Topic: Fresh pot-o-coffee | |
Everyone's invited to my house for coffee, conversaton, and hurry the
suns making its way up..... |
I heard coffee... did I hear coffee? I think I heard coffee... coffee please.. |
I have some too, but I'll wait until the chocolate cake is out of the
oven and I can bring it with me. |
Oh, yes please!
yes m'am you sure did.. Good morning Styx
mmmm chocolate cake
*looks for the drooling icon* |
mornin' invisible and Barbie
thanks babe........cofffee black,no sugar!!!!please!!!
Morning, are you getting an application error. Rails something
hiya stacey & sage
help yourselves.. mi casa su casa yes sage its frustrating to have to keep refresing the screen.. hope JSH gets this glitch fixed soon |
Mornin' greeneyedhippiechic...
duh is there a shorter version to say your name? lol Andrea... I heard chocolate cake? I am game... |
good morning green..i'll be there shortly...needs some coffee..
mornin all... |
Cake will be up in about ten minutes Styx, but don't burn your tongue,
it would be a pity |
Was sick yesterday, hungry as the devil today, planning baco/eggs/1
pancake, whole pot of coffee. Then catch up all the work I missed yesterday |
can't wait to have some cake... awwww...I am a CHOCOHOLIC thank you so much Andrea... that made my day |
Good morning alll
any coffee left? I'm in a distructive mode...time to get rid of the phone company and PEOPLE PC....they suck...been trying to log on since 6 this morning yea, I'm fit to be tied!!!! somebody stop me! |
the short version of my nick is just call me Shelly
Cool nice to meet you Shelly...
I'm Stef thanks for the coffee though I really needed one... |
morning sweet & poison
************************************** Hope the roosters next door aren't bothering anyone they do crow till that sun gets all the way up. |
Mmmm, fresh coffee. Making some. Good idea.