Topic: To be or not to be FRIENDS
SimplyElla's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:03 PM
Is it so hard for a girl to want to be friends with a local guy like just two people that meet up. You know and shoot some pool or darts over kudos of pitchers every now and then, or go see bands, do something? Not like a romantic thing at all, or whatever if it is?

I know its a so called dating site and all but come on. Ha ha

eastcoastpoet's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:05 PM
I would love a friend of either gender who is fun and likes to go out for beer, pool, and live music.

chevylover1965's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:06 PM
i see nothing wrong with it ????drinks

RKISIT's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:08 PM
love mugs and jugslove

buttons's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:12 PM
sounds good to me

SitkaRains's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:12 PM
I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. I have some very dear male friends that I used to hang out with there was never anything romantic involved we were just buddies. Plus they were great to have a round when I wanted some help packing meat out of the woods.

freeonthree's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:12 PM
Of course it is... get out there and have fun. Go to the local pub and start fishin for a buddy.

SimplyElla's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:15 PM

love mugs and jugslove


SimplyElla's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:16 PM

I would love a friend of either gender who is fun and likes to go out for beer, pool, and live music.

totally don't matter if a guy or girl you are right...
just some one out of the normal... my friends are cool and all but i bore easily.. so need stimulation ha ha

SimplyElla's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:17 PM

Of course it is... get out there and have fun. Go to the local pub and start fishin for a buddy.

I fish and get screwed in the process when I am out at the bar... ha ha... I need a buddy to start out right with

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:18 PM
Friends is fine but don't be surprised when the person moves on to someone who offers more. My experience is people who say they are just looking for a friend really don't even offer that. They are just wanting to look like someone adores them or to pay their own way or even worse pay for them. But almost always they are only fair weather friends. Great if your life is all hearts and flowers but most of us expect a little more when the inevitable brush off from this kind of friend when tough times come along.

RKISIT's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:19 PM

love mugs and jugslove

what you wanna meet up at mugs and jugs?

no photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:19 PM
I think its great, I have a few ladies’ that I am friends with and we get along great not to mention there married. But were still friends :smile:

SimplyElla's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:24 PM

love mugs and jugslove

what you wanna meet up at mugs and jugs?

slaphead do i got to spell it out... ha ha

yeah want to this week?? :cry:

SimplyElla's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:25 PM

Friends is fine but don't be surprised when the person moves on to someone who offers more. My experience is people who say they are just looking for a friend really don't even offer that. They are just wanting to look like someone adores them or to pay their own way or even worse pay for them. But almost always they are only fair weather friends. Great if your life is all hearts and flowers but most of us expect a little more when the inevitable brush off from this kind of friend when tough times come along.

I just want a buddy... I got money and make money don't need nor want a man for that...

SimplyElla's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:25 PM
Edited by SimplyElla on Tue 12/30/08 05:25 PM
stupid double post :laughing: