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hgraham88's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:21 AM
I appreciate it, I just hate to be confused and like to talk things out. It helps me to think better and more clearly

freeonthree's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:26 AM
Don't get your panties in a bunch over this. It's real easy to find out if he's serious. Somewhere in a conversation, mention that you have a 6 month rule, 6 months with a man before having sex.
You'll know right away if he's for real or not.

OpenArms36's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:26 AM
You're asking everyone but the one person you really want these answers from. None of us can predict what he has in store for you but him. Ask him, and go with his answers. If that doesn't work, go with your gut. If that doesn't work, you are on a dating website after all....

buttons's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:28 AM
Edited by buttons on Sat 12/27/08 10:30 AM

Why do women over analyze everything. Why dont you ask instead of assume whats going on. He could not have a txt plan. He could not get great cell service at his house, and he also could not carry around his phone 24 /7. Why do people get in the mindset that they like me if they do everything I want them to do without telling them anything? People dont have ESP... The key to any good relationship is communicating not trying to figure stuff out...

You people certainly get vicious lol
i dont find that vicious..... sounds like you havent even met him in person? if not guys dont get attached all that easy they need time with someone.. and more time than women do to get all gah gah...for instance maybe hes watching foot ball with his friends..or taking a shower, spending with his ma.. its unrealistic to expect him to jump up right away when you havent met him as i have aged i realize too that men do get more attached <like women do> after they have had sex. and definately not saying that that is what you should jump into.just a fact.. and you are building a friendship at this time. would it bother you so if your girlfriend didnt text back right away?

freeonthree's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:31 AM

You're asking everyone but the one person you really want these answers from. None of us can predict what he has in store for you but him. Ask him, and go with his answers. If that doesn't work, go with your gut. If that doesn't work, you are on a dating website after all....

That won't do any good if he's only after 1 thing. Those guy say whatever they think will get the job done. If you can wait 6 months before having sex with a man, you'll have plenty of time to find out exactly how serious he is about you. If he still wants to spend time with you every day, he's a keeper. If he shows little interest, kick him to the curb, he ain't the one.

hgraham88's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:32 AM
It does bother me when people don't answer my txt. I'm not gah gah over him I just can't decide whether he is a liar or what

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:36 AM
This is coming from a man who will openly admit I am a dog inside, DOG ALERT DOG ALERT DOG ALERT!!!!!

Warning sign one: You call and his response is later or not at all.

MANIPULATION GAMES 101: What I call this is "Playing the Fish." It is a test to see how much you will put up with. He has you hooked but until he gets you on the boat he has to be careful not to break the line until he has you landed. he will just keep in contact enough to play his game.

This is the opposite of "Bait and Switch" where he is super responsive at first then comes off less responsive once a sort of accord or contact is made or changes pace once he gets what he wants.

My advice: Dismiss this one and Move Along!

In advocacy of the devil: I work chaotic hours and a lot of the work is very labor intensive. A lot of times I cannot answer the phone I carry immediately but that does not mean I will not return a call once I am in a position to do so. There have been times where I do not get a phone message until the day after (THANK YOU VERIZON!). Personally I hate texting and usually call back when I get a text message.
Also in the past I have had GFs that I affectionately call "Clinging Ivy Girls." They were the ones who called every hour and hung on me all the time not to mention the jealousy aimed at women who were just friends of mine. They cling on a man like Ivy clings to a wall! That is a huge put off to men.
I hope that you are not engaging in this behavior. If so then you are the bad person in this instance but again I am trying to be fair.
I am an Equal Opportunity Offender after all...
There are two sides to every argument.

Still, if he is calling you and when you call back he is not retuning your calls then something is wrong! If your inner senses are giving you a warning listen to them!

Remember: A little misery goes a long way! Don't let others make you miserable!!!!!! There are other men out there! Don't get stuck on a looser.

buttons's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:36 AM
i dont get why everyone is assuming that something negetive is going on.... trust until you know for sure that there isnt reason to trust.. overall in most cases men are just slower at getting attached than women..... and a lot of men will run if so much is expected right away...

freeonthree's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:37 AM
Well, just relax, and don't take anyone too seriously until you really get to know them. Communication is everything. If he's seriously interested in a relationship with you, and he has the means, he will contact you every day. If he's not staying in touch with you on a daily basis, then don't take him seriously.

buttons's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:40 AM

Well, just relax, and don't take anyone too seriously until you really get to know them. Communication is everything. If he's seriously interested in a relationship with you, and he has the means, he will contact you every day. If he's not staying in touch with you on a daily basis, then don't take him seriously.

freeonthree's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:44 AM
Edited by freeonthree on Sat 12/27/08 10:44 AM
Bottom line: If a man is serious about a relationship with a woman, he will make her crazy, showing up all the time, always calling, always wanting to be with her, and waiting 6 months before sleeping with her will not even phase him. That will be the guy you can count on.

buttons's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:48 AM
i know that in the past not all the text messages i sent went through or i havent gotten mine till the next day or vise versa... also i dont answer everyone but answer 2 or 3 of rhem in one message cause i hadnt gotten the time to text back or call back. didnt mean i didnt care etc..

hgraham88's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:58 AM

i dont get why everyone is assuming that something negetive is going on.... trust until you know for sure that there isnt reason to trust.. overall in most cases men are just slower at getting attached than women..... and a lot of men will run if so much is expected right away...

I don't like to assume so I'm trying not to assume something bad is going on. I'm not "attached" to this guy. I just don't want to get played that is all. I just wanted to know others opinions thats it. Like I said I'm not attached I don't care that he doesn't txt I just care that he is saying things like "we would be good together" but then can't keep up a convo. That is all NOT ATTACHED DO NOT CARE I JUST DON"T WANT TO GET PLAYED end of story!

buttons's photo
Sat 12/27/08 11:09 AM
Edited by buttons on Sat 12/27/08 11:10 AM
okay.... then why would u worry about getting played by him if you didnt care? cause if you didnt care then there would not be a chance at him playing you. perhaps you use different words than i do... attached, care , interested, curious, attracted to, spun,have the hots for, like.......

evian001's photo
Sat 12/27/08 11:12 AM
its called stringing you along..

hgraham88's photo
Sat 12/27/08 11:36 AM

okay.... then why would u worry about getting played by him if you didnt care? cause if you didnt care then there would not be a chance at him playing you. perhaps you use different words than i do... attached, care , interested, curious, attracted to, spun,have the hots for, like.......

I think he is cute and thats about it. This is my first time in the dating pool in about 3 years so its alittle scary

buttons's photo
Sat 12/27/08 11:40 AM

okay.... then why would u worry about getting played by him if you didnt care? cause if you didnt care then there would not be a chance at him playing you. perhaps you use different words than is do... attached, care , interested, curious, attracted to, spun,have the hots for, like.......

I think he is cute and thats about it. This is my first time in the dating pool in about 3 years so its alittle scary
i bet it still is when you are older too. ive shelled up a few times myself...i think men get better with age

justinc1431's photo
Sat 12/27/08 11:41 AM
Here's some advice, give up the texting. It's a complete waste of time trying to figure out what someone's feelings are when you can't even here them speak. Just texting over a cell isn't enough for anyone to go on. You need to "talk" on your phone... that is after all what is was originally designed for. Texting is way too impersonable, and if that's all your doing I wouldn't expect a serious relationship to from from it.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/27/08 12:57 PM
We can all analyze this situation until our eyes bleed out of our heads.

Some people don't like the phone and hate texting even more. As for stringing you along your defense was well I'm online it won't happen to me... Do you know how many guys are out there that have multiple girlfriends or a wife and kids at home and still are out playing the field? It's quite a sad world we live in. Here's a good fact for you, you aren't satisfying his needs every single night of the week, unless he's to squeeze his sausage himself there's a good chance he may be stringing you along. It's impossible for me to tell you if he or if he isn't. Every person is different. Some people can talk on the phone for days *I am one of these people* my best friend however ****ing hates the phone. He won't even talk to me on the phone. It's just the way people are. Deal with it or don't.

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