Topic: Humans and Neanderthals not related in study | |
I would like to have a pet monkey. I wanted one so bad when I was a kid. ![]() |
Study: Humans, Neanderthals not related Source: Chicago Tribune Newspaper, 29 Mar 2000: BRITAIN: Modern humans are not descended from Neanderthals but coexisted with them about 40,000 years ago, scientists said Tuesday An analysis of DNA extracted from the ribs of a 29,000-year-old Neanderthal infant buried in a cave in southern Russia showed it was too distinct to be related to humans. "There Wasn't much, if any mixture, between Neanderthals and modern humans," said William Goodwin, of the University of Glasgow "Though they coexisted we can't find any evidence of genetic material being passed from Neanderthals to modern humans." The study reported in the science journal Nature, also supports the "Out of Africa" theory of modem human evolution-- that modern humans evolved from a common ancestor in Africa and spread across the world around 100,000 years ago. DNA comparisons also showed that different ethnic groups do not have any links to Neanderthals, Goodwin said. (End of article) *WBSG Comment: The significance of this story is in the fact that it comes through the secular press from the often times anti-God/anti-creationism scientific community. While every Christian knows that God created man just they way they are today: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." [Gen 1:27], many in the scientific community have been pushing the "evolution lie" on us for a long time. God says: "in the image of God", the scientific community said: "in the image of Apes and Amebas". I believe God. The Neanderthal "Man" is an extinct species of ape! Nothing more, nothing less. And while this article does remove one of the falsehoods about the so-called Evolution Theory, it still hasn't got it all the way right yet. For this article, after conceding that humans did not descend from the Neanderthal Man (Ape), they still hang on to the incorrect notion that the descendants of man go back over 100,000 years. But hey, they're coming around. It is difficult for men who consider themselves to be the "geniuses" of our time to admit that they have fallen for a deception that comes strait from satan's camp - the so-called Evolution Theory of man descending from Apes and even further back in time from single cell Amebas. Even worse than their own confusion, they have pushed the unsupportable lie on generations of school children who believed it because the "scientists" said it was so. You are hard pressed today to find a creditable scientist to go on the record supporting the Theory of Evolution. But hey, we Christians knew the truth long ago, we read it in our Bibles and we believed God over the predominantly Heathen scientific community Hmm? |
You are hard pressed today to find a creditable scientist to go on the record supporting the Theory of Evolution. But hey, we Christians knew the truth long ago, we read it in our Bibles and we believed God over the predominantly Heathen scientific community
Predominantly Heathen scientific community? I guess if it were up to the Christains we'd all still be using donkeys and carts, and dying from simple infections and diseases which are all the handicraft of the boogieman, err, I mean Satan. ![]() I guess Christians have no choice but to believe in demons since some of the so-called "miracles" that Jesus supposedly performed were to cast evil demons out of people who were possessed by them. So it goes with the religion. There's no getting around it. You can't believe in Jesus without also beliving in the boogieman. I wonder why most modern Christains today typically don't believe in "ghosts" and people being possessed by evil demons. Could it be that the Heathen Scientitic Community has pretty much explained it all away? This is an old thread, but I remember it well. In fact, I have since taken a very good course on the Human Genome. Not only was the Neaderthal a seperate speices of hominid, but so was Homo Erectus. So at one point there were actually 3 species that were using tools and had at least some level of verbal language. We murdered the other ones off by the way. It's amazing how scientists were actually able to show that. Those heathen scientists are pretty darn clever. ![]() |
Study: Humans, Neanderthals not related Source: Chicago Tribune Newspaper, 29 Mar 2000: BRITAIN: Modern humans are not descended from Neanderthals but coexisted with them about 40,000 years ago, scientists said Tuesday An analysis of DNA extracted from the ribs of a 29,000-year-old Neanderthal infant buried in a cave in southern Russia showed it was too distinct to be related to humans. "There Wasn't much, if any mixture, between Neanderthals and modern humans," said William Goodwin, of the University of Glasgow "Though they coexisted we can't find any evidence of genetic material being passed from Neanderthals to modern humans." The study reported in the science journal Nature, also supports the "Out of Africa" theory of modem human evolution-- that modern humans evolved from a common ancestor in Africa and spread across the world around 100,000 years ago. DNA comparisons also showed that different ethnic groups do not have any links to Neanderthals, Goodwin said. (End of article) *WBSG Comment: The significance of this story is in the fact that it comes through the secular press from the often times anti-God/anti-creationism scientific community. While every Christian knows that God created man just they way they are today: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." [Gen 1:27], many in the scientific community have been pushing the "evolution lie" on us for a long time. God says: "in the image of God", the scientific community said: "in the image of Apes and Amebas". I believe God. The Neanderthal "Man" is an extinct species of ape! Nothing more, nothing less. And while this article does remove one of the falsehoods about the so-called Evolution Theory, it still hasn't got it all the way right yet. For this article, after conceding that humans did not descend from the Neanderthal Man (Ape), they still hang on to the incorrect notion that the descendants of man go back over 100,000 years. But hey, they're coming around. It is difficult for men who consider themselves to be the "geniuses" of our time to admit that they have fallen for a deception that comes strait from satan's camp - the so-called Evolution Theory of man descending from Apes and even further back in time from single cell Amebas. Even worse than their own confusion, they have pushed the unsupportable lie on generations of school children who believed it because the "scientists" said it was so. You are hard pressed today to find a creditable scientist to go on the record supporting the Theory of Evolution. But hey, we Christians knew the truth long ago, we read it in our Bibles and we believed God over the predominantly Heathen scientific community Hmm? You resurrect the dead and then say - Hmm? If you really wanted a discussion why didn't you begin with something new? Perhaps something more to the point of your particular interest in this thread? |
Edited by
Fri 06/18/10 08:45 AM
You are hard pressed today to find a creditable scientist to go on the record supporting the Theory of Evolution. But hey, we Christians knew the truth long ago, we read it in our Bibles and we believed God over the predominantly Heathen scientific community
Predominantly Heathen scientific community? I guess if it were up to the Christains we'd all still be using donkeys and carts, and dying from simple infections and diseases which are all the handicraft of the boogieman, err, I mean Satan. ![]() I guess Christians have no choice but to believe in demons since some of the so-called "miracles" that Jesus supposedly performed were to cast evil demons out of people who were possessed by them. So it goes with the religion. There's no getting around it. You can't believe in Jesus without also beliving in the boogieman. I wonder why most modern Christains today typically don't believe in "ghosts" and people being possessed by evil demons. Could it be that the Heathen Scientitic Community has pretty much explained it all away? This is an old thread, but I remember it well. In fact, I have since taken a very good course on the Human Genome. Not only was the Neaderthal a seperate speices of hominid, but so was Homo Erectus. So at one point there were actually 3 species that were using tools and had at least some level of verbal language. We murdered the other ones off by the way. It's amazing how scientists were actually able to show that. Those heathen scientists are pretty darn clever. ![]() You make a good point for the Law. Nostradomus who so many all they want to think about are the so called prophecies he wrote down yet forget he was a physician 1st. The Plague that hammered Europe the Drs. Sectarians of the days including the chr-stianity of the day was running from trhe plague as he ran to it. See he was a convert of chr-stianity. He had Jewish Blood and a Jewish upbringing. So what does this have to do with your comment Abra? Alot. He used the cleanliness laws of the Torah/law to get the plague under control. He had bodies burned. and taken outside the city. He helped with sanitaion issues as many citys it just flowed down the open sewers inviting disease and plagues. Both humanists and the chr-stians though slammed him. He did things from the law so both did not like him yet he risked his life for others as the towns Drs. fled. So really in that sence i see Humanists/ chr-stianity really the same all in one who just likes to argue and throw out anyone who disagrees with them.. True? Shalom....Miles |
Nostradomus who so many all they want to think about are the so called prophecies he wrote down yet forget he was a physician 1st. The Plague that hammered Europe the Drs. Sectarians of the days including the chr-stianity of the day was running from trhe plague as he ran to it. See he was a convert of chr-stianity. He had Jewish Blood and a Jewish upbringing. So what does this have to do with your comment Abra? Alot. He used the cleanliness laws of the Torah/law to get the plague under control. He had bodies burned. and taken outside the city. He helped with sanitaion issues as many citys it just flowed down the open sewers inviting disease and plagues. Both humanists and the chr-stians though slammed him. He did things from the law so both did not like him yet he risked his life for others as the towns Drs. fled. So really in that sence i see Humanists/ chr-stianity really the same all in one who just likes to argue and throw out anyone who disagrees with them.. True? Shalom....Miles Why do you leave out the "i" when writing Christ or Christian or Christianity? Are you trying to be offensive? |
Edited by
Tue 06/22/10 11:31 AM
Nostradomus who so many all they want to think about are the so called prophecies he wrote down yet forget he was a physician 1st. The Plague that hammered Europe the Drs. Sectarians of the days including the chr-stianity of the day was running from trhe plague as he ran to it. See he was a convert of chr-stianity. He had Jewish Blood and a Jewish upbringing. So what does this have to do with your comment Abra? Alot. He used the cleanliness laws of the Torah/law to get the plague under control. He had bodies burned. and taken outside the city. He helped with sanitaion issues as many citys it just flowed down the open sewers inviting disease and plagues. Both humanists and the chr-stians though slammed him. He did things from the law so both did not like him yet he risked his life for others as the towns Drs. fled. So really in that sence i see Humanists/ chr-stianity really the same all in one who just likes to argue and throw out anyone who disagrees with them.. True? Shalom....Miles Why do you leave out the "i" when writing Christ or Christian or Christianity? Are you trying to be offensive? No it is by choice. I do the same with g-d. The word chr-stian ios said when they were 1st called that by the pagans and thats what we have today. The apostles never called themselves that. It was more of a ridicule than anything. Most of what you see is from a pagan Constantinople at the coucil of Nicea 325ad who put the scriptures together as he saw fit and the greek influence and the pagan influence he wanted to combine to control the people into a new state religion. chr-st is greek and pagan. It is who people worship today and i trey my best not to have any part of it. Many forfathers direct mentors down from the Apostles had to flee for thier lives when they complained about many things from this council. Now many to this day who the word was actually passed down through are called Heretics and thier names used bywords of cults and wrong teachings. like Arius.. Arianism is what he is claimed to have fathered yet no proof of this exists at all. What he did preach was against this new religion called chr-stianity though..Blessings...Miles |
No it is by choice. I do the same with g-d. The word chr-stian ios said when they were 1st called that by the pagans and thats what we have today. The apostles never called themselves that. It was more of a ridicule than anything. Most of what you see is from a pagan Constantinople at the coucil of Nicea 325ad who put the scriptures together as he saw fit and the greek influence and the pagan influence he wanted to combine to control the people into a new state religion. chr-st is greek and pagan. It is who people worship today and i trey my best not to have any part of it. Many forfathers direct mentors down from the Apostles had to flee for thier lives when they complained about many things from this council. Now many to this day who the word was actually passed down through are called Heretics and thier names used bywords of cults and wrong teachings. like Arius.. Arianism is what he is claimed to have fathered yet no proof of this exists at all. What he did preach was against this new religion called chr-stianity though..Blessings...Miles Yeah, I know. You're preaching to the choir. I'm more of a gnostic myself. Also, at the Nicean Council, any gospel that did not jibe with the Roman view of the world was not allowed into the new bible. So Thomas' gospel and Mary's gospel, among many others, were left out. These were actual witnesses to events, as opposed to the gospels that were allowed into the bible. The Coptics to this day practice a sort of Christianity closer to what Joshua bel Miriam (not Jesus Christ, since Christ is not a surname) preached during the Roman days. And, of course, none of the gospels that are in the bible were written by the apostles, as so many people think. They were written by people who had never known Jesus except through the stories they heard, so not first-hand information, just hearsay codified. Glad to know you weren't trampling on someone's sacred ground. |
This is more up to date. We are related to Neanderthals....which was something I already knew when I was married. |
|,8599,1987568,00.html This is more up to date. We are related to Neanderthals....which was something I already knew when I was married. According to that article, Neanderthal DNA survives in the human population. If that is so, then Neanderthal was not a separate specie but simply a race of human (using popular definition of race) that was absorbed by the larger population, like the American Indian is now in the process of being absorbed. The product of a horse and donkey is a mule. Mules are unable to project that combined DNA into the gene pool of either specie. If Neanderthal was a different specie, then his DNA would have died out with the hybrids and not be present in the human gene pool. |
Well, that's what I said.