 04/17/07 11:03 AM
i feel u all there but my brother died from cancer on christmas day and
never smoked a ciggerette in his life!!!

Mystique42's photo
Tue 04/17/07 11:12 AM
tulip... it's a real tough thing watching your mom die from smoking.
For me and my sister it's like watching someone stand on the edge of a
cliff and no matter how much you remind her that you love her there
isnt' a thing you can do. My mom has been ill for ten years. During
this time she did not put away the cigarettes, no matter what we said or
did. My mom is in her early 60's, and it stinks knowing she will not
see her own grandchildren graduate from high school. She can't even come
to visit me or go grocery shopping. She's been in a wheelchair and now
uses a cane, but her life changes daily and one little cold could kill
her right now. My mom's twin died from the same thing and wasn't there
to see her own daughter graduate from high school.

What bothers me most is knowing my 18 year old son picked up smoking and
I keep praying he will stop. My sister and I never did smoke, but our
parents were chimneys. My sister has health issues today because of it.
(second hand smoke)

Smoking is addictive and I know we all have our vices. Tulip I hope if
you want to quit, you find the inner strength to do so. I believe we can
achieve anything if we believe in ourselves!

sassystacey69xx's photo
Tue 04/17/07 11:17 AM
mystique im sorry but watchin jason die was hard and the little guy
never smoked a damm ciggerette in his life!!!!!!

tantalizingtulip's photo
Tue 04/17/07 11:17 AM
yes, I did get patches from my doc....I am just not ready~~~~frown

jeanc200358's photo
Tue 04/17/07 11:20 AM
No way. I smoked like a chimney for many years, but almost never at
home. Quit nearly 4 years ago.

My aunt died of an aortic aneurysm and my daughter was with her when it
happened. It was a horrific experience for her (as was for my aunt, of
course, who died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital)...all
because of COPD, emphysema and bronchitis complications caused from
years of smoking.

My father had to have a lung removed because of it, too. And he died
from smoke-related diseases as well.

The thing is, oftentimes we don't think about it seriously until the
damage is already done.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 04/17/07 11:25 AM
Not as much as I used to.

Hey burgundy nice picture of the catseye nebula.

Mystique42's photo
Tue 04/17/07 12:00 PM
Sassy I'm sorry for Jason and your loss. I lost a brother and he was
two years old... today I'm facing my three year old son with ds needing
heart repairs done, and my mom's life is in God's hands too because of
cigarettes. It's horrible to lose someone you love, but I don't want to
take a chance with cigarettes seeing first hand what they can do. It's
just my choice and my hope is that I will be here with my son with Down
syndrome for a long time, although I know there are no guarantees in
life. I want to set a good example for my kids and do what I feel is
right for me. My father died of cancer (skin cancer) and he fought to
live. I admire him for the fight. When my mom picks up a cigarette I
just don't feel she is fighting for her life. She knows the risks and
she is suffering now from the choice. She once said we are all going to
die someday... the question I always had for her is WHY DIE EARLY? Why
take that risk when you are loved SO much? I'll be going to a hospital
one day soon without my mom by my side while my baby has heart repairs
done. My mom is my best friend, the one I've turned to when all went
wrong in my life. I'm just sharing my story so you realize smoking kills
and I realize car wrecks do too, but why risk your life? Hugs to all of

sassystacey69xx's photo
Tue 04/17/07 12:02 PM
sweetheart aload of hugs and i agree with u on alot...

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 04/17/07 12:05 PM
Sometimes hon they just cant quit.Its sad but true. Good luck with your
Mom and Son. Your in my prayers. My Mom died of lung cancer due to her
smoking. She quit a month after being dignosied. Didnt do any good than.
She couldn't smoke any more and that is how she stopped. Addiction is
harder for some.flowerforyou

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