Topic: Its the First Day of WINTER today.....
purplecat's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:09 PM
Happy Winter Solstice to YOU

I'm baring my teeth as I type this ....indifferent
(theres over 3 feet of snow in my yard I cant get out and my pipes are frozen sooooo I'm trying to make the best of this scary start to a new season)
one good thing though , today is the shortest day of the year
the daylight hours will increase from this day forward


buttons's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:20 PM
:banana: :banana: one more day closer to summer is how i see it lollaugh laugh only 8 in of snow here and 1 in of ice atop that... but more to come ive not been outta my house for 9 days now and at least 3 more to follow if not more... ugggg but hey its 28 todaylaugh laugh

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:27 PM
I'm not enjoying my first day of winter. So far I've snow blowed my driveway 3 times. That's like all iv'e done today aside join this site haha.

purplecat's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:33 PM
I gotta outta here one day last week an one day this week been snowed in , an its STILL snowing
it doesnt usually snow much if at all here on the island its a huge mess

gonna make some cookies an melt snow on the stove to do the dishes , I wonder if I could fit in the sink for a bath , dang I wish I still had one of those little baby bath tubs laugh ohwell

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:36 PM
haha! fit in the sink xD

"honey, wat the hell are you doing naked in our kitchen sink?"

"Just washing the dishes...and myself"

lmao excuse my randomness im mildly hyper xD

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:37 PM
Happy Winter Solstice! drinker

We had a big snowstorm here in CT Friday and yesterday, and we're having another smaller one today......

......a LOT of shoveling, cleaning off the car, and keeping an eye on my water pipes (I live in an old house trailer)

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:38 PM
oh so that's why it's cold outside today...

Mysticwriter612's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:41 PM
Sounds like everyone is getting hit by this storm wow. It's been going since friday non-stop for me.

imsingle951's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:49 PM
Its shorts and t shirt weather here in so. cali. Im loving itdrinker drinker

michiganman3's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:55 PM
More snow and cold here in Michigan too.
With the first day of Winter, comes the last day of Winter, Spring and Summer are on the way.

Burn that Yule log and break the back of Winter.
Days start getting longer, WootWoot.

purplecat's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:56 PM
I live in THE GREAT WHITE NORTH!!sad laugh noway ohwell it doesnt seem so great these days noway laugh ohwell