Topic: God is like ..... | |
God is like: Television commercials A fifth grade teacher in a Christian school asked her class to look at TV commercials and see if they could use them in some way to communicate ideas about God. Here are some of the results: scroll down. God is like. BAYER ASPIRIN He works miracles. God is like. a FORD He's got a better idea. God is like. COKE He's the real thing. God is like. HALLMARK CARDS He cares enough to send His very best. God is like. TIDE He gets the stains out that others leave behind. God is like. GENERAL ELECTRIC He brings good things to life. God is like. SEARS He has everything. God is like. ALKA-SELTZER Try Him, you'll like Him God is like. SCOTCH TAPE You can't see Him, but you know He's there. God is like. DELTA He's ready when you are. God is like. ALLSTATE You're in good hands with Him.! God is like. VO-5 Hair Spray He holds through all kinds of weather. God is like. DIAL SOAP Aren't you glad you have Him? Don't you wish everybody did? God is like. the U.S. POST OFFICE Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet nor ice will keep Him from His appointed destination. God is like. Chevrolet. . . .the heart beat of America God is like Maxwell house. . . Good to the very last drop God is like. B ou nt y. . . . He is the quicker picker upper. . can handle the tough jobs. . .and He won't fall apart on you BLESSINGS FROM MY HOUSE TO YOUR HOUSE |
i like that toyota...good work
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Thats nice...
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(((((((((((( TG ))))))))))))))))))))
Beautiful,,, Hugs & Kisses to you & ((G))) ![]() |
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Aww that was a great assignment!!! I'll have to re-post it one of these
days. |
Ain't it amazing how you can find him in all things..
If only you look. |
God is all things
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My opinion. I don't think this is cute or funny. I thing it is the
sincerest form of brainwashing. Someone has been smart enough or maybe manipulitive enough to determine, what is it that kids will see every single day, that is present enough and big enough to remind they every day that they believe in God - Oh, I know, let's use tv commercials. So they sit a fifth grader down, make them watch tv commercials, the great American marketing tool designed to sell products via sexual inuendo, and tell them they will be graded on finding ways of relating God to commercials. This is sick people!!!!! As if its not already bad enough that kids believe, by this age in hell and that they MUST be good or else. Now make them relate God to Sex Guided marketing devices, that they will see virtually all their lives. Oh, this scares me, can't even imagine the psycholanalysis that might be needed if this kind of education continues. REMEMBER - just my opinion! |
You have a valid point.
There is another side to the coin. Perhaps that teacher was attempting to give the child another way of looking at comercials. So that instead of seeing all the sex,drugs, greed... they would instead see a better message every time they looked at a comercial. |
AB - You are much too kind, if a teacher believed this way, and their
purpose was as you said, then the teacher too, is a product of brainwashing and can no longer see the reality of the world. A child needs to be shown the truth about the world, the reality that child will have to live in and get along with for the rest of thier lives. If a teacher is misquided enough to think the way you have been kind enough to guess, than he/she needs to be reading fairy tales to kindergardeners, not forming the minds of fifth graders. I just had the strangest flash go through my head. One of these kids is going for a degree in marketing. In a large theatre class commercials are being shown and this young adult is suddenly, unexpectedly asked to explain why this add would sell the product in it. This person faulters a moment and then comes out with, because it can be related to God and Adam and Eve, um in the garden of Eden, um you know perfect naked creations". Come on, in the right context you gotta admit that's funny, but in the wrong context, in the real world that would be a sad, sad thing. |
walks in looks around
leaves b4 gets in trouble |
Actually red if more people thought this way the world might settle down
a bit and people, together could find solutions to the problems facing us as a planet. Would be much greater to be part of the solution than part of the problem. If by my voice I make no difference in my time but do make a difference in the time of my decendants then my life will have been worth gods trust. Even if I suffer in this time for my beliefs. Perhaps my decendants will then be proud to call on me when they name their ancestors. |
I need to disagree with redykeulous with all the due respect to her.
I agree in the sense commercials are selling more sex than products, however, the intention of the teacher is to make see the children that God is omnipresent (He is everywhere and any time). I may change the way the teacher is using , but the final intention is valid. Just my opinion, and once again with all my due respect to you. |
Brain washing children? Wow, not a unique concept. We do that since
birth to them. We brain wash them into thinking the way we do, doing things the way "we" do, and becoming "us" the end. So, isn't that in itself "brainwashing"? |