Topic: Ridiculous Game!
alicat4213's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:03 PM
Hey it's me Aleh

no photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:03 PM

alicat4213's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:03 PM
dee youze a hotteh

no photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:03 PM
dualeh is hereh, just trying to do some thinkeh

plk1966's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:04 PM

for new comers these are the rules:
the last word of your sentence has to end in eh (pronounced ay)
and it has to fit the word
ex. crazeh

damn I have been playing the damn wrong waehfrustrated

stattie89's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:04 PM

dee youze a hotteh

Buncha hot ladehs in here! Dee, nice one!

alicat4213's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:05 PM
Wheres Woodeh?? And Dualeh?

TriciaJeanine's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:05 PM

for new comers these are the rules:
the last word of your sentence has to end in eh (pronounced ay)
and it has to fit the word
ex. crazeh

damn I have been playing the damn wrong waehfrustrated

lol it okeh!
continue pleh without deleh!

stattie89's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:05 PM

for new comers these are the rules:
the last word of your sentence has to end in eh (pronounced ay)
and it has to fit the word
ex. crazeh

damn I have been playing the damn wrong waehfrustrated

Oh, its okeh! Don't bang you're head babeh!

stattie89's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:06 PM

Wheres Woodeh?? And Dualeh?

Dualeh has been in and out, Woodeh was in then out quite quickleh

no photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:06 PM
These POSTS are not very ORDERLEH!!grumble

stattie89's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:07 PM

These POSTS are not very ORDERLEH!!grumble

I know! We can handle it, probableh

alicat4213's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:08 PM
I couldn't find an outfit for my partehtears

stattie89's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:08 PM

dualeh is hereh, just trying to do some thinkeh

Why hello Marteh! Hee he

stattie89's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:08 PM

I couldn't find an outfit for my partehtears

Go nakedleh

alicat4213's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:10 PM

I couldn't find an outfit for my partehtears

Go nakedleh

hehe I'm gonna wear this red dress thats wicked sexeh

TriciaJeanine's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:10 PM

dualeh is hereh, just trying to do some thinkeh

i thought you were being cuddleh with stepheneh!

stattie89's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:11 PM
Edited by stattie89 on Tue 12/30/08 07:12 PM

dualeh is hereh, just trying to do some thinkeh

i thought you were being cuddleh with stepheneh!

I'm bashful... cheeks are roseh

TriciaJeanine's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:12 PM

dualeh is hereh, just trying to do some thinkeh

i thought you were being cuddleh with stepheneh!

I'm bashful... cheeks are rosey

you mean roseh?

BL4766's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:12 PM
I think we ALL have had tooooo much to drinkeh!!!!