Topic: here is a little test
caamken's photo
Thu 12/25/08 03:45 PM
OC how ya been bro drinker drinker drinker

Jtree43's photo
Thu 12/25/08 03:45 PM

To each his/her own flowerforyou
amen to that...

OrangeCat's photo
Thu 12/25/08 03:46 PM
Edited by OrangeCat on Thu 12/25/08 03:46 PM

OC how ya been bro drinker drinker drinker

hey there caam,I have been good bro

and how about your self??drinker drinker

been a while

caamken's photo
Thu 12/25/08 03:49 PM
been doing good can't complain

just seen ya here wanted to say hello and Merry Christmas

didn't want to hijack your threaddrinker drinker

mesquitemade1's photo
Thu 12/25/08 03:49 PM
the proof is-----"we are ALL here"...given the chance to make our own decisions through HIS death, burial, and ressurection....and by US having free will, WE have the oppertunity to make choices--good or, throudh Jesus Christ...our Lord and Saviour, we are able to pick the reoad that we choose to follow and spread his word in the process !...its written in the Holy Bible !!...and there's the proof---written over 2000 years ago !

OrangeCat's photo
Thu 12/25/08 03:50 PM

been doing good can't complain

just seen ya here wanted to say hello and Merry Christmas

didn't want to hijack your threaddrinker drinker

good to hear,

glad ya stopped by

Merry Christmas to you also my friend

OrangeCat's photo
Thu 12/25/08 03:51 PM

the proof is-----"we are ALL here"...given the chance to make our own decisions through HIS death, burial, and ressurection....and by US having free will, WE have the oppertunity to make choices--good or, throudh Jesus Christ...our Lord and Saviour, we are able to pick the reoad that we choose to follow and spread his word in the process !...its written in the Holy Bible !!...and there's the proof---written over 2000 years ago !

the bible is no proof,so that does not make it a fact

justjerry31's photo
Thu 12/25/08 03:51 PM
back to ur proof that started this whole question, there is no proof.. unless u were alive in the garden of eden or with moses when he was talking to a burning bush... there simply is no proof whatsoever that God does exist that would prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. but that doesnt mean that he isnt real...

bad_girl's photo
Thu 12/25/08 03:52 PM
Amen to that

To each his/her own flowerforyou

justinc1431's photo
Thu 12/25/08 03:57 PM

the proof is-----"we are ALL here"...given the chance to make our own decisions through HIS death, burial, and ressurection....and by US having free will, WE have the oppertunity to make choices--good or, throudh Jesus Christ...our Lord and Saviour, we are able to pick the reoad that we choose to follow and spread his word in the process !...its written in the Holy Bible !!...and there's the proof---written over 2000 years ago !

The Bible doesn't make it truth, there are many other religions that have writing as old, or older than that of the Bible. So what's to say they aren't right?

OrangeCat's photo
Thu 12/25/08 03:59 PM

back to ur proof that started this whole question, there is no proof.. unless u were alive in the garden of eden or with moses when he was talking to a burning bush... there simply is no proof whatsoever that God does exist that would prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. but that doesnt mean that he isnt real...

then there is no fact which goes back to there is no god

justjerry31's photo
Thu 12/25/08 04:01 PM
i guess George Washington isnt real either then to ur way of thinking... the first president of the us didnt exist since no one can talk to him now...and no one alive now has ever talked to him before.. he never existed is what ur saying right

OrangeCat's photo
Thu 12/25/08 04:02 PM

i guess George Washington isnt real either then to ur way of thinking... the first president of the us didnt exist since no one can talk to him now...and no one alive now has ever talked to him before.. he never existed is what ur saying right

no he did exist there are facts proving that

justinc1431's photo
Thu 12/25/08 04:03 PM

i guess George Washington isnt real either then to ur way of thinking... the first president of the us didnt exist since no one can talk to him now...and no one alive now has ever talked to him before.. he never existed is what ur saying right

That's a bit of a stretch. Way to take his statement and run away with it.

justjerry31's photo
Thu 12/25/08 04:04 PM
prove it.. have u spoken with him?

AllenAqua's photo
Thu 12/25/08 04:04 PM

back to ur proof that started this whole question, there is no proof.. unless u were alive in the garden of eden or with moses when he was talking to a burning bush... there simply is no proof whatsoever that God does exist that would prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. but that doesnt mean that he isnt real...

then there is no fact which goes back to there is no god

No one can point to a fact that there is no God.

alonenotlonely's photo
Thu 12/25/08 04:04 PM
The only "proof" is:

"the substance of things hoped for - the evidence of things not seen"

which is "faith".

That is the proof.

I searched diligently as a young man, without guidance or church membership, or even success for many years. My lifestyle was such that one would never have thought that I would have so hungered.

It may be that you are not hungry or that you don't search diligently 'cause once you discover the truth, the Hound of Heaven will pursue you forever, and you'll be thankful.

Here in Arkansas we have a diamond mine where you're invited to search - only one of it's kind in the world: open to the public and you keep what you find. But you have to search.


justinc1431's photo
Thu 12/25/08 04:05 PM

prove it.. have u spoken with him?

We can go dig up his body. Would that suffice?

myssfytz's photo
Thu 12/25/08 04:06 PM

i guess George Washington isnt real either then to ur way of thinking... the first president of the us didnt exist since no one can talk to him now...and no one alive now has ever talked to him before.. he never existed is what ur saying right

That's a bit of a stretch. Way to take his statement and run away with it.

I agree with ya on this.

OrangeCat's photo
Thu 12/25/08 04:06 PM

back to ur proof that started this whole question, there is no proof.. unless u were alive in the garden of eden or with moses when he was talking to a burning bush... there simply is no proof whatsoever that God does exist that would prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. but that doesnt mean that he isnt real...

then there is no fact which goes back to there is no god

No one can point to a fact that there is no God.

no one can make it a fact

as just said we can actually dig his body up,so there is fact that he was real