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Topic: The Beardy-House - part 11
plk1966's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:20 PM
HI Woody smooched flowerforyou

A64WOODY's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:20 PM
thanks for reminding me of my horrible exercize regime!!! Yes i did.grumble

no photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:23 PM
shoveling snow and cutting wood, what a lovely combo tongue2

A64WOODY's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:23 PM


We got about 5 inches over night and it is STILL snowing!!! I only did about 2 days of wood. Snow and the cold s&cks!!

A64WOODY's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:24 PM

shoveling snow and cutting wood, what a lovely combo tongue2
nice bonfire weather, though!!!

Holly4459's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:24 PM
Hey beardies and bll's!!!flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:25 PM
still snowing here too, and xmas eve doesnt look too good for driving noway

alicat4213's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:26 PM
No more snow here Just a lot of ice

no photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:26 PM
Yes it does SUCK grumble Im already ready for Spring already!laugh

Hi Holly!happy

A64WOODY's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:26 PM

how you gals doing?

no photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:27 PM
heya holly

Holly4459's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:27 PM
Hi Woody!:heart: smooched

Hi Rare!love
Hi Aliflowerforyou
Hi Dee!flowerforyou
Hi Patti!flowerforyou

A64WOODY's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:27 PM
The bad part is that january is usually the worst month for cold and it ain't even here yet!!

alicat4213's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:28 PM
Hiya Woody!smooched

I'm alright freaking cold tho... How about you love?

alicat4213's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:28 PM
Hi Holly!!

plk1966's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:28 PM
we got 10 inches of snow the other day but none since.....but mad it is colder than Antartica right now here in the Poconos

no photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:29 PM
a cold snap followed by snow for here

A64WOODY's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:30 PM

we got 10 inches of snow the other day but none since.....but mad it is colder than Antartica right now here in the Poconos
well a BIG bonfire sounds like just the thing!!!!! Or maybe a trip to warm beaches and hottie BLL's!!

Holly4459's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:30 PM
Edited by Holly4459 on Tue 12/23/08 01:30 PM

a cold snap followed by snow for here

Rare ,your dualies should keep you warm!!!happy

alicat4213's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:31 PM
Can we go to the beach please!!!!!!!!

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