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Topic: Sooo need a guys point of view....:)
lnghntr's photo
Fri 01/02/09 01:53 PM
dump him and come to Ks. :banana:

scoundrel's photo
Fri 01/02/09 01:54 PM

Ok...It isn't me yet. My bf is edgy bad! At me only it seems. Not answering the cell, he is ending up places other than I was origionally told, giving me info to particiapate in social things sooo late it could not be possible for me to go, now the big one...he has had a huge loss of memory laely. So ya I have been snooping...

Sounds like he's doing dope...maybe just pot, but is "off track" and not being practiced handling whatever he's into.

no photo
Fri 01/02/09 01:59 PM
Ok,,you SEEM to be hinting here and in your profile that your boyfriend and you might be on a small cliff of saying goodbye.
Whats the point here?
Talk it like you WANT TO say it..Be frank,,,
You say your on this site looking for just girlfriends,,,well, to me I wouldn't feel very cool about my girlfriend on a single sight talking or hinting that she might be having issues with ME..
YOU would be better off to ask,,talk,,and then DO,,something to keep him,or lose him?
Then,,if you lose him, come back on here saying..
Or STAY in your relationship and make it work,,and try not to SHOW that your guy might be on his way out..
JUST MY thoughts,,:heart: Good luck on whatever you decide..

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 01/02/09 02:15 PM
You ask if something is up.

The Magic 8 Ball says:

All Signs Point To Yes

I see violence coming into the picture if it hasn't yet. I have seen this BS in friends of mine time and time again from BOTH sides. I would begin to assume the worst case scenario and it is time to get a lot of space between the two of you.
If he is doing drugs and I assure you it is not 4:20 what he is doing. My bet is if it is drugs he is either doing Meth or Blow. From what little info I have my bet is Meth. He will also be involved in something sexual behind the scenes if that is the case and that means you are risking STDs of the worst kind. AIDS is not the only gift that is a slow killer. HEP C is prevalent among Meth users. The behavior is a dead give away of Meth and what you describe is CLASSIC Crank Addict behavior.
Pot smokers generally do not act like that! Do not buy the "Its My Life" argument from him if you demand an explanation but when you do it make sure you got a backup plan in case he does decide to let the right hand fly like having someone nearby to call the cops or to physically intervene. If you are looking for someone to play body guard because you feel uncertain and make sure they know how to deal with violent people and armed ones at that. Meth changes people in all the worst ways and they are unpredictable. In a relationship what he does behind you back does affect you! if you think you may need someone to protect you from him it is over between you. It means he has broken trust and that is THE MOST SACRED THING IN A RELATIONSHIP!!!!!
I had two former room mates a long time ago get into Meth and they acted the EXACT same way you are describing except they were just room mates of mine so there was no real relationship at all going on. I was able to just move out. It is different in a relationship in some complicated ways but this is a fact that you have to be clear about if drugs are in the picture.
You cannot help him no matter how hard you try. He has to help himself and if he does not want the help it will do no good. Talk to any rehab councilor and not AA for information about dealing with drug abuse before listening to people who have not been around it!
If drugs are not part of it and it is a communication break down it may be unrepairable. Without trust and open communication you do not have a relationship!
Do not get into the "What is wrong with me" thinking. It isn't you. It isn't him. It is the both of you. If he can't face you and he is acting guilty then it is over.
JUST IN CASE! See your doctor and I should not have to explain why at this point!
Sorry this is so long winded.
It is hard to cram a lifetime of experience into a few short sentences.

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 01/02/09 02:17 PM
Your having a problem with your boyfriend , so you joined a dating site

scoundrel's photo
Fri 01/02/09 10:02 PM

Your having a problem with your boyfriend , so you joined a dating site

Yep. Few words; much said. Good one.

no photo
Fri 01/02/09 11:03 PM

I'm not able to sleep again!! I need to just get a guys point of view b/c I'm am obviously not going to figure it out. 5 yr realtionship...sudden changes in behavior & others. Yap...ya know what I'm thinking. plz chat

It's obviously not a question of physically being attractive. Could it be a problem communicating of some sort?

JayLy's photo
Sat 01/03/09 12:01 AM

Ok,,you SEEM to be hinting here and in your profile that your boyfriend and you might be on a small cliff of saying goodbye.
Whats the point here?
Talk it like you WANT TO say it..Be frank,,,
You say your on this site looking for just girlfriends,,,well, to me I wouldn't feel very cool about my girlfriend on a single sight talking or hinting that she might be having issues with ME..
YOU would be better off to ask,,talk,,and then DO,,something to keep him,or lose him?
Then,,if you lose him, come back on here saying..
Or STAY in your relationship and make it work,,and try not to SHOW that your guy might be on his way out..
JUST MY thoughts,,:heart: Good luck on whatever you decide..

JayLy's photo
Sat 01/03/09 12:23 AM
Edited by JayLy on Sat 01/03/09 12:38 AM
IAM4U- ok...to this I so want to reply directly to ya :). I have been standinging in a fog...but I have more of the "Big Picture"-- as of the last couple of days. No question- something was up. However, actually sitting in the fog...it was a tad hard to see clearly. ie..that's why I needed you guys to get my brain jogging thru it. I posted yesterday afternoon the latest on this crap situation I am in. Reason for was: I am really not a "poor pitful pearl". Plus, all of you were soo awesome for the input!! Like I said , "It is what it is. So be it". It was the not knowing (the details) that was about to eat me alive. Too bad for me I am a wanna know it all before I kick ya to the curb...I just wanted to be for sure. For more reasons than not...
also--I'm 100% I would had nvever presented myself in anyway- in type of forum...if I had just been treated with respect in the beginning. I tried, begged, wrote notes, had other people try for me! It was obvious to everyone but me- because I have to know FOR SURE....ya I know now. I gave a few more details in a post 2 days ago...it's over for me.
anywho- thank you!!! for taking the time. wow. (hope I wasn't any kind of offesive there! I am still a bit pissed that I was ever having to ask in the first). Maybe one day I will change my profile...just not anytime soon. Hope you guys understand :)
lol J

JayLy's photo
Sat 01/03/09 12:23 AM
Edited by JayLy on Sat 01/03/09 12:47 AM
read my profile :)>>Patsfan & your buddy below ya

JayLy's photo
Sat 01/03/09 12:31 AM
honesty is in many forms (to different people)I have just recently come to learn. To me: it's all or none. Not one missing item, some half of the truth, mis-leading telling of it,ya da ya da....
so- for sure a lack of communication:)

no photo
Sat 01/03/09 12:31 AM

JayLy's photo
Sat 01/03/09 12:35 AM

5yrs is the usual make or break point for both men and women, all the things we put up with that were overlooked when dating, are now surfacing, and without respect and understanding during any conversation about the changes will most certainly lead to a slow death of the relationship, if it has not already happened, john

JayLy's photo
Sat 01/03/09 12:41 AM

My advice is RUN. Cant be a good thing sorry. I agree with what you are thinking.:cry: flowerforyou

ha!! I like that!! thanks :)

JayLy's photo
Sat 01/03/09 12:45 AM

Your having a problem with your boyfriend , so you joined a dating site

Yep. Few words; much said. Good one.

You guys should really read my profile... and check out my pics.
BTW...a "new " girlfriend of mine (I met on this site)went out here in town and...it was why I joined this "dating" site. :) ie--- dont suggest I am gay, bi or anyother...I am exactly what I claim to be on my profile.

no photo
Sat 01/03/09 02:10 AM
Dear Jayly,

There is another woman he wants to score with but can't because he wants to be faithful to you but at the same time he wants to score with another woman but can't because he wants to be faithful to you but at the sa-- I think you see the pattern and can figure out why he is so grumpy.

Your pal,

JayLy's photo
Sat 01/03/09 12:38 PM
AndyBgood- I'm impressed? Hard to imagine...but it's rings true to the behavioral piece for sure. You know, the violence or the thinking any second now is truely the bigggest violation of a persons "everything"! It's mentally & physically in every negative way. Even more- it puts me it seems in a really strange place with everyone around me. I think I lost trust in the world there for a sec.

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