Topic: where are all the decent men at
PunkKiD's photo
Fri 12/19/08 03:33 AM
Hell im decent :wink:

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:20 AM

ooppppppppppps!!! forgive me!!! Im canadian!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

diamonddog722's photo
Fri 12/19/08 06:11 AM
Sometimes we look for a long time.By the time we search through all the wanna be's we may find the perfect person only to be disapointed.
Sometimes we have to look inside our selves to really see what were looking for in the person we seek. Self-projection of how we are seen by others will reflect on the perfect person for us.
Sometimes we have to look past the outter being to see what is in the heart.
I found the perfect woman for myself altho she doesn't know it yet. She isn't a flashy dresser as I am not. She isn't the most beautiful woman in the world. She radiates that personal inner being that we all are searching for. The honesty we all want and need. Too many people look at the outside of the perfect person and ignor what is inside of the heart.

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 06:20 AM

Mr_Music's photo
Fri 12/19/08 07:54 AM

Welcome to Mingle Angel flowerforyou

Hope you and all of us here find someone *decent* & compatible.

The forums here are a great way to get to know someone before perusing, plus it's fun. My biggest trouble on this site is finding someone in my area. I've met a lot of great people here though. drinker

Dang it! I always have to look twice at his posts, thinking I wrote them! laugh

I chose this color two years ago because nobody else used it. Now it's confusing. laugh

caniction's photo
Fri 12/19/08 01:04 PM
why is everybody asking that same "?", male or female. I'm sure there are a bunch of decent men here.frustrated

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 01:16 PM

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 12/19/08 01:20 PM

I am still looking for chat with some decent men around here that will be there for me and respect me and want to get to know me and have a serious relationship

If you join in the forums you can get to meet people/decent men that way.

Sexyklp4U's photo
Fri 12/19/08 02:16 PM

I am still looking for chat with some decent men around here that will be there for me and respect me and want to get to know me and have a serious relationship

If you join in the forums you can get to meet people/decent men that way.

decent men? what is that?noway laugh laugh

and where are they?spock

FindMe1113's photo
Fri 12/19/08 02:21 PM
Welcome to Mingle2...Good Luckwaving

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Sat 12/20/08 04:27 AM
Edited by HawaiiMusikMan on Sat 12/20/08 04:29 AM

Welcome to Mingle Angel flowerforyou

Hope you and all of us here find someone *decent* & compatible.

The forums here are a great way to get to know someone before perusing, plus it's fun. My biggest trouble on this site is finding someone in my area. I've met a lot of great people here though. drinker

Dang it! I always have to look twice at his posts, thinking I wrote them! laugh

I chose this color two years ago because nobody else used it. Now it's confusing. laugh

Sorry man LOL! Didn't realize it was taken. I just liked the color, but since you've had it for two years already, I'll change mine

hmmmmmm......... how about navy blue. Anyone using it?

Mr_Music's photo
Sat 12/20/08 05:48 AM
rofl Noooo! Nobody owns a color! :laughing: Lots of folks have the same color. It's just a little confusing now, since I'm not used to it. I always knew which posts were mine. :laughing:

hopefulhoffman's photo
Sat 12/20/08 06:03 AM
to find a good man you have to know how to talk with them.for starters,dont mention relationship.because thats a red flag to a real nice guy.he sees that and thinks great someone else who want to take me for granted.just say your looking to meet good men who know how to be friends with a woman,and respect her with out it being a relationship hopfeful.and if something comes up from that then we will a good man and i just started what i hope will be a great relationship with some one from here.but she got my attention by just looking for a friend.good luck hope this helps a friend to all george

hopefulhoffman's photo
Sat 12/20/08 06:08 AM
decent men are all over,if we stop holding on to what the bad men and woman have done to us.and stop living in the shadow of that nightmare would see that there are decent people all around you.but because we hold on to the negetive things.thinking we are protecting ourselves from pain.then we put up walls that blind us from seeing a good thing when its right in front of us.i know im a decent guy who has had to live in the shadow of other assholes lives for to many years.and it has caused me alot of greif.and if you want to have conformation that im a decent guy ask laughsandgiggles she can confirm it.

justinc1431's photo
Sat 12/20/08 06:08 AM
I'm not sure where the rest of them are, but I'm over in Muskegon. Nice as can be. A bit of a haul from Hastings, but it would be worth it for the right woman.

no photo
Mon 12/22/08 05:20 AM
hey im near lansing , want to go to church sometime?

ash_shooter6's photo
Mon 12/22/08 10:19 AM
I know I'm not in Michigan (I am at least a good few thousand miles away), but I would go out with you.

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 12/22/08 10:25 AM
Plenty of us out there!!

no photo
Mon 12/22/08 10:51 AM

Goofball73's photo
Mon 12/22/08 10:53 AM

I am still looking for chat with some decent men around here that will be there for me and respect me and want to get to know me and have a serious relationship

Let's talk physics.laugh laugh